XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. SanFran_MAN

    SanFran_MAN Well-Known Member

    GGS to PandarenMonk87(Tough Jacky), and others i faced last night.
  2. Another great games tonight. Lishao Tao very dangerous Pai and Shun great played. Vintage Roller too a very good Shun. SoulKatana dangerous Kage. DivineSpirite a fast and smooth Akira. Stl Tm cool Lion fantastic moves. Infamous Geezer amazing Pai and Akira.

    Thank you guys for fantastic room matches. Powerful players!
    PaiChun likes this.
  3. UroboroSx

    UroboroSx Well-Known Member

    GGs tonight to gastinell in room match, amazing Lau i saw him against Eureka s3v3n great match Lau vs Eileen, bruiseG79 good Aoi, and Master Jewels dangerous Lei, thank you for the matches :D
  4. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    GGs: God3l, Paichun, PandarenMonk, Scottish gamer, AvionScarabee, Pupstar, Offshore Randy, DAEFMONGOOSE and more!
    PaiChun likes this.
  5. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Ggs to the people from the room matches over the last week. Loaded Psycho, the weiand, stl tim, Eureka s3v3n, paichun, xyz and PandarenMonk87.
    PaiChun likes this.
  6. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Good games to KADAJ757, Suminsoserious, DeadlyLastPush, Gunsniper LS, Eureka s3v3n (EvenPit), DgtlSamurai and Erfman 01 for joining the 8 player event last night, thanks for coming :) . Let me say, these matches were just some of the best I've seen :D . I wish Bloodstyle was there to see, but I'll hold it down for him.

    You guys always bring it and I never expect anything less than that. DgtlSamurai will upload the matches and will be seen at a later time. Congrats to Gunsniper for winning, you know that Aoi is deadly, but I'm working on getting to your level soon ;).

    There'll be another event next week, so Bloodstyle and/or myself will keep you updated about the event.
  7. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    Ggs in room matches the past few days to Weiend and X1way.
  8. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    GGS to cruzlink, DaManWithNoGame, MidKnight408, llll JlN llll, MotorCityJacky, StlTm, SilentNephilim, LAAkira, adn gastinell all in the past week!
    Keoma likes this.
  9. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to JackoRCB (fun back and forth fights), Risen Glory (I kept freezing up for some reason. Hopefully next time I'll play better), and all the other random ppl I faced in rank matches this morning! :3
    Craigbot likes this.
  10. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Good games today to seminasuke and VF numbers

    Semi: Even though the connection died, I can tell you are a pretty good player. We should try to play more in the future.

    Numbers: its been a while since we played last but it was alot of fun dude. Your leifei is awesome and i always enjoy fighting you man. Awesome set ups too for real. I had my thinking cap on for the entire set lol. Great games
    Seminasuke and VFnumbers like this.
  11. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Good games to the following players I met in Rank Match yesterday. There was nothing but great matches all around from the people below. I hope to meet you guys again sometime soon in the future:

    MasaRED, B00j, Jasonsmooth23, Sasuraiger, bigbreezy16, CRASHEM8000, PandarenMonk87, ZeppSWE, Risen Glory, JuicyMomo, Gear Wolfen, Daft FlameZz, Liquid Ix Akira, Craftiernut, WACHILLEB, IR0N WARRIOR, Kirbilot, Melsted, Coin Op Inc, sowderjamie, FenrirtheDevil, DaManWithNoGame, bigcountryNY, Allstar804, CubicalAsp and Sigaliyot.
    Keoma likes this.
  12. RisenGlory

    RisenGlory Active Member

  13. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    GGS 2:

    Lishao Tao GPK

    and all others who helped me to lose the DAMN rust & dust!
    yeah maybe i will play FS again more often... maybe... :rolleyes:
    PaiChun likes this.
  14. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Shenmue fans always welcome in my rooms, however hard-hitting they may be with Kage and the Tak-man ;)
  15. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    yeah really funny games but my taka is garbage, i only fool around with him because he's a funny guy. cu online :)
  16. Keoma

    Keoma Well-Known Member

    Good games to 1xway1, countfosco, craigbot, evenpit, godokunodan, matt lightyear, motorcityjacky, sowderjamie and countless others whom I've had a chance to play with over the last 3 days.
    soke and Craigbot like this.
  17. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    GGs to you Keoma. You trained my sub a lot these past few days. ;)
    Keoma likes this.
  18. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Same to you, your Jeffry's not bad, I see you can do some stuff with him. The experience helps as you train more in the game. I haven't played against much Jeffry players, so that's something for me to work on.
    Keoma likes this.
  19. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to ShinyBrentford, I phanatik I, C Money012, and Stl Tm
  20. Keoma

    Keoma Well-Known Member

    ggs to camelot kings, c money012, fireflood, gear wolfen, happy friend lau, melsted, ortherper(?), sailorsenshi and othes whose names escape me (for intance, the player using taka)

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