XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    GGs Jami, hseiken, tsumaki kid, EvenPitVFDC, G1TinTin, None Other, and DrFamilia.

  2. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    GGs to all the people I saw on XBL recently like Radical Reactor, EvenPitVFDC, Vanilla Tears, Dr Familia, Jami, Shun is Drunk, Melsted and all the rest too. It is fun to play you guys especially the guys I don't play much at all like Dr. Familia. It appears that XBL isn't as dead as it appears to be based on what people say and that is good.
  3. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    GGs shadow! And good games to everyone else the last two days.
    Comp is fierce. Been getting my butt handed to me!
  4. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    GGs last night to Seminasuke and TFamillia, thanks!
  5. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    GGS GunSniper, Senor Goblin, Electro Lex, DrFamilia, ShadooLord, Shun is Drunk, AnimalStaccato
    Great Room matches
    Extra special Good Games to Senor Goblin,more to come I'm sure.
  6. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Great, long session of 40+ ranked matches I had earlier today against someone in Japan named kimhachi. Heh, good Lord was that a beating I took from his/her Shun. And that Taka was no joke either.

    Also good games to Shidosha, GunSniper Ls and SF 3RD STRIKE for the few ranked matches I played with them.

  7. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I'm usually on every night around 9/9:3- pm PST...
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    In that case only days I can play you is Thursday and Friday because I live in the VA in EST that would be about 12 midnight where I am and I work overnight the rest of the week too if I am free on those days I will look you up then but you are free to send me a FR until them if you like.
  9. Rommil

    Rommil Active Member

    Ggs to everyone on Saturday.

    But more than that, good person to the weirdo, I took our chat to heart, and thusly was disheartened by you-and perhaps everyone's- perception of us. It was illuminating to find out you assumed Rommel was an asshole from the way we post. I am so happy we had that conversation.

    Truly eye opening. And I mean that sincerely.

    I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to the entire community. Sorry if me and my cousin come off as abrasive assholes. We ARE good peeps in real life, who get salty sometimes. This was an awakening to more clearly represent who we are on these forums.

    If our characters seem spammy, they are not. We are well thought, if by rote players. If you have trouble versus us, let's play plAyer and work out the problems.m if you dominate us, well play me player and let's work that out too!

    We want to level up badly, and want everyone else to level up for the good of VF. Sorrynfor anyone we have offended with our behavior on these forums. Cleaning it up. We love VF and the challenges faced on it. No matter how sublime or spammy.

    Thanks again to the weirdo 5000, had no idea we were coming off so,poorly. I look forward to enlightening you (or anyone else) of aLl our cheesy, hard to deal with set ups. And by all means, if you have played us and found any of our characters either cheesy or easy, let us have an open dialogue about the game.
  10. G1 TinTin

    G1 TinTin Well-Known Member

    Eh.....I think your a cool dude, didn't know there were two of you. Ever seen The Prestige?....any way, I don't think you play spammy nor are you an asshole. Salt runs in everyones veins to a degree. Don't feel bad. You can play me anytime. :D
  11. G1 TinTin

    G1 TinTin Well-Known Member

    GGS over the couple of days to

    Grusselgrosser (wanted to play more last night man...just too drunk)
    oVomegaVo (can't believe I'm sayin that. He usually cusses me the fuck out.)
    CraftierNut (learning to use a stick....thats why his play has changed)
    MasaRed (he doesn't know it but he's my teacher with Shun haha.)
    The Weind (I met this dude online before I even came to VFDC. Showed me the ropes when I was clueless. I see talks about this guy, but he is a really cool dude. We always play and talk)
    Akai JC
    Tainted Gene (I love and hate the way you play at the same time. Like playing you, shit just got to laggy)
    Ur Not Shidosha (I havent had training against a good Taka yet. need to fight you more)
    Jet Bryant
    RadicalReactor (saw you on the stream dude good shit)
    Shun is Drunk

