XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Thanks pizza cat,

    That is who i thought he used. As i vaguely remembered such. Is he a standard running flipping hotdogging blaze like most? Or does he actually slow down and play mix ups, like Rare Entity? And if you decide to alt Eileen, holla at me. I intend on at least partially subbing her. Which brings my list of people i intend to start using to: Lei Fei, Aoi, Eileen, and Shun.
  2. Bloodstyle

    Bloodstyle Well-Known Member

    So... a member for 4 years and this is the 1st thing outside of the circuit stuff I post. I wanna say good game to the following players for joining the tourny tonight. Craigbot, DgtlSamurai, EvenpitVFDC, Kadaj757, Lord Strategry, PrivatSnowBalls, and UnknowingNote. Thank you ALL for showing up, I had a great time. And also, specially thanks to the people who smashed out for a few hours afterwards. Graig, Even, Lord, and those how joined, Red Son Rising, UndreamedAlarm0.

    Thank you all, I had a great time. See ya on Sat for the next tourny and good games on Live.
    Craigbot, EvenPit and smb like this.
  3. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    room match tonight with phanatik. and...uh....er.......craftier nut was there too. Also, i believe we had wieand, pandaz, and another in a room the other night. a vane user. i think social did pretty well and then the plug got pulled--host left--before i could try pai around the room. But they looked to be good matches, even had i not played in any of them :p

    woot woot. i'm the first person to ever like bloodstyles messages ...awwww yeaaaah :D
    Bloodstyle and MakiLeSushi like this.
  4. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    GGs in room matches the past week to Phanatik,Redsonrising,Stl tm, JCblack333,Rock Lee, and ShinyBrentford.
  5. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Thnaks for doing the event, Bloodstyle. It was lots of fun, it ran pretty good for an 8 player tourney. Even after the event, it was still good. I'm looking forward to what happens on Saturday.
    Bloodstyle likes this.
  6. pizzacat83

    pizzacat83 Well-Known Member

    GGs DescendantDroog, that was a very fun series we had. I'm lovin' all the new blood in this game, hopefully this will keep up since VF is a gem amongst fighting games.

    GGs to RisingPower84 as well. Its a shame that the match was kinda laggy, but you've got some skills.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Welcome to my signature quotes.

    GGs to Aya for the early morning set we had a few days ago. It's always fun hitting up on that Jacky, and I'm really glad that new oki tech of mine is working out for me. Can't wait for the next set to work on it some more.
  8. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Fuck yeah dude gg's. Watch out for those random 6k's! I gotta learn how to shut shit down on oki myself so ill be working on that. I love launching that slut for a death combo. Improv wall combos for the win!
  9. Bloodstyle

    Bloodstyle Well-Known Member

    Gotta throw out another shout out to the people on Live. Did another 8 man tourny tonight, Craigbot, DgtlSamurai, Jayded 3rd, PrivatSnowBalls, UnknowingNote, Kain1819, and UndreamedAlarm0. Great, GREAT games all. Alot of back and forth. One of the more fun/interesting 2 hour play sessions I've had in awhile. TY for playing.

    Special thanks to Dgtl though, for taking the time to record the matches w/ the intention of throwing them up on youtube. THANK you.
    UnknowingNote and Craigbot like this.
  10. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Sure i'll play more tonight so maybe i can throw out more ggs. I will admit, by playing just occasionally i end up in the weird conundrum where i don't have fun, but have even less fun by turning it off and not...not having fun lol. I wish i could warp this game back to my college days when i was breezing through classes and had all the spare time i wanted!
  11. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    GGs to smb / socail ruin and Player 1.
  12. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone, we were all on point last night. The competition was tough this time around, but I wouldn't expect anything less than that. Dgtl, keep doing your thing. We look forward to watching the vids.
  13. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    The funny thing is, at the end of my last gg's when i said i'm sure i'd play more, i almost gave you gg's in advance because i was sure we'd play :D

    P.S. you are player 1, smb is player 3. I am player 27, go figure.
  14. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    wanna shoutout a few people
    LoL SteaK- you have courage fighting me the way you did today
    Yang Sze- we R at a stalemate, dead even between the 2 of us & we def need 2 finish out FT10
    BKLsSEPTEMBER-that was just a nasty beatdown i will def watch/study that replay (hot dog-_)
    HurricaneCrafty- stop DUCKING me!
    anyone else i played today GGS as well

    Oh & Cmoney012 that was the most clever ring out tactic that i ever saw it was so simple, but genius!! I was pissed but i respect the way u pulled that off.
  15. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    GGs today to the following...

    hseiken - Outta here with that Home Depot bullshit.
    ShinyBrentford - They were all planned.
    Rare Entity - Good stuff at NEC. I'm unfamiliar with El Fuego's nonsense, so I hope to learn more.
    GentlemanThief - Sadly, I only got to have one match with you before my internet decided to punch me in the face. Was still an intense match for me.
    hseiken1 likes this.
  16. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    "You know you where at disadvantage after that attack right?"

    We don't not refer to Rare as Rare anymore. His new name is "El Bronze"
  17. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    GGs last few days - Kruza AO, Pulse PA, Otoshi VA, all the ladies :) Where are the hot Sarah players!? I only ever really meet basic ones :(

    Also, Scottish, badmanjeff, Tooty in the room and the dojo, good to have more domestic sessions for a change, have to set that up more often :thumbs-up:

    Someone had a GG with LoL Steak? LoL! That guy's Taka is dryer than Bodyform :p
  18. pizzacat83

    pizzacat83 Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure Pit was being sardonic in that post about LoL Steak, since he's a well known Taka scrub ([P] masher into a grab). The sad thing is that players like him can pose a problem in lag, though I avenged an earlier loss against him.
  19. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    His whole game is literally PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP, a few low Ps, the swinging forward kick thing, and then the odd neutral throw in between. That's it. Duck, sidestep, reverse. Both Aoi and Pai laugh at this nonsense. Vanessa OS 2KPK crucifies him. These guys never guard. The one thing you must never do is try and throw, unless you've evaded and they're committed, or it's a hit throw (hello again Vanessa Lewis).
    I will have to send him a message next time I see him, to check this place out, see if he's serious about playing Taka, and the game in general. He's not the worst I've seen on there. One guy literally just did the double low punch thing over and over :rolleyes: I just tapped Aoi's 2P+K the whole time, it was ridiculous, but I suspect he has beaten some chars just doing that. You have to wonder if they're just dirtbag Namco trolls, 11 year old kids, or members of the renegade Shang's rebel rousers (aka the VF 'dark side').
    If you want a legit and scary Taka, try TRfin on for size. Last time I saw that guy, I had to pass on by, as was just trying out Sarah at the time, and no way could even begin to compete against that. Huge, powerful floats, reversals, staggers etc., bad-ass.
  20. pizzacat83

    pizzacat83 Well-Known Member

    GGs to FenrirTheDevil for Goh-ing in strong and playing some fun matches.

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