XLEAGUE.TV Online Virtua Fighter 5 360 Tournament

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by steve_dynamic, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: XLEAGUE.TV Online Virtua Fighter 5 360 Tournam

    Its not about the bandwidth, its more about the ping. You need ping roughly less than 16 ms for it not have noticeable effect on gameplay.

    Anyway, I am tentatively ready to participate if the organisation makes sense. Looks like it does, more or less.

    Also, can you tell us about how the finals will be carried out..
  2. steve_dynamic

    steve_dynamic Well-Known Member

    Re: XLEAGUE.TV Online Virtua Fighter 5 360 Tournam

    Basically, we carry out the TV finals from the Semi-Finals of the online competition - which will be next year.

    Semi-final will be best of 5 rounds (first to 3 rounds wins) & best of 3 matches (first to 2 matches wins).

    Finals will be best of 5 rounds (first to 3 rounds wins) & best of 5 matches (first to 3 matches wins).

    Those who reach to the semis will be informed via email or telephone and are required to setup their travel as soon as to get the cheapest prices. Info and photos are required from you and to be sent via email as soon as. You will also be required to let us know which character you will be using. You will not be able to change characters during the TV final, so pick wisely. This is again, for television purposes e.g. expert chat, strategies, identification, etc.

    Filming is done on the Saturday. The time is dependent on where players are coming from. Travel on public transport (Train, Bus, Coach) in the UK will be reimbursed to you and receipts are needed for this. Unfortunately, we can not pay for your flights into the UK or accommodation.

    Water will be provided on the set for consumption. Food and snacks can be bought from the various shops and supermarkets nearby.

    If any of you are under 16, it is required for players to get written parental consent to participate in the tournament, so you will need to bring this when you arrive in the finals as well as official ID eg passport, etc.

    You will be able to use arcade sticks for this competition, so please bring them in. We will be providing the Hori Fighting Stick EX 360 on the day incase anyone needs them.

    You will also be able to use your custom character from VF. You will need to bring it on a 360 Memory Card. Also, you will be required to temporary change the characters name to your XLEAGUE.TV username for television purposes.
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: XLEAGUE.TV Online Virtua Fighter 5 360 Tournam

    Oh, so we can use our custom characters.

    That's pretty cool.

    I'll miss the first one but I'll see about getting involved afterwards.

    That way I have more time for practice and sort out my traveling etc.
  4. steve_dynamic

    steve_dynamic Well-Known Member

    Re: XLEAGUE.TV Online Virtua Fighter 5 360 Tournam

    I don't think there will be another one after this... It's now or never...
  5. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: XLEAGUE.TV Online Virtua Fighter 5 360 Tournam

    Then I'm afraid I won't be going at all.

    It's a pity because the vast majority of the DOA players would play VF, with them and the actual VF players you have potentially much more players.

    Xleague seems to be more about their shooting games though, so I can't say I'm surprised.

    Sure they have other games but shooters reign supreme.

    If it's because they have more players then you defeat your own reason by not continuing with VF.
  6. desk

    desk Member

    Re: XLEAGUE.TV Online Virtua Fighter 5 360 Tournam

    I'm well impressed that you'll be able to use your custom characters, that's going to be awesome on TV. It's good to know about the travel cost thing aswell... Though I'd be slightly more hyped if I though I had a chance of making it even half way to the TV stage.
  7. steve_dynamic

    steve_dynamic Well-Known Member

    Re: XLEAGUE.TV Online Virtua Fighter 5 360 Tournam

    You guys should still give it a go. From the looks of things, I see a few good players with a lot of unknowns. You may even be lucky to get through. Just remember that there are group stages first and then knockouts. We maybe even get lucky to get byes...

    In terms of not continuing, part of it is to do with numbers as the amount of people signing up will determine whether a particular title is popular or not. I mean if you compare FIFA which has over 200 players signed up for the tournament compared to the 24 that have signed up to VF5, it does speak large. But I do realise that most players in the "beat em up" genre all have PS2s as the majority of games like Guilty Gear, Fist of the North Star, King of Fighter, etc appear on. So I doubt people will be going out of their way to purchase a 360, Live subscription and a copy of the game to win back what they've paid for in buying a new console. We also have to please the big wigs, and all they care about is numbers, since numbers can bring in money for advertising and sponsorship. To them, it makes no sense in continuing something that isn't popular in numbers.

    The other parts of this is budget - we are not made of money and with newer games coming out, we need to catering for these as the publishers want to publicise them more than the older games.

    I will be pushing Tekken 5 Online and SF Turbo HD to be tournaments but you also have to realise that we can only do so many games as we do have budget constrains.

    But you are right. The majority of online gamers are into shooters like Call of Duty and Halo, while most popular are football/soccer games. Consider the fact that its only just now that the big guns, e.g. Namco, Sega have started online features in their beat em ups, the conversion rate from offline to online won't be that great to start off with - especially for competitions, judging by the comments from some of the players.

    But hey, we can only hope and pray that you guys start buying consoles and investing on the online and generate the sort of numbers that games like FIFA and Halo generate.
  8. steve_dynamic

    steve_dynamic Well-Known Member

    Re: XLEAGUE.TV Online Virtua Fighter 5 360 Tournam

    Okay, we are now holding the finals from the Quarter Finals, so there is now more chances to appear on TV to duke it out for the cash prize and the trophy!
  9. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Re: XLEAGUE.TV Online Virtua Fighter 5 360 Tournam

    I have enroled and looked through the site but I still dont get how its going to work. Do I need to book a certain day off work to be at home playing? Maybe I'm missing the obvious here but if someone can help me out it would be apreciated.
  10. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Re: XLEAGUE.TV Online Virtua Fighter 5 360 Tournam

    OK I got an email today explaining it a bit more so thats cool.
  11. Dody

    Dody New Member

    Re: XLEAGUE.TV Online Virtua Fighter 5 360 Tournam

    can i from indonesia join this tourney..did the fight tournament via xlive isn't it

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