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A 3on3 team point ranking battle in the 13th season of VFR. The tournament starts on January 14th at 6 PM JST. This event is expected to be streamed on the VFRTV channel.
For past tournament summaries and other information, please check the Virtua Fighter Relationship 2011-2012 Season thread.
Update: Stream has ended and links to archive of the event is available below
Railway Series Stage 1-05 Part 1 / Part 2
For past tournament summaries and other information, please check the Virtua Fighter Relationship 2011-2012 Season thread.
Update: Stream has ended and links to archive of the event is available below
Railway Series Stage 1-05 Part 1 / Part 2
The last regular Battle Audition 4th Season tournament will be in the Akihabara area of Tokyo. The previous Battle Audition tournament in Tokyo was at the Ikebukuro district. Winner of this single elimination tournament will compete against both the current Star Players and other Battle Audition 4th Season tournament winners (Star Player Cadets) in February at the Final Battle Audition (FBA) event. In addition, the top three players at the FBA event will be given a spot at the Kakutou Shinseiki VI (KSVI) tournament. Read the Kakutou Shinseiki VI Event - March 2012 thread for more information on the Battle Audition 4th Season, and KSVI. The tournament will start on Monday, January 9th at 2:30 pm JST. Live footage from the tournament will be hosted either on the VF.TV Live Channel or the VF Battle Channel.
Update: The event has ended. The winner of the tournament received the title --> 臥é¾é³³é››ã€€ï¼ˆgaryouhousuu) "unrecognized/hidden genius"
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Update: The event has ended. The winner of the tournament received the title --> 臥é¾é³³é››ã€€ï¼ˆgaryouhousuu) "unrecognized/hidden genius"
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The 2012 new year starts off with the Newton Cup in Tokyo! This is a 5on5 VF5FS team format tournament and is the first seed trial battle of the 2011-2012 VFR Season. A member from the winning team will automatically get "seeded" status and his/her team in Beat Tribe Cup will get placed in a Seeded Block during the Preliminary League Stage. The tournament is expected to start on Sunday, January 8th approximately at 12 pm JST. Live footage from the tournament will be streamed on Newton Live Channel.
Update: Stream has ended.
Update: Stream has ended.
Happy New Year! Here's hoping 2012 is a great year for you all! With Final Showdown to look forward to, how could it not be?
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas for 2011! Since VF5FS has been officially announced for consoles in 2012, what will you wish for instead?
If you have some time to spare during this hectic time of the year, there are lots of Final Showdown tournaments streaming this week. Next month, there will be even more tournaments as both Sega's and VFR's tournament season goes full throttle! Happy holidays!
The last Pre-KS tournament before the KSVI preliminary qualifiers start next year. This time it will be in Osaka at 1PM JST, December 23rd. After the tournament, there will be a kumite event featuring Ikeburo Sarah and Kyasao. The tournament will be streamed in VF.TV Live
Pre-KS in Osaka - Part 1/Part 2 Archived Tournament (Bonus: Kumite)
The first Tokai Bay Area Cup tournament within the 13th VFR Season. Due to the Pre-KS event, the Tokai event will start at a later time than usual: 9PM JST, December 23rd. The event will be streamed on Jimokuji TV
Tokai Bay Area Cup, Vol. 1 - Archived Tournament / Post Tournament Matches
Finally, on Christmas Day the last major tournament of the year -...
The last Pre-KS tournament before the KSVI preliminary qualifiers start next year. This time it will be in Osaka at 1PM JST, December 23rd. After the tournament, there will be a kumite event featuring Ikeburo Sarah and Kyasao. The tournament will be streamed in VF.TV Live
Pre-KS in Osaka - Part 1/Part 2 Archived Tournament (Bonus: Kumite)
The first Tokai Bay Area Cup tournament within the 13th VFR Season. Due to the Pre-KS event, the Tokai event will start at a later time than usual: 9PM JST, December 23rd. The event will be streamed on Jimokuji TV
Tokai Bay Area Cup, Vol. 1 - Archived Tournament / Post Tournament Matches
Finally, on Christmas Day the last major tournament of the year -...
"hhhmmm I'm not really sure how this all came to be, but basically denkai stroking his own ego as usual about being the SELF PROCLAIMED best decided to challenged me to a first to 20 duel.
I agreed and set the date for Saturday December 17th at 3:30PM or 4PM Eastern Standard Time. Other players wanted to be an audience so now there is going to be about 5 cheer leading freeloaders taking up space on my coach running up my damn electricity bill " - Rodnutz
GodEater, by way of, is offering $50 to the winner!
Check out how this all started out, and follow the banter in the Rodnutz vs Denkai FT20 Challenge thread, and be sure to watch the live stream!
