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[​IMG]As part of a series of trailers to promote the console release of Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown, Sega interviewed the star player Fuudo. Fuudo is well known for his accomplishments not only in Virtua Fighter, but also in Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. He will be participating in exhibition matches with Chibita at the VF5FS Pre-Launch Party on May 19th.

In the interview, Fuudo talks about the origins of his nickname and how he got started by playing Virtua Fighter 4 on console. He also goes briefly in his play style and the reasoning for him to use different characters. Check out the video below for more interesting tidbits!

Original Source: Sega World Italia (shoutbox tip shinybrentford)

[​IMG] Fuudo Interview
[​IMG]Kansai Bay Area Cup Vol. 5 event is expected to be streamed live on the Kansai Bay Channel on April 22nd, 2 PM JST tournament start time. At the current Kansai Bay Cup standings, Team Family Gyouza (ファミリー餃å­) [Kozou (TA)/ Kanzen Nitaku (WO)/ Chinobrad (BR)/ Mukku (TA)/ Keisuta (SH)] have a slight lead over Team Bikkuriman (ビックリマン) [Anaguma (JA)/ Tsussan (SH)/ Chootaro (JN)/ Dabu (VA)/ Terazoo (LA)/ Gigusu (BR)]. At third place is Team Yuunagi Kindgom (夕凪キングダム) [YOU (SA)/ Tane (AK)/ Chibisuke (EI)/ Moshige (LA)/ Yuunagi (AK)/ Ron (KA)].

The Bay Area Cups 3on3 tournaments are unique in that teams made at the beginning of the season remains the same at the end of the season. For more information on this event series and the VFR season, please check the Virtua Fighter Relationship 2011-2012 Season. The second post in the thread have a list of teams and team members participating in the Bay Area Cups (not comprehensive).

Don't forget to check out the Post-Tournament: Gods of Thunder Ranking Battles!

[​IMG] Part 1 / Part 2 / Post-Tournament : Gods of Thunder Ranking Battles / Post-Tournament Part 2
[​IMG]A 3on3 Railway tournament is scheduled for April 21st around 6 PM JST. This event is expected to be streamed either on VFRTV channel or Nistel Jacky's Channel.

For past tournament summaries and other information, please check the Virtua Fighter Relationship 2011-2012 Season thread.

Update:Stream is over! Embedded is the final match.
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[​IMG] Part 1 / Final Match
[​IMG]Ladies and gentlemen, check your emails to see if you have received a VIP invitation to the Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Pre-launch Party on May 19th, 2012 at Los Angeles, CA!

Many members on VFDC received their formal invitations today. Let us know if you will be attending this invitation only event in the VF5FS Attendee List thread in the Tournaments/Events Forum Section!

If you are one of the unlucky ones, you can still watch the event live on Level|Up Live. Get hype everyone!
[​IMG] Last week, in [​IMG]Level|Up's Wednesday Night Fight 2.3 Stream, Alex Valle celebrated his birthday with the guest appearance of L_A. Both respected players went through some old photos reminiscing about the Spot 21 Arcade, the fighting game scene before Daigo, and when AOL was still the hot thing.

Around the 13 minute mark, they talked about Virtua Fighter and the invitation-only VF5FS Pre-Launch Party on May 19th, 2012. Guests at the event includes Fuudo, Chibita, Myke, and other members of the VFDC community. In the stream, Alex mentioned that L_A will be helping him out with the Pre-launch event. Check the archived stream link if you want to go down memory lane or get a glimpse of the fighting game community in the 1990s. Original information came from IGN Blog Entry (Live stream tip form Sudden_Death).
[​IMG] Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown is making its way around the United States! VF fans in the Midwest be happy as Keits from Shoryuken have announced that VF5FS will be demoed at the UFGT8 event in Chicago, IL from May 25th-27th.

Similar to the NorCal Regionals 10 event in San Francisco, there will be a side tournament (64 player limit) with prizes given to the Top 8. If you live in the Midwest area and want to get a taste of VF5FS before it is officially released this might be the best event to go to!
Only two players in Japan have the rank of 天翔神 (Tenshoushin) - Itoshun (BR) and Joseph (AK). Tenshoushin is roughly translated as "Heavenly Soaring God." Itoshun was the first person to receive this rank by fighting against Joseph during a "Flame God" ranking battle in late 2011. Joseph got promoted to the Tenshoushin rank last month. Now both players will face each other again to determine who is the best! Who will get demoted!?

Check out the Newton Ooyama ustream archive video for this highly anticipated match (starts ~12min30s into video)! Ohsu Akira and Kamaage are the commentators. The match occurred at the end of the 2012 Tokyo Bay Area Cup, Volume 3 team tournament. Don't have time to watch the video and only want the results? Click on this news headline for the spoiler!

VF5FS First Tenshoushin (Skylord) Battle - Joseph (AK) v Itoshun (BR)

[​IMG]The third volume of the 2012 Tokyo Bay Area Cup season will be held and streamed on April 15th, ~ 1PM JST start time on: Newton Live. Team Satani Fantastic Circus (ä½è°·å¤§ã‚µãƒ¼ã‚«ã‚¹) almost won their second straight Tokyo Bay Area Cup; however, Team Doramachikku (ドラマãƒãƒƒã‚¯) defeated their team in the finals. Doramachikku Team consist of: Koedo (JN) / Senningiri (KA) / Auru (AO) / Matarou (VA, LA).

The Bay Area Cups 3on3 tournaments are unique in that teams made at the beginning of the season remains the same at the end of the season. For past tournament summaries and other information, please check the Virtua Fighter Relationship 2011-2012 Season thread. The second post in the thread have a list of teams and team members participating in the Bay Area Cups (not comprehensive).

Update: Stream has ended! Embedded is the final portion of the tournament (F2).
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="560" height="345" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549"><param name="flashvars" value="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=21860660&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="" /><embed flashvars="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=21860660&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" width="560" height="345" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object> ​

[​IMG] 1 /...
[​IMG] The fifth Tokai Bay Area Cup, a 3on3 tournament within the 13th VFR Season, will take place April 14th, 2012 at 8 PM JST. The event will likely be streamed on Chinobrad's Ustream Channel. This tournament replaces the 5on5 Seed Trial Battle that was originally planned for the Tokai region on April 15th, 2012. Team Family Gyouza for 3 (ファミリー餃å­3人å‰) [Mukku (TA) / Keisuta (SH) / Kanzen Nitaku (WO)] have won 2 of the 4 Tokai Bay Area tournaments so far. Will they remain the dominant team?

The Bay Area Cups 3on3 tournaments are unique in that teams made at the beginning of the season remains the same at the end of the season. For past tournament summaries and other information, please check the Virtua Fighter Relationship 2011-2012 Season thread. The second post in the thread have a list of teams and team members participating in the Bay Area Cups (not comprehensive).

Update: Stream is over. Embedded is the Final Match of the Tournament.
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="560" height="345" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549"><param name="flashvars" value="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=21836723&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="" /><embed flashvars="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=21836723&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" width="560" height="345" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv52489" name="utv_n_777549" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>​
[​IMG]Sega seems to be collaborating with everyone these days! The Nintendo 3DS project between Capcom, Namco, and Sega has been know for a while now; however, it was recently revealed through Famitsu Magazine (check out the page for tons of footage from the game) that it will be a single player strategy RPG featuring characters from the three companies. Why is this on the front page of VFDC? For VF fans, Akira and Pai will be two of many characters representing Sega!

Check out the original Sega vs Capcom vs Namco thread in which people were speculating on the game and its character lineup.
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