XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Video file
  2. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    GGs to GentlemanThief last night.

    Here's the hour long set we had. Lau vs. Pai/Jean

    Youtube Link
  3. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    ggs to JCblack333

    ggs to phanatik: hey phanatik your lei is good but everytime you are at range you like to do that lunge punch with lei. that dude x1way kept evading it and you STILL attempted it. don't be so predictable and don't rely on that too much. if you are trying to close distance then sometimes use foward crouch dashes and other times use lunge punch.
    your lei slaughters me everytime we fight though.

    ggs to rodnutz

    ggs to x1way
    phanatik likes this.
  4. fathead1214

    fathead1214 New Member

    No, I haven't. :(
    EvenPit likes this.
  5. fathead1214

    fathead1214 New Member

    Good games to ThisisEubanks this evening!
    Looking forward to meet again! :D
    Player Match
    Lion(Me) Vs Vanessa
  6. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to I phanatik I, A LOADED PYSCHO, ThisisEubanks, Macc, Stl Tm, and everyone else I played!
    phanatik likes this.
  7. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    You have to, otherwise you won't get better.
  8. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    ggs silentnepilim,vf numbers,and jcblack333. long matches,but fun!
  9. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    Yep...I just don't care too much to win sometimes and use the Lei slot/slop machine. Pringles...
  10. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Ok there were a lot of fights this time around.
    Tainted GENE GGS (His Return)
    Bus Orez (we need 2 make this a bi monthly thing)
    Craigbot, KADAJ7, Skill, MCJ, LOADED P, if I missed anyone else GGS as well.
    Craigbot likes this.
  11. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    GGs to Electro Lex and Jorjo!!
    Electro_Jacky likes this.
  12. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    always glad to hand out whoopings. ggs
    EvenPit likes this.
  13. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Wow, great session last night! Had a 5 slot room going from around 7pm GMT to 2am :D :zzz:
    This tag/account is about to expire now, so probably gonna set up a whole new one, mainly just to play VF on Live. Glad I got some good long sets in on this one though this year. Very GGs then to all the following who dropped by:

    Vintage Roller -When do I stop holding G? Argh! Wish I could play Shun like this hehe :cool:

    ScottishGamer97 - My goodness, this young man seriously levelled up over Christmas! Blink and eat half bar Jeff combos, ouch :eek:

    Myserian - Oww, those delayed Jean strings, can't believe how many times I eat the low kick crumple, noo. Maybe next time we fight, I will use someone with a low reversal ;)

    BLACKSTAR84i - Really strong Sarah punishment game. Just when you think the dmg has stopped, blam, more gets tagged on. Really tight defence as well. Tough player.

    Kruza - Really polished Aoi, always fun to play against, nice outfits too. I missed a few Vanessa low throws there. Have to adapt and play so differently in this match-up.

    Seiatsu - Another nice Shun, always fun, slick costume too.

    GunSniper Ls - This is probably one of the strongest players I regularly see on Live. Sped-up, in your face Aoi, dmg galore. Unbelievable string-cancel and wall game, there's no escape! :ninja:

    JackoRCB - Another super strong player, with both Jeff and Sarah. Wish I had saved some of these matches tbh: 80% dmg wall combo that ends in a cool looking pimp drop style slam, gawd dang! Vanessa on crutches after that lol

    twoskilld4U - Don't know this guy, think someone else invited him in? Petty decent Sarah player. Gotta get the outfits though man, even if it's just one for your main, really spices the visuals up :)

    And also to the following really strong players in a room we had going a few nights back (just browsing through 'players you met' tags on xbox.com)

    PuertoRicanStyL (AK), G1 T i n T i n (WO), Sevensided (SA), eurokage (can you guess? ;)), Gameztrix (AK) - all hard hitters for sure, GGs.

    And finally...! Most of these guys I played in ranked or other random rooms since getting back on in mid Jan, cheers!

    Savvy Gymnast
    Ben VVV
    C Money012
    Infamous Geezer

    [G][P][K] :thumbs-up:
    ultralewis and Craigbot like this.
  14. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    GGS to Phanatik,Rodnutz, STl tm, Dr Familia, Archangel####, Silent Nephilim, and Radical Reactor for the room matches early and late last night.
    phanatik likes this.
  15. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Good games to Kruza in rank matches last night, the Aoi mirror match can be fun and daunting at the same time. I look forward to playing you again :D. Also good games to Kadaj757, twoskilld4u, Evenpit and A Loaded Psycho, always fun playing you guys. You keep me going to become a much better VF player everyday :).
  16. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    I have to play you Chibiaya, when will we meet?
  17. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Same to you Evenpit, that Eileen of yours is insane. We have to play using our Eileen so you can help me get better with her. Your use of the other fighters was good, especially El Blaze ;). He's similar to Eileen in a sense, is he your next character to use?
  18. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    lol I underestimated U and KADAJ last night I almost forgot I was playing Craigbot. That wont happen again :oops: I'll be more careful next time. CRAIGBOT me and you Aoi vs Eileen FT10! I havent did one yet I need someone to whip :D
    Craigbot likes this.
  19. Starsauce

    Starsauce Member

    Kick his ass Craig!
    Craigbot and EvenPit like this.
  20. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    use a ton of shoulder, the full circular punch to destroy tenchi.
    Craigbot likes this.

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