XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to DrFamilia, A LOADED PYSCHO, Shun Is Drunk, MotorCityJacky, sowderjamie, and everyone else that was in the room this morning! I just need to remember to let myself wake up more before instantly getting on VF XP
  2. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    GGs :)
  3. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    ggs to stl, phanatik,evenpit,shadoolagg1979(jk),and tsumaki kid.
  4. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    GGS to KADAJ, Craigbot, James Kenobi, Iori, and DgtlSamuari from yesterday or Friday? Oh and of course SDS Overfiend (i dont know why i woke up in the middle of the night to play vf, but im glad I did! Those were fun matches very fast paced even If I was a punching bag) and thank you XBL for giving me free Live service after screwing up all ma cloud storage content!:( Now I have to spend days re-making all those damn outfits I had. I cant fight without my outfits...
    Theres al ot of people on my friends list that I need to do some catching up with on vf and ill work on them next week.
    Craigbot likes this.
  5. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Who's on the list?
  6. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Craigbot likes this.
  7. SanFran_MAN

    SanFran_MAN Well-Known Member

    Hsieken, Stl Tm, JamesKenobi8 all great games
  8. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Who? Me? I had a feeling :D. But who else made the list?
  9. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Well kinda think of it no one right now? everyone else you know I'm chill when im playing them, but as soon as I hear "Craigbot" ooo boy I gotta pull out the vf gloves, switch to my special controller, turn on the air conditioner, stretch you know.

    (oh an ggs to Quattro201007 this morning. the whole time i was playing this person I truly thought i was playing Soke. So I was like oh damn Soke's going in with Pai. Kicked my ass for about a hour doing things with Pai that i never saw b4. I thought she was going to start hovering next. I started adapting and we were going back and forth then when wen all was done i even sent this person "GGS Soke!", then I looked at where he was from and it was Japan:oops: made me feel dumb) theres more but dont feel like typing no more..

    Ok now Craigbot when are we gonna do our FT10? Im good all this week anytime after 7 cause b4 then everyone be leaching on my wifi in my house, and using my microwave and stuff. So I prefer the later day when everyone's sleep.
    Craigbot likes this.
  10. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    When you hear my name, the gloves come off. How come everyone says that about me :confused: ? I'm just like the rest, a VF player ;) . What makes me different from the rest?

    As for the FT10, I can do it tomorrow if you like. I have to prep myself for that Eileen/maybe Goh. Who knows what tricks you got :D ?
  11. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    OK tomorrow is alright. And gotta use Eileen for this
    Craigbot likes this.
  12. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Ok then, Aoi and Eileen it is.
  13. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Ggs Mistersicstinai...
    Was a little bit late 4 me. :confused: But I finally see that Wolf! You're a very balanced player. Good offense even better defense...:eek: I'm glad I could have win a single match!!!:oops:
    Mister likes this.
  14. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Are you ready for tonight, sir?
  15. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    LoL of course!
    Craigbot likes this.
  16. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Ok, this'll be fun :).
  17. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Good games to EvenPit last night for our FT10 match (Aoi vs. Eileen). You made me speechless last night, you did things that caught me offguard and it was good. Although it was 10-8 in my favor, your Eileen is not to be taken lightly. I have to improve my Eileen now after all that, so you can help me train.

    Also ggs to DrFamilia, although I couldn't stay longer last night, you have a good Lau there.
  18. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    I fell over in my chair on the nxt to the last match to much pressure.

    Goog Games to everyone i played in Ranked today as well:)
    Craigbot likes this.
  19. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Solid Eileen... For sure. Really hard 4 me to know how to react . Not a character we can see oftenly...

    also ggs to me cause I made lot of guys become salty tonight. :-D
    Craigbot and EvenPit like this.
  20. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    ggs to Kingo, very fun matches :) I need to improve my knowledge vs Aoi....

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