Virtua Fighter dot com
Virtua Fighter Dot Com
Via RG: "A knockout Virtua Fighter feature leads Retro Gamer issue 169, with interviews from Yu Suzuki and other key developers!
Once again, Australia's longest running tournament series™ returns to beautiful Sydney, Australia.
Once again, Virtua Fighter will return to the line-up of games. Click through for information on registration and further details......
Once again, Virtua Fighter will return to the line-up of games. Click through for information on registration and further details......
As part of an ongoing series of articles on Sega's rich arcade history, the official Sega Interactive website has published an article detailing Virtua Fighter's massive impact on the arcade market in the 1990s.
This past weekend saw the running of long time tournament series, Tokyo Bay Area Cup Volume 4. Check out the video archive for over 4 hours of high level VF5FS play straight outta Tokyo!
BURNING HAMMER! What has become Wolf's most iconic throw, and the most damaging move in the game of Virtua Fighter, is the Burning Hammer. While many people know this is based on a real professional wrestling move, there are probably a lot more signature moves in the series than you'd think!
Thank you everyone for such an amazing weekend. I hope NMTC will remain in your memories for years to come. Love you all! In here you'll find all results, videos, and shout-outs!
Its that time again! Proclaimed VF3tb World Champion Gorilla Kagesuke is hosting the second World Cup for Virtua Fighter 3 Team Battle at the famous Takadanobaba Mikado Game Center in Tokyo. Entrants are limited to 48 players and the promise of hype matches will surely be delivered, if the first World Cup was any indication!
Is this the closest we'll get to seeing Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown running on PC? Check out the footage below!
For those unaware, it sucks trying to find VF merch. Especially shirts. (5 year throwback...) If you blinked, you probably missed COSPA's run of VF shirts from 2015 which notably did not suck.
The soundtracks to every Virtua Fighter arcade game (except Kids!) have been added to Spotify -- Virtua Fighter Official Sound.
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