XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Kanoppio

    Kanoppio Well-Known Member

    ...so you have forgotten our matches? Black fat Ranger vs Yellow fat Ranger? :mad:
  2. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    Yeah,lol. You were crying about my limited move set as well.

    Let the hate flow.. Strike out at me, I am only a noob! With every complaint, you make yourself more and more my servant..
  3. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    All in good fun..
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Now i changed color :p i'm no more yellow XD
  5. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    GGs to an awesome room tonight. Gastinal, KO, SDS, VFnumbers, Phanatik, Social Ruin.

    (I am just using my Pai on his account for the time being, Since we live together If you played lei or goh that was my brother, Social Ruin). Also, posted this about halfway through the matches, too tired to go back and edit once things change.

    Such an awesome room full of thinking players. Some real battle of wits going on. Nice to see such adjustments and counter adjustments going on. Playing thinking players is what makes this game enjoyable.

    Damn dude, i had no idea you were so good!! Our connection left a little to be desired but the games did not. If under suboptimal conditions I enjoyed trying to figure out what you were doing and take advantage of it. Both your Jeff and your Lau. I want to say your jeff was more troublesome, but i think i only played each of them once. Your lau gave others more problems, but that jeff beat me from pillar to post in the first fight. Glad i got revenge vs lau. and I thot u were a sarah user :eek:

    Its just as fun to play you now as it used to be. Actually, even more fun. I remember when last i played you on vanilla you had taken a major step back in strength to work defense. But man do i see how thats has paid off in the long run. Beast, Beast, Beast. Plus the mid, throw, stance mix up mind games is great.

    Yep. I have been wanting to play you for the longest and i was not incorrect. I actually enjoyed your Jacky (as much as I hate him, lol) more than your brad, even tho he is stronger. I have more trouble with brad because when someones start applying serious pressure with a character i am unfamiliar with, I am at a loss. And man is your yomi sick. I couldn't guess right to save my life. Everytime you rose ducking i was doing a standing throw, everytime you rose standing i was doing a low throw. And for the first half of the jacky night i guessed wrong on every throw evade (before i realized you were slaying me with neutral. ahahah.)

    Didn't get a chance to play VS you, but i learn just from watching. The way you just go out there and dominate bad habits with ruthless efficency. That sarah is on point. Haha, using that elbow knee that guarantees pk (right?) and still owning. Wish i had a chance to play you--have to do a 2 player private room. Your 1-2 what you gonna do style exposing every weaknesses in an illuminating way, and actually allows me to clearly see it and adjust. then you expose a new weakness. Its a fun way to play, one of the few elites who easily makes me better every time. Others have tricks and guile, and i have to turn around and ask them why i was losing. Dont know if you do this on purpose, if so, thanks. If not, i'll take it all the same.

    Didn't get a chance to play you, but man are those some beastly flows you have with lei fei. Then you mix that up with back dash launcher when someone moves in to crowd you and stop them its deadly. I'll have to head to the lab and check a few things and then get in a set and see if they work online (assuming they even work in dojo). Either way, i want a piece of that action.

    Why you gotta steal every other turn? Don't you want to lean back, relax, and watch some pai magic? I mean, at least i got some cool costumes, ya know?

    Really though, when the rooms get over 5-6 people it gets tough to keep any rythm going at all (especially either of us doesn't score a win here or there). Taking turns with my bro is fun but tough. Especially in those larger rooms. Waiting for 14-16+ games to go by before i get another turn is brutal. But also, I am sure there is some positive in it that will make me better in the long run.

    you just joined. can't wait to see this monkey go go go . I'll hit you up later.

    ****MOST IMPORTANT****
    IF you guys could all PM and tell me what i need to work on, i'd really appreciate it. I'm sure my opponents see my weaknesses better than i do. I need some good feedback to know where i can first and fastest improve.

