Virtua Fighter dot com

Virtua Fighter Dot Com

A look back to the past 19 years of Athena and Beat-Tribe Cups organized by VFR. A nice review before the 15th Beat-Tribe Cup event coming up this weekend!
I'm pleased to announce the new Media section now officially open on VFDC! This library has been initially curated by our Media Managers @BLACKSTAR and @oneida and contains a wide selection of VF related videos and playlists ranging from tournaments, challenges and tutorials. Read on for a full feature breakdown.
The time has come again for Virtua Fighter Relationship's (VFR) Beat-Tribe Cup, the biggest Virtua Fighter event of the year! While 2013 was the 20th anniversary of the Virtua Fighter game series, 2014 is the 20-year milestone for VFR, organized by Isamu Yamagishi. Last year, Sega awarded Yamagashi with the title "実況" (Jikkyou, roughly translated as "Live Broadcaster") for his contribution to the VF scene. Players will compete for the 15th Beat-Tribe Cup on November 23rd 2014. Read on for additional information and check the post in the coming days for more information on the "miracle festival"!
I'm pleased to announce that the new VFDC Combo Lists are now live! You may have seen a teaser dropped via Twitter, but read on for a full feature breakdown.
As part of the 20th Anniversary celebration, we take a look back at of all things Virtua Fighter. From its inception in Japanese arcades back in 1993, major events, console ports, off-shoot releases, publications and media, all the way through to the present day, relive (or discover!) some key moments and milestones in Virtua Fighter's proud and illustrious history.​
A new arcade version of Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown was announced today on Japan's official VF website. For several years, the arcade and console version of the game was Version A Revision 1. The announcement for Version B states that it will not be part of the ALL.NET system (aka the VF.Net online and cards system) and that further details will be released on transitioning from Version A Revision 1 to Version B. The announcement does not state any game balance changes or if any new features will be added to the game. Version B will be released in the arcades in March 2015. You can read an English translation of the announcement at Event Hubs.

Tipped by @Unicorn
Hi, folks. Are you watching this anime? Because if you enjoy Sega and really offbeat humor, you absolutely should be. It's streaming on Crunchyroll, English-subbed, as we speak, and right now subscribers can access up to the second episode which is entirely focused on VF!
Just when you thought Option Select in the VF2 series wasn't broken enough, along comes a discovery 20 years later that changes the game, again.
This is a petition for Requesting Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned to be released first on either/both PS3 or XBOX360 and secondarily PS4/PC/XBOXONE, optimised for the chosen platform, with full functioning online features (room, player and ranked matches, like FS) and including the tutorial and training mode from VF4:EVO.
The Extra Credits channel on YouTube takes a deeper look at games: how they're made, what they mean, and how we can make them better. In this episode, The Fighting Game Problem - How to Teach Complicated Mechanics, they reveal the importance of a good tutorial and how it can help the casual gamer access and appreciate the strategic depth the genre has to offer.
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