Virtua Fighter dot com
Virtua Fighter Dot Com
Update #6: All videos from these tournaments are available now!
The first weekend of December starts off with the 1st of 5 Pre-Kakutou Shinseiki(Pre-KS) tournaments! This will be in Nagoya, December 3rd, 1 pm Japan time (guests at this event will be Bun Bun Maru and Chibita). The 2nd Pre-KS, will be in Fukuoka, December 4th, 1pm Japan time (guests at this event will be Bun Bun Maru and Tomarion). These events will be streamed by VF TV Live. The winners of these two events will qualify for the Kakutou Shinseiki VI event in March 2012!
Pre-KS in Nagoya - Archived Tournament Video / Archived Kumite Video
Pre-KS in Fukuoka - Archived Tournament Video / Archived Kumite Video
In between the two Pre-KS events, there is the bi-weekly Railway Series 3on3 Team Tournament 1st Stage-03 on December 3rd, 6pm Japan Time. The Railway Series is part of the point ranking battles within the VFR season.
Railway Series Stage 1-03 - Part 1 / Part 2 Archived Tournament Videos
The first weekend of December starts off with the 1st of 5 Pre-Kakutou Shinseiki(Pre-KS) tournaments! This will be in Nagoya, December 3rd, 1 pm Japan time (guests at this event will be Bun Bun Maru and Chibita). The 2nd Pre-KS, will be in Fukuoka, December 4th, 1pm Japan time (guests at this event will be Bun Bun Maru and Tomarion). These events will be streamed by VF TV Live. The winners of these two events will qualify for the Kakutou Shinseiki VI event in March 2012!
Pre-KS in Nagoya - Archived Tournament Video / Archived Kumite Video
Pre-KS in Fukuoka - Archived Tournament Video / Archived Kumite Video
In between the two Pre-KS events, there is the bi-weekly Railway Series 3on3 Team Tournament 1st Stage-03 on December 3rd, 6pm Japan Time. The Railway Series is part of the point ranking battles within the VFR season.
Railway Series Stage 1-03 - Part 1 / Part 2 Archived Tournament Videos
There will be two Bay Area Cup tournaments this coming Sunday, November 25th:
1) Tokyo Bay Area Cup, Volume 8 - 3 on 3 Team Battle, actual tournament starts ~ 1:00 PM Japan Time. Archived Tournament - Part 1/Part 2/Part 3. Extras - pre-tournament matches/post-tournament matches
2) Kansai Bay Area Cup, Volume 1 - 2 on 2 Team Battle, actual tournament starts ~ 3:00 PM Japan Time. This tournament will be streamed on Ustream.
For more information/summary of the 13th Season of VFR - Topic Link
Update: Both the Tokyo and Kansai Bay Area Cups have ended! The Tokyo Bay Area Cup, Vol. 8 is archived, while the Kansai Bay Area Cup, Vol. 1 is currently unavailable. Links and additional information are provided in this topic and in the 13th Season of VFR Topic Link above.
1) Tokyo Bay Area Cup, Volume 8 - 3 on 3 Team Battle, actual tournament starts ~ 1:00 PM Japan Time. Archived Tournament - Part 1/Part 2/Part 3. Extras - pre-tournament matches/post-tournament matches
2) Kansai Bay Area Cup, Volume 1 - 2 on 2 Team Battle, actual tournament starts ~ 3:00 PM Japan Time. This tournament will be streamed on Ustream.
For more information/summary of the 13th Season of VFR - Topic Link
Update: Both the Tokyo and Kansai Bay Area Cups have ended! The Tokyo Bay Area Cup, Vol. 8 is archived, while the Kansai Bay Area Cup, Vol. 1 is currently unavailable. Links and additional information are provided in this topic and in the 13th Season of VFR Topic Link above.
Revision 1 is officially out today! In addition to the various minor system changes made, the new revision also brings new items and colors for existing items.
The sixth tournament of Battle Audition 4th Season will be in Hokkaido - November 20th, 2:30 pm Japan Time. The event will most likely be streamed in the VF Battle Channel on Ustream.
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="560" height="345" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549"><param name="flashvars" value="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=18634417&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="" /><embed flashvars="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=18634417&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" width="560" height="345" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="560" height="345" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549"><param name="flashvars" value="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=18634417&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="" /><embed flashvars="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=18634417&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" width="560" height="345" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>
Starting on November 8th, Version A Revision 1 of Final Showdown will be on test at Ikebukero GIGO, Club Sega Akihabara, and Club Sega Nishi-Shinjuku until the official release of the game.
Changes to the game system
The advantages on throw escape after the following throws have been made consistent. The frames shown below are before/after the update.
Right side throw -3/+2
63214P+G -3/-6
Back to full wall, 66P+G -3/-6
Back to half wall, 66P+G -3/-6
Left side throw -3/+2
Right side throw -3/+2
Left side throw 64 or 46P+G -3/+2
Right side throw 64 or 46P+G -3/+2
3P+G -3/-6
P+G -3/-6
Left side throw -6/+2
* Side tech roll bonus has been removed. This was a technique where the opponent could not block your attack during specific situations.
About Items
No new items will be added during the location test, but they will be added once the game is officially in operation.
Update: According to Kamaage at the VF Dojo, not only have items been added, but new costumes as well!
Changes to the game system
The advantages on throw escape after the following throws have been made consistent. The frames shown below are before/after the update.
Right side throw -3/+2
63214P+G -3/-6
Back to full wall, 66P+G -3/-6
Back to half wall, 66P+G -3/-6
Left side throw -3/+2
Right side throw -3/+2
Left side throw 64 or 46P+G -3/+2
Right side throw 64 or 46P+G -3/+2
3P+G -3/-6
P+G -3/-6
Left side throw -6/+2
* Side tech roll bonus has been removed. This was a technique where the opponent could not block your attack during specific situations.