    Thanks for all the matches guys (and great to reconnect with many of you). This definitely makes me want to finally get into the dojo. Haha, i learned my max damage combos and headed out for live bullets. Time to go work on evade directions and stagger recoveries.
    phanatik and VFnumbers like this.
  6. gastinell

    gastinell Well-Known Member

    GGs To SMB, Social, SDS,Numbers,Phanatic,K.O.,Tricky, and JackoRCB(sp)?. Was an fun ass room definitely need to run that again. 3 jeffrys 3 lei feis and a eileen in one room? Who woulda though.
    smb, social_ruin and VFnumbers like this.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    GGs to all the folks in that room tonight/this morning. Nice casual sets.
    smb, social_ruin and VFnumbers like this.
  8. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Ggs to everyone in the room. They've been listed twice so i won't do so again. Unfortunately i find so far i'm just good enough to lose matches closely! It was so much fun running that room match while blowing up the shoutbox about that room match!
    smb likes this.
  9. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I am going have to get some matches with you too I don't get many matches with a Pai player that might actually be better than me. It should be fun. The last fun Pai mirror match I had was with GT and that was the last time I faced a Pai equal to or better than me. The next time I am on XBL I will look you up. I already Social Ruin on my Friends list I will know when you might be on.
    smb likes this.
  10. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Sounds great, Shadoo.

    I'd not be so arrogant as to claim i'm better than you after a few sessions and 2 weeks (?) with the game. I've seen you play and really like your style. Its very cerebral. I even picked up a few good ideas from the one room we were in together. So i'm not your equal yet :p
    Plus, i think one match vs you (i think we played) is my only match vs pai so far :eek:

    I have a list of things that i really need to get done in dojo tomorrow, and i will be taking turns with social too boot. So i think tomorrow is a training day only. (hopefully, is always so hard to get myself to train). And maybe monday too.

    Lets plan on tuesday matches for sure. Possibly monday, depends on how burnt out i am on dojo, or if i feel like i've fixed the things that are causing me issues. Soo much i need to work on to get back to an acceptable level.

    But yes, definitely early this week. And not just one time, i'd love to have regular pai mirror matches, thats the quickest and best way to learn all the nifty tricks. Its how i learnt lei fei on vanilla. endless mirrors with VFnumbers, Cozby, and later Linzuhaun. I look forward to this.
    VFnumbers and shadowmaster like this.
  11. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I am up for that for sure.
  12. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream (Eileen) vs XBL (Jacky)


    Have been on DOA for a week or so. Not surprised things are as usual on live.
  13. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    G player matches tonight with G1 TinTin those were some hella fights man!
  14. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    GG's to Social ruin and to SDS Overfiend

    Social: Sorry for the lag dude, the weather here is really really bad. We need to play when the connection is good :)


    In all serious im glad that we got to play again. It was alot of fun. Good shit man. Your jacky continues to be awesome. Eventually I will get there. Good long set, Gonna have to do more of them in the future. Good fucking games man. Looking forward to more.
  15. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    thanks chibi,
    ggs to you too. It might not be your weather. Varying states of lag is always an issue here in Alaska :( I need to see if my provider has a stronger internet package or something tailored to gaming.

    We'll have to try again later this week. I need so much jacky practice.
  16. Futubaaoi

    Futubaaoi Active Member

    ggs to tricky, hayato, blackstar, and gg to acrylichobo. fun stuff, hope to play you all again.
  17. pizzacat83

    pizzacat83 Well-Known Member

    GGs to

    Senor Goblin
    PMS BecKTastic
  18. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    GGS in ranked today with REPEAT OFFENDA gotsu87 Camelot Kings Midget Foot 83 HurricaneStrain(puttin in work) & SEGA jipi
  19. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    GGs room today.

    My head nor heart was in it. I was a placeholder while social ruin at his lunch. Dropped every combo.
  20. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Today was'nt free by a long shot.. GG's man you definitely stepped ya shit up big time.. i was feeling you. Hopefully next time ill make you pay for your mistakes a bit better. i did'nt control the fight as much as i wanted to because you took advantage out the gate. Nice. Thanks For the Session man.. the streamers got something nice to watch today for free lmao!!! Long as we gave them a show it was worth it..... You are not that far behind me.. Im just gonna limit a few things that kept you into the match that i slept on because i did'nt think you would attempt it lol!! Good shit Bruh..... i catch you on stream tommorow is your not playing anybody and im still up.

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