XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    GGs ben (et bien fait pour toi lol jplaisante =p)
    Ggs to air Jacky
    GGs to jet jacky 78
    ggs to kingo, no way i can beat you =(
    GGs to bloclime
    Ben_Lord_Dur likes this.
  2. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    To beat kingo you've got to get a cat... And a big one!! Otherwise it's impossible...:eek:

    <= this guy love to "fight" kingo's controller cable.:D And he managed to kill it! The best way to never see kingo go for "revenge".:p
    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  3. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

  4. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    That cheating tactic only works offline...sadly for you, sac !
    See you tonight for the VF night !
  5. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Don't get salty. Offline it's another story. Period.:D

    Do you want a new controller? "Come' get some!!" :p

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Now I really don't post on this thread much, but I really had to go out of my way to say 'Thanks, GentlemanThief for being awesome.'

    The matches you played with a group of us in the xbl rooms, combined with your insightful advice on FS and VF tech have QUITE LITERALLY changed entirely how I look at how to play VF. Its that kind of feeling to where you think you've played the game wrong the entire time, and because of that knowledge, I feel I'm on the way to leveling up immensely.

    So yeah. Thanks alot and GGs, GT.
    phanatik and Craigbot like this.
  7. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    GGs! We should do it more often!
    Tricky and phanatik like this.
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I liked the part where you hit with 66P then told the guy to not duck so much and just eat the sweep since that will do less damage overall.
  9. RORY

    RORY Well-Known Member

    GGs Kingo, Blossy, Eurokage, Electro lex, Ash Kaiser,xsmincex, Kahn Rahn, Senzankou In EZ and Mitsuruga lately
    Electro_Jacky likes this.
  10. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Ggs to all the french people i fought this evening :D The matches were really fun.
    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  11. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    GGs to u 2 ur wolf is hard to play, mainly when u do the kick fake, it s breaking my timing grrr
    GGs to chibi: against ur lion i m like without weapon =(
    GGs to kahn Rahn, how many sub you ve got?
    ggs to doctor Cube: ur hit throw is just no admissible =p
  12. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    My Lion is super rusty, but since you said you wanted to play VS Lion and I was in chilling mode (trying my baby Goh) I played him a bit.:p

    I was like WTF at the RO you got after the low into the wall, is it something reliable ? or does it happen everytime over mid fences ?

    GGs to Mister, Blossy and Kanh Rahn too. It was fun, my Goh will be back ^^
  13. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    GGS everyone, had a bunch of people roll through yesterday KADAj,Craig,Note,RISEN GLORY(still running lol), Reconwolf, Hurra/Crafty(the usual), SniperLS, DLP, & Cmoney. & Stl, Blackstat, Player 7, FearlessWrench, PuertoRicanStyles, Radical Reactor, Loaded Psycho. Played 4 a real long time with the 1st 10 I needed that.
    Craigbot likes this.
  14. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    GGs to izuma otoshi
    Man u showed me what combat is all about... I need to improve more but you have to know, next time i will beat you!!!
  15. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    GGs ONE HIT AAA, OffshoreRandy.
  16. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    GGs to my man Chibiaya. Great matches, thx you showed me that i really need to play more with the eye and not mechanically!!! Thx man!! Im really happy that at least i get improved much more now and that is nice to hear it. :)
  17. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    GG's man, You have improved alot man! im glad to see such rapid improvement. You handle yourself really well. Good stuff!
    Sozos likes this.
  18. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Those were some good matches. Your Eileen is still good, I'm trying to get to your level :D.
  19. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    ^^Lol I dont know about that theres still some things I need to concrete b4 I start rampaging. Theres things you're pulling off that I STILL cant do right.
    Craigbot likes this.
  20. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Even pit: You got people trying to get on YOUR level now? I need to see this shit
    Tricky and Craigbot like this.

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