your opinions please

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by uk_kid, Dec 21, 2000.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Ah well, the third party is here

    Hey, if you wanna see lots of RO's, play some matches against Hiro/images/icons/smile.gif

    Anyways, I personally enjoy people playing their best. But at the same time, it's a different story when I see really good players slaughtering people that are just getting into the game or "needs guidance." However, with NYG2, I was personally asking people to play harder on me since I needed the experience, but the ones who were interested in helping me did a wonderful job of giving me a chance to learn how to exploit opportunities (taking a step at a time) and work on fixing my bad habits. They could have slaughtered me completely, but they didn't except a few times when it was sort of time to do so. However, they knew I had the interest to keep playing no matter how much I got slaughtered, they knew I was really willing to learn. Not everyone's like that and many are easily discouraged when they hardly have a chance to do anything except get hit or pinned down.

    I remember seeing a lot of Giant Swing-->Pickup (and push out of the ring) at NYG2 hehehe.
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Ah well, the third party is here


    I told Myke exactly the same thing to. If He even tried to go easy on me during the first day, I would have made a simple excuse like 'homework or GF problem or not feeling well' and stopped playing with him n Alex altogether.

    Have Fun during Xmas:)

    SummErs' 'If I had a buck everytime I hit someone with my Lighting kick....'
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Other side of the field

    It's time to cool down. As with a lot of heated discussions I've seen in the past, it seems as if we're arguing over different things. I'm not going to repeat myself (for a third time) to explain what it is I had a beef with in regards to your play. I mentioned that I only saw a little of it again in Sydney but for the most part, I was extremely impressed with how much you've progressed, especially with Aoi. I suppose the person(s) criticising you via email failed to mention that huh. But somehow you think I was entirely pissed off at you for whatever reason, and that's about as ridiculuous (and childish) as saying I was upset because you managed to string a few wins together. That's kind of insulting actually.

    I'm not giving you an ultimatum at all. I clearly saw that you've progressed (and not regressed) your playing style and I'm really looking forward to the next Melbourne Games. But anyway, let's leave it at that.

    Heard you got a nice little gift from Santa! Prick :)

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  4. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    Re: Other side of the field

    Ok well next time I'm doing something wrong make sure you guys tell me at the time and I wont do it I don't play many people down here so I'm not well versed in the do's and don'ts (though you may see it as common sense)being the most unpopular person in the room is not my objective so I hate thinking everyone was having fun when it was just when they weren't playing with me.I didn't bring up win streaks to make me sound better than I am or I wouldn't have mentioned you smacking me around in Melb (but if you want to think I'm childish than fine I was merely trying to understand why me sometimes beating your very skilled friends was any different than you beating me in Melb)

    Yeah I know having to have the last word is childish (Oh my god he was right :)

    Hey how did you know about my christmas gift?....FREDDIE!!!!! geez you held on to that one for all of a few hours :)
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Ah well, the third party is here

    But if u're wondering why I'm complaining about the way Doomboy USED to RO me,


    Shota, I knew it was only a matter of time before I'd be reading a reply of yours to SummErs regarding his Jacky. Now, after a few discussions with SummErs I had a feeling he'd want me to help explain a few things, and now he goes ahead and shouts for help here.. ;)

    If it sounds like SummErs hates RO's, then that's wrong. They're a perfectly acceptable part of the game. It's only natural to feel a bit cheated when all your hard work and effort is undone with a trivial RO, but them's the breaks and we all deal with it. I have no doubt that SummErs feels this way too.

    What we weren't finding fun though, was when Doomboy's turn to challenge would come, he chose Kage on Taka's stage repeatedly. Repeatedly being the key word here. It was like, what was he trying to prove? It's not like he had his last token on the line or anything. In Sydney, he played 99% Aoi while the rest of us hopped around the characters we knew. I only chose Kage once (to prove a point) and just screwed around with just about every other character. It wasn't as if he can't play other characters, he's actually very good with Lau and Kage, but he just stuck to Aoi the whole way probably because he felt more confident with her. But anyway, I've said enough about this elsewhere, and don't want to bring it up again. (Doomboy, back off, I know you're not like that anymore!) :)

    About the whole Elbow-Heelkick thing, I even remember telling SummErs to go ahead and use it more, but it's just the way he plays Jacky. Maybe he feels cheap when he does it. Maybe he feels like he's no different to any other Jacky when he does it (kind of how I feel when I play Kage and go for TFT-Knee combos). But whatever the reason, even if at the end of the day his Jacky pays for not using elbow-heelkicks more, he does have a style all his own which makes him a pleasure to play against. Whatever Jacky advice he might give may not agree with the mainstream Jacky users, but if nothing else, it's sure to promote some originality and fun. His Jacky doesn't knock you down at the first opportunity -- he likes to keep you standing, and guessing, and hurting, and then wishing you had fallen down at the start of it all.

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member


    Yes, let us cool down/images/icons/smile.gif

    However, I have to bring this up:


    Tradition you see. Tradition to get into one of these little verbal skirmishes on VFDC. Why?!

    Anybody want to remember what happened almost exactly a year ago here?

    Hint: C & G and then some.

    Ah, the sweet memories/images/icons/tongue.gif


  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: 'TIS TRADITION!!!!!

    I was not here back then!

    SummErs' 'If I had a buck everytime I hit someone with my Lighting kick....'
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Mother of all gifts

    Sorry mate!