    I switch back and forth from Wolf and Shun because I don't know who I want to main. I'm way better with Wolf, but Shun is just so fuckin fun to me. But GGS everyone, you all know I lurk XBL every day.
  12. Kenshearer

    Kenshearer Active Member

    GG's Rory. First in a while, and really enjoyed em, dude. The Lion and Goh games were particularly fun, even tho you raped me, just because I haven't had many, if any, games vs those characters as you could probably tell.
  13. Rommil

    Rommil Active Member

    To itemize a bit more:

    Ggs to
    Tin tin
    Masa red
    None other
    Moldeheir (jacky user)
    Motor city jacky
    Julius blaze
    The weirdo
    Mario -- lei fei

    Others too, but without logging in these are off the top of my head. Ggs to you too if we played Saturday.
  14. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    ggs to everybody I played this weekend, barely managed to win any matches against anybody at all, idk too much Tekken I guess :rolleyes:
  15. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    GG's to nobody cause I couldn't find anyone online. :( Stupid other fighting games.
    Ben_Lord_Dur, Chibiaya and Sozos like this.
  16. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    GG's Phanatik. Thanks for easing up on me LOL!
    GG's Tin Tin as well. (i played you under my brothers account Splinter Tell) I was jacky, he was wolf.
  17. G1 TinTin

    G1 TinTin Well-Known Member

    Haha i knew that wasnt a noob kyu.
  18. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Played all these guys on a long session last night (XBL):

    Ferric78, Seiatsu, StALkeR10N1, P33king DUCK, Daydream CE, Atlas68, ROZIHUNGARY, xliiv360, zZloty, RaKKa vandal, robisdamaster, Neriah Sensei, KKTD Beast, Kaleendah, vX p10neer Xv, kingofvf4, Xx SweetSuki xX, BreadCrusher, KING KUDOS, MD Akujiki, TTVeRDaNT, kbcfc & xXxT0MxXx.

    GGs all, and barely a darker green connection among them. Daydream is an exceptionally hard hitting Eileen player. Highly educational. You pretty much got the whole European spectrum above there, and a few EC US and far West Asia players too, Russia, Poland, Israel, Spain, France UK etc., the wonderful world of VF :)

    Just wish I could play the far East hehe, but then I doubt I would ever take a match, looking at some of the Korean and Taiwanese Gamercards on the scoreboards :ninja:
  19. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    hseiken I saw you on, I was in a room with one other player, if you ever cant find anyone, see if I am on, if I am, I am always down to spar, message me if ya want.
  20. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    GGs to...

    AkiraLove, I didn't know that was you man, great to finally play you.

    I Phanatik I, you improve every time we fight.

    UKDiddy, always a blast. More ninja tricks plz.

    Chibiaya, you're awesome man, glad you're a VF player. Been a while man, looking forward to seeing how stronger you've become.

    HolyVagabond, I like your Sarah, you got some of the coolest combos.

    Denkai, thanks for trying, I appreciate it.

    VFNumbers, your Lei gets better every time.

    DeathSushi! Always a blast.

    Rommil, chill out man, stop caring so much about what people write or say, just do you and have fun. Never forget that this is a game and the main goal is to have fun. Not to prove anything to anybody. Don't let your ego or other players egos get in the way of that.

    MistaTee, lol yea man, I be out of it sometimes but I still play when I really shouldn't. I still had fun even if I was doing more watching than actual playing, lol.

    Kruza, long time no play, have you played GunSniper yet?

    G1 Tin Tin, first of all awesome avatar, lol, you're fun to play but you're doing something that I used to do back in the day and that's falling back to very effective flowcharts. Mix it up more (freestyle) and try to stay off autopilot (happens to all of us) and you'll do even better and have more fun :)

    Shadowmaster, fun room matches.

    Great offline games to SamTheSeed aka ShunIsDrunk aka ChupacabraDeMamajuana; Imperfecto; Incident and Ladon.

    Thank you all for still playing VF with TT2 out. Hopefully I still see some of you playing VF when DOA5 comes out. If not, I'm sure you'll eventually come back ;)
    phanatik likes this.

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