Update: Stream has ended! Please check the original thread for the results
I agreed and set the date for Saturday December 17th at 3:30PM or 4PM Eastern Standard Time. Other players wanted to be an audience so now there is going to be about 5 cheer leading freeloaders taking up space on my coach running up my damn electricity bill " - Rodnutz
GodEater, by way of, is offering $50 to the winner!
Check out how this all started out, and follow the banter in the Rodnutz vs Denkai FT20 Challenge thread, and be sure to watch the live stream!
Update: Stream has ended! Please check the original thread for the results
Update #5: All archived videos are available. The results from these events are in their respective summary thread
For the middle of December we have another set of Pre-Kakutou Shinseiki(Pre-KS) tournaments! This will be in Tokyo, December 17th, 1 pm Japan time. The other Pre-KS, will be in Miyagi, December 18th, 1pm Japan time. Guest at both of these events will be Asapon. These events will be streamed by VF TV Live. Additional information about these tournaments are available in the Kakutou Shinseiki VI topic.
Pre-KS in Tokyo - Tournament Video Part 1/ Part 2/Kumite Video
Pre-KS in Miyagi - Tournament Video Part 1/Part 2/Kumite Video
In between the two Pre-KS events, there is the bi-weekly Railway Series Tournament 1st Stage-04 on December 17th, 6pm Japan Time. The Railway Series is part of the point ranking battles within the VFR season. Unlike the first 3 tournaments in this series (the standard 3vs3 team battle format) the 4th one (HC Cup Format) was a 6vs6. HC Cup format is a subset of players are made leaders. These leaders then choose team members...
For the middle of December we have another set of Pre-Kakutou Shinseiki(Pre-KS) tournaments! This will be in Tokyo, December 17th, 1 pm Japan time. The other Pre-KS, will be in Miyagi, December 18th, 1pm Japan time. Guest at both of these events will be Asapon. These events will be streamed by VF TV Live. Additional information about these tournaments are available in the Kakutou Shinseiki VI topic.
Pre-KS in Tokyo - Tournament Video Part 1/ Part 2/Kumite Video
Pre-KS in Miyagi - Tournament Video Part 1/Part 2/Kumite Video
In between the two Pre-KS events, there is the bi-weekly Railway Series Tournament 1st Stage-04 on December 17th, 6pm Japan Time. The Railway Series is part of the point ranking battles within the VFR season. Unlike the first 3 tournaments in this series (the standard 3vs3 team battle format) the 4th one (HC Cup Format) was a 6vs6. HC Cup format is a subset of players are made leaders. These leaders then choose team members...
From Versus-Scotland's Website - “It’s been a long 7 weeks, but it’s been fun and off the bat I’d like to thank you all for taking part! Shoutouts to all of you who voted, posted, made the submissions and just added to the experience. And that’s what this has been for me. I had no idea how this would turn out and it’s been fun and hopefully a good prelude to the Main Event in March.â€
…â€first we get onto the Singles Tournament which was won by Virtua Fighter 5, good to see this game dusted off and brought out of retirement after an intense Campaign from Brian (VFDC Seidon) I reckon he and his Virtua Fighters deserved the win!†- Janitor
Location and Date: Glasgow, Scotland - March 24th, 2012
Hypespotting Website / Versus Scotland / VFDC Thread
…â€first we get onto the Singles Tournament which was won by Virtua Fighter 5, good to see this game dusted off and brought out of retirement after an intense Campaign from Brian (VFDC Seidon) I reckon he and his Virtua Fighters deserved the win!†- Janitor
Location and Date: Glasgow, Scotland - March 24th, 2012
Hypespotting Website / Versus Scotland / VFDC Thread
Update: Stream has ended! Archived of the tournament is now available to watch below! The winner, who received ç ´é‚ªé¡•æ£ title (hajakenshou, "crush evil/spread truth"), is listed in summary link
The seventh tournament of Battle Audition 4th Season will be in Kyushu - December 11, 2:30 pm Japan Time. Unlike the previous Battle Audition tournaments being streamed on the Battle Channel, this event will be streamed in the VF.TV Live Channel. Summary of previous Fourth Season tournaments - Link
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The seventh tournament of Battle Audition 4th Season will be in Kyushu - December 11, 2:30 pm Japan Time. Unlike the previous Battle Audition tournaments being streamed on the Battle Channel, this event will be streamed in the VF.TV Live Channel. Summary of previous Fourth Season tournaments - Link
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="560" height="345" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549"><param name="flashvars" value="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=19071448&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="" /><embed flashvars="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=19071448&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" width="560" height="345" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>
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