About Items
No new items will be added during the location test, but they will be added once the game is officially in operation.
Update: According to Kamaage at the VF Dojo, not only have items been added, but new costumes as well!
The 12th VFR season, culminating to the 12th Beat Tribe Cup, ended in October and the 13th season begins in November. The next major tournament series will be Sega's Kakutou Shinseiki. For the next 5 months, Sega will be hosting a series of events leading to the the 6th Kakutou Shinseiki tournament finals (March 2012). The players that will be participating in the finals will be: 1) the star players from the 4th Season of Battle Audition (first tournament in July 2011 and last tournament in February 2012); 2) the winners of the 5 regional pre-Kakutou Shinseiki tournaments (in December 2011); and 3) the winners from the preliminary qualifiers (by prefectures) beginning in January 2012.
November 6, 2011 Update - Battle Audition in the Miyagi prefecture on November 6, 2011 ended. Below is the Ustream archived video. Post in this topic is a rough outline of the event with time listed. The winner received the title <span style="font-size: 20pt">心身一如 - shinshin ichinyo "mind and body as one."</span>
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="560" height="345" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549"><param name="flashvars" value="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=18343265&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="" /><embed flashvars="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=18343265&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" width="560" height="345" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>
Next Event - Battle Audition in Hokkaido on November 20, 2011 at 2:30 pm Japan time.
November 6, 2011 Update - Battle Audition in the Miyagi prefecture on November 6, 2011 ended. Below is the Ustream archived video. Post in this topic is a rough outline of the event with time listed. The winner received the title <span style="font-size: 20pt">心身一如 - shinshin ichinyo "mind and body as one."</span>
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="560" height="345" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549"><param name="flashvars" value="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=18343265&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="" /><embed flashvars="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=18343265&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" width="560" height="345" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>
Next Event - Battle Audition in Hokkaido on November 20, 2011 at 2:30 pm Japan time.
Did you know there have been references to Virtua Fighter in the X-Files TV Series? How about the recent Anime series Ben-To? Know of any others? Well if so, then head over to the Virtua Fighter References in Pop Culture thread to discover these, and more!
Originally posted by Seidon in the Tournament/Events Forum:
Get Hype! On the 24th and 25th of March, Versus Scotland will be bringing Scotland its very own national fighters tournament – Hypespotting 2012.
We will host five tournaments over the two day event. With a cash pot and exclusive prizes donated from Capcom and Rising Star to name a few, plus the title of ‘Scottish Champion’ on the line, it’s all to play for. The official line up is SSF4:AE, Ultimate Marvel Versus Capcom 3 and King of Fighters XIII, with another two games to be decided by a community vote! - Seidon
Seidon is planning to have some VF5 set ups for casual games during the Hypespotting event; however, he is also campaigning for VF to be featured as one of the main tournaments. If you have a love for VF, want to show your community spirit, or just want to visit Glasgow, Scotland please contact Seidon to show your interest and for more details.
Seidon's Post in Tournament/Event Forum
Hypespotting Website
Poster designed by MonkeyPunch (MP)
November 11, 2011 - Update: voting poll Originally Posted by Seidon - "Come vote VF5, even if you can't attend. The game gets some exposure, a guaranteed cash prize and there will be a stream for others to watch!
The way the vote works is each week the game with the least votes gets chopped and the vote goes live again."
Get Hype! On the 24th and 25th of March, Versus Scotland will be bringing Scotland its very own national fighters tournament – Hypespotting 2012.
We will host five tournaments over the two day event. With a cash pot and exclusive prizes donated from Capcom and Rising Star to name a few, plus the title of ‘Scottish Champion’ on the line, it’s all to play for. The official line up is SSF4:AE, Ultimate Marvel Versus Capcom 3 and King of Fighters XIII, with another two games to be decided by a community vote! - Seidon
Seidon is planning to have some VF5 set ups for casual games during the Hypespotting event; however, he is also campaigning for VF to be featured as one of the main tournaments. If you have a love for VF, want to show your community spirit, or just want to visit Glasgow, Scotland please contact Seidon to show your interest and for more details.
Seidon's Post in Tournament/Event Forum
Hypespotting Website
Poster designed by MonkeyPunch (MP)
November 11, 2011 - Update: voting poll Originally Posted by Seidon - "Come vote VF5, even if you can't attend. The game gets some exposure, a guaranteed cash prize and there will be a stream for others to watch!
The way the vote works is each week the game with the least votes gets chopped and the vote goes live again."
The latest issue of One More Round is out for your reading pleasure!
In this issue you'll find:
Monthly Roundup - a brief summary of news, tournaments and events you may have missed!
Editorial - some exciting news from Rodnutz!
Chief Flash: My Story - a bio on Chief Flash and the GIANT M'Fing SWING!
Ambition to be the Best - Seidon's ambition!
Virtuascopes - a light hearted look at VF horoscopes
Last Remark - some final words from Denkai... is it too late?
I'm sure you'll all agree that it just keeps getting better with each issue! Please show your appreciation to Rodnutz, and all the contributors!
In this issue you'll find:
Monthly Roundup - a brief summary of news, tournaments and events you may have missed!
Editorial - some exciting news from Rodnutz!
Chief Flash: My Story - a bio on Chief Flash and the GIANT M'Fing SWING!
Ambition to be the Best - Seidon's ambition!
Virtuascopes - a light hearted look at VF horoscopes
Last Remark - some final words from Denkai... is it too late?
I'm sure you'll all agree that it just keeps getting better with each issue! Please show your appreciation to Rodnutz, and all the contributors!
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