    Of all the things to recieved, U GOT THAT MOTHER OF A BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    It's a cool gift...Unlike me n myke, We're still trying to work out a way to get it without causing us any starving days:)

    SummErs' 'If I had a buck everytime I hit someone with my Lighting kick....'
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: your opinions please

    Whew, well it's been my first post in a long time.

    I'm not going to do a "Who I Think is the Bestest Player For Each Character" list but more of a few players who stand out in my mind for whatever particular reason.

    Adam's Akira - Really the only Akira other than this one guy I kept losing to in Japan that's ever really made me think: "Damn, this Akira is pretty good and annoying." That's a powerful combination. Playing against Adam forces you to concentrate...which is hard for slow pokes like me too drugged on Diet Coke to adequately respond. *Ahem* But hey, if you thought his Akira's annoying, wait until you get to play his Wolf, heh heh heh.

    Nelson's Shun - To be honest with you I never thought Nelson's Shun was as bastardly as some of the old men in Japan, but his Shun is definitely the most complete that I have ever played against. Nelson uses everything in Shun's arsenal and you really get the sense that he knows his stuff. Nelson is a phenomenal player in general; it's a shame really because his Shun is so outstanding a lot of people neglect to mention or remember that Nelson plays an excellent Kage and Jeffry as well. Nelson's button input is so clean and he's got such a great playing style.

    Ryan's Kage and Jacky - This U.K. player is very impressive. His Kage is actually quite similar to mine when I played him in Japan (well, at least the Kage from about a year back) in the sense that he uses stepping in the same way I do to get TFTs. However, the thing that I remember most about him is his incredibly consistent d K (MC) -> throw. I mean, geez, I don't think in the two games I played with him he ever missed. Playing against his Jacky was like playing Jacky in OB...scary.

    Sumeragi's Lau - I've never played against very many Laus, but I thought Sumeragi's was quite complete. Actually, before I played against Sumeragi, my Lau style was pretty backward; Mike was the first person who really showed me how Lau should be played in TB. To put it simply - don't underestimate his damn punches, as "boring" of a move as they could be. Sumeragi's also one of the few people, along with Adam, who can recover and go into various escapes on a consistent basis. Mike's and Adam's defense really does make a huge difference.

    Muscles Sarah - SO THAT'S WHO IT WAS!!! When I was last in Japan I kept getting my ass kicked by some scrappy looking guy with a beard who looked as though he hadn't taken a shower for several days. But damn was his Sarah good. In fact, at one point, I sat down and played him 5 times in a row in an effort to just beat him ONCE. Not successful. :(

    Kurita's Taka-arashi - I just had to mention Kurita...he was, after all, the basis of my Taka. My Taka is almost 80% copied directly from the man.

    Dickson's Akira - Dickson is the guy I played in Hong Kong. I really like his Akira because of his emphasis on ura; ura's a big part of his game. Very few players utilize it as much as he does...outside of Japan at least. Then again, the fact that he goes to Tokyo at least once or twice a year is probably a good indication why. :)

    Well, I think I've written enough for now. This obviously not a "who's the strongest list." I didn't mention Hiro but that's because most people already know Hiro and have seen him play. It's been so long since I last played Rich or any of the Toronto gang. Shota obviously has an awesome Jacky but nowadays who doesn't? Shota's Jacky is special in the States because Shota's not afraid to use stuff that some non-Japanese players may find a little demeaning...stuff like P,P,P flow charts.

    Yo Shota - thanks for putting me on your list but, like crazy. Playing against some of the people in Hong Kong has made me feel like playing VF3's too bad my time here in Singapore has been so busy and I didn't get the chance to get in touch with the few Singaporean VFers still left.

    Peace everyone and keep VFing.

    ice-9<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by ice-9 on 1/9/01 08:15 AM.</FONT></P>
  10. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Re: your opinions please

    Adam's Akira - But hey, if you thought his Akira's annoying, wait until you get to play his Wolf, heh heh heh.

    Obviously you have not fought his Jacky then...haha.
    (me neither, watching it on a side was enough for me to abstain)

    Sumeragi's Lau - I've never played against very many Laus, but I thought Sumeragi's was quite complete.

    Obviously you have not fought MY LAU then...j/k. Hmm...I thought my Lau was quite complete...with never-ending-roundhouse K.

    Shota obviously has an awesome Jacky but nowadays who doesn't? Shota's Jacky is special in the States because Shota's not afraid to use stuff that some non-Japanese players may find a little demeaning...stuff like P,P,P flow charts.

    Last time I played Jacky seriously the Chicago gathering 2 years ago. I've pretty much settled with Lau & Lion by now. Though I'm not winning as much, I'm at least having more fun. some point in the last few years, my whole purpose of playing VF became how I can torment people instead of winning.

    "Torment" may be a bit too strong..."outwit", perhaps? Between Hiro and me, for example, the whole purpose of match is to claim "you fell for my trick!", "I got you all figured out, Hiro", etc. That usually involves doing P+G throw 5 times in a row, KO-ing with useless moves and such. Not necessarily the most effective strategies but surely a good stuff to make laughing stock of each other.

    Playing against some of the people in Hong Kong has made me feel like playing VF3's too bad my time here in Singapore has been so busy and I didn't get the chance to get in touch with the few Singaporean VFers still left.

    Well...I'm glad to know that you're at least still alive. You should be used to the scholar's life by now and must have some free time available for VF. Heh...when you feel like meeting up with all of us again, let us know!

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