XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to James Kenobi, Repeat Offender, HurricaneStrain, THEWEIAND, and everyone else I played the past 2 days! :3
  2. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Lol yeah i was being sarcastic that guy is something else
    also GGS 2 james kanobi 8 & MotorCityJacky from last night
  3. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    GGS to everyone in Andramalech's room tonight. Fun times.
    Andramelech likes this.
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Ggs to chibitox recently. Sorry I had to go so soon, dinner got put out and then my girlfriend claimed the tv.

    Felt like a dick for leaving on a win though. Sorry about that. Lol @ the ringout where you rolled under me though.
  5. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    just wanted to thnk all the great ppl ive met on VFDC. I have been away for many months and i thought i owe ppl a great thnks... im deeply sorry for how isolated and hostile i became in the last 2 yrs. i was just going through alot. im good now tho. :)

    in no particular order:

    ROCKETBLAZE ty for coming to my house form korea. DENNIS ty for all the time and games u spent on me. Weiand sorry bro. assASSIN2p/tim/drfamilia/gt/sevensided/shag/konjou/eubanks/BOREEEES/ rep bc AYU, KAMAIS complex/azusabo/social/cozby/denkai/whiteworm/happylau/plague/allstar/jerky/vulcan/KOF QOC/kruza/turpenoid/libertine/masared/mistatee/loki/none other/ ultralewis/KRUZA/waverusherkobi/ohnoudidntvf/pantherneogeo/seidon/marly/even erdraug!/ SHINY SHINY brentford/soulkatana/titantony/truewiseman BLACLAC for the vanessa matches/ X to Y zbit 987/vfnumbers/tankgirl/thewall/shadoolord/saint chanchai (maybe one day.. but def not now... :) ) , lostcloud/ jtgc/azusabo/cedhtone/beligerent feck/tricky

    sorry if i forgot... Im at work.. and i cant remember on the top of my head. U guys were truly awesome to talk to and play with. THNKS FOR ALL THE MEMORIES.

    ty MYKE for having me here on ur great website TY. till we meet again. VF5 will always be my favorite game! :)
    smb, Kobi, Feck and 4 others like this.
  6. mitsuruga

    mitsuruga Well-Known Member

    ggs 2 blossy, infamous geezer, chiefgutti (thx for the advice)
  7. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    GGs to EvenPit,silentnephilim,JCblack333,Weiand,CraftierNut,and Shangsterxbl.
  8. smb

    smb Well-Known Member


    to all i've played in both ranked and private. Sorry for the generic love letter, guys. I prefer to do any idea swapping via PMs, since its mindless chatter to most not involved. Feel free to hit me up in a PM if you got questions about our games, comments to help me improve, or just wanna shoot the breeze.

    I'll be glad to get players going with anyone, just not gonna nail down a specific time. I'll add you, and when we are both on at once, if we both feel like it, players will be had. Otherwise, never know when i will or won't feel like playing.

    Thanks all, for keeping the game alive.
    ahem.....Makfaktor...i know we didn't play much as your coming to the game was shortly before i left it. But i went :cry: when i didn't see Wasted_Wish on the list :D
  9. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Good Games to all the people that played in the small 8 man tournament last night. Bloodstyle would have hosted it but Unknowing Note did in his place and it was a great night to place VF. Ranked wasn't very eventful and it more than made up for it and then some. If you were a part of it all the matches were excellent especially the final 2 people that fought in the final match it was much tighter than I expected. I need to take part in these little tournaments more often. I wish more people would do this kind of thing more often especially on PSN it would boost the moral over there.
    Craigbot likes this.
  10. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to GunSniper Ls, EvenPit, James Kenobi, shadoolord1979, and everyone else I played the last couple of days! :3
  11. Jinzer0

    Jinzer0 Active Member

    GGs to...
    OhNoYouDidnt VF - Again Awesome Jacky
    BADMAN VIN1 - Newcomer in FS, but longtime VF player. Nice Wolf
    Cubolygon - Japan player with a Nice Jean
    MILENKO60 - Good player... cant remember who he played with? GGs none the less
    XsminceX - Another Good player who can play a mean Sarah, Wolf, El Blaze and so on
    RECONWOLF - Cool dude cant remember who he played with? GGs anyways
    Asuraz116 - Aggressive Sarah, just wished I could have gotten a rematch
    Wellfrog - This guy is alwas on when I play a Dedicated and Good VF player
    Nimos82 - CHEXMIXOFDEATH - xTusuegrox - coincollector85 - UroboroSx - BlitherBarrel0 - Phoxx 3D - Pointbreak91 - TastedAmoeba6 - El Teby - Kruza - Duchunter - Yes Me Again - Pepsolman - Adrianczg - Goinkyo Peguin - Mokka555 - Snoopi TC - I talic Meo - SANNFOREVER - Jeetcrios - Judge1488 - daltronia - WronaM - TTVeRDaNT - Dsslim84 - Geryon86 - Queen Satanas 3.

    Played them all this past month. Great Game, Fun Players, just trying to get better so PLEASE... Bare with me ^_^
  12. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    ggs to gametrix, blossy1000, cheifgutti, marlyjay, bloodstyle, privatesnowball, darthminion, electro lex, shujinkuATM, stl tm doctorcube, khanrahn, rorororo, zakkappa,. i find a lot off people boycott me in the pm, i would love some feedback as to why this is, is it the way i play? i got accussed of trollinh a while back, and to my embarassment i did not know what this term meant lol. im not a troller i jus have a different playstyle. yes i p2 a lot but even the top players do this, am i wrong? and when im getting destroyed i might abare which for this im sorry, its a bad habit i have yet to shake off, it always happens when im under pressure. overall though its been great to see old and new folk in the game. i intend to learn a bit of every charactor in this game which is no mean feat, but im getting there, i got blaze, wolf, jeffery, sarah, jacky, lau, kage so far :D ggs to all the people whose names i forget :D
    Electro_Jacky likes this.
  13. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    Play the way you wanna play bro.
    EvenPit and CodyHunter07 like this.
  14. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Lube up your 2p and when it gets raw keep rammin it at em. 2p may not be as strong as it was like in older versions, but it's still useful. Ignore the xbl pm's or simply reply, "thanks for playing!"
    smince82 and CodyHunter07 like this.
  15. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I agree with the play how you want to play comment.

    But i'll also say that I avoid players who 2p 10-12 times per round. Ideally, its not very tough to play against--lag notwithstanding. But also, if that is your "style" of play, you can't be surprised when some people would rather not engage in it.

    Me personally, I don't mind players who use 2p as part of their arsenal. I need to use it more myself. However, if someone is doubling and tripling up on it multiple times per round, whats the point in me engaging in that? I'm not going to get any better at the game fighting versus that, i'm not going to have fun playing against it, and its just a waste of my time, if not theirs.

    I don't care about my rank and/or win % enough to spend minutes, let alone hours, grinding out easy wins in unenjoyable matches--and those would be the only two reasons to stick around or join again. Obviously there's no point in engaging in a session of player matches with someone who neither challenges you competitively or mentally, nor provides you with matches that you enjoy.

    I'll send people a "might be careful with so many 2p's, it can get monotonous," just to let them know, in case they wonder why people start avoiding them. But i don't send anything insulting or post in the BGs thread.

    Ultimately, play the game however you that is fun to you. Thats all i'm doing, and thats all anyone should do. If i don't have fun playing vs super high usage 2p'ers, then i choose not to. And thats fine. If thats your play-style and you enjoy it, thats fine too.
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I love fighting people who 2P a lot because of my 9P. People who use mids all day, and 2P only once in a while are more annoying because it can be hard to predict them.
  17. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    It's always coo to give people that are actually trying to learn the game a fair lil amount of time in a session, in my opinion. Most of us like to play people that are way better than us and can shut down most of our stuff to have us think outside the box. Weather we can pick up on it quickly or not. You can really only get better by playing people that's better than you. If people that are better than you don't ever want to play you, you're pretty much fucked, to an extent. I'm not sayin one has to spend hours upon hours playing x person, but giving em 15 min. or so shouldn't be too bad.

    I've seen streams with Flash of him beating the shit out of the same player over and over, and over for quite a while in a player match. Even telling the person why he's catching em with x move or whatever, and they still were getting caught with it. It's a fast game sometimes, and one just happens to get caught with things cause it's new to them, or they just kept guessing wrong.

    Was Flash having a grand time? Probably not. I'm sure he woulda rather been playing someone better. And I'm sure the other player was enjoying trying to crack the code on how to score some hits and make his defense techniques work.

    But things like giving players not as good as you some of your time if you can give it (Like Flash did on that stream I caught) helps make them better players. Maybe not instantly, but eventually.

    That's just my opinion on it.
    hseiken1 and Tricky like this.
  18. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    touche, Feaucha.

    I've been that person on Flash's stream once, lol.
  19. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    GG's to Akirazero the other day, phoxx and sevensided this morning. Playing is pretty hard for me but i keep trying! Ill be back to 100% health eventually...
    hseiken1 and smb like this.
  20. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    GG's to Bizazedo, having not played since the game came out I almost forgot why I didn't like it :)

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