XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Rommil

    Rommil Active Member

    Gg vanilla tiers. The games is what it is. Certain characters where overpowered on vanilla and now characters are way OP on showdown. Lets not be enemies. You used jackey on vanilla when he was strong, an d u now use him when he is super strong. I do not fault you, and do not ask for an apalog y. If they made my character super strong I'd use them and rank up. Just as jackey and brad players have

    No hard feelings friend. Perhaps I won 90 percent of our previous games because my character was op on vanilla.

    Regardless of my bitching, I look forward to ranking up vs you tomorrow. But get used to peeps being annoyed vs jackey. It will happen a lot on final showdown.
  2. Rommil

    Rommil Active Member

    I am sorry for bei g salty vs you. ;(
    It's my competitive nature. Nice jackey.
  3. G1 TinTin

    G1 TinTin Well-Known Member

    Honestly, the only jacky that beats me are the ones who's skill is legitimately better than mine. Half the time i play ranked I have my daughter, so rank means nothing to me because ranked is where you will find 99 percent of VF players. i go up and down, up and down. Abare me like fucking crazy with a high tier character, don't care, i actually like it. There is not one type of player in the world. With every new fighting game (regardless if its just a update) comes character changes some people would like to switch to. I literally went from destroying everyone in MVC3 to getting my ASS HANDED TO ME by any top ranked Wolverine or Wesker in UMVC3. Then I adapted.

    Point is, I'm not calling you out Rommil. I think its healthy to get salty. Yeah I said it. But, the RIGHT kind of salty. Like after you lose, the "This mothafucka right here!! spammin ass!''


    With the mindset that everyone isn't you. there is no morals in a fighting game. its a game. to play. for the sake of the entertainment of learning something deep and the way other people craft the engine into their playstyle. i've never shared my mindset in fighting games....so this was kinda weird, but i think it's helpful because when I used to get super fuckin salty back when I started to learn fighting games at a competitive level, my game sucked. but now that I accept all players and all playstyles evenly, learn something about every side of the engine (abare only opponents, opponents who think fast as fuck with fluent moves and ease, opponents who NEVER thinks, etc....)and see shit from a different light, my skill in any fighting game boosts greatly.
    SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
  4. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Social's Good Lei Fei player who took advantages of Laggy situations online.. Good person overall though... Being that his Connection was pretty laggy it made Lei Fei godly in Vanilla along with Shun online.. 2 godtier characters the world complain about having certain advatages lol!! Stop talking being a backseat driver and Please buy the game. get back on Xbl play it for yourself, get your Lei Fei up to speed.. the tell me what you think.... But on topic

    GG's to Tricky
    GG's to Loaded Psycho
    GG's to Seminasuke
    GG's to Maddyakira
    GG's to Mista Tee
    GG's to Sudden Death
    GG's to Phanatik
    GG's to Izuna Otoshi
    GG's to Weiand
    GG's to whom else i may have forgot... If you see me holla... Im always up for games and having fun.....
    Tricky likes this.
  5. G1 TinTin

    G1 TinTin Well-Known Member

    damn sds i reload to put my ggs which is a long fuckin list an you beat me to the punch.....

    ggs tfam (never play any good brads....i need more matches with you! so in experienced to brad..)
    ggs rommil
    ggs vanilla tears
    ggs HolyVagabond
    ggs mista tee
    ggs phanatik
    ggs ayufanboy
    ggs godeater .......aaand i think thats it.
  6. RadicalReactor

    RadicalReactor Well-Known Member

    ggs to eubanks. learned a lot from ya!
  7. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    That shouldn't make the game unenjoyable for you. VF5 FS is a still going to be a good game regardless of whether below average players are warriors. The sooner some of you put rank out of your mind the better off you will be.
  8. ShinjukuATM

    ShinjukuATM Well-Known Member

    everybody complaining about overpowered characters: get more knowledge about them so u can defend against strong characters...against Jacky its very helpful to know his string properties (duck low-high or high-low so u can punish + dont eat mids) and avoid summersaults...tier list is very tight.low tier lei is still the shit.people even win tougekis with leis in their team and another lei was part of 3rd placed team.Ad4m aka stprock is better with lei than taka same goes 4 me...for those who dont know: leis throw game is weak and his guard crushes arent good at all but shaolin kung fu is serious business

    social ruin buy the game already so u see:
    lei fei is hard like strong lumber
    cute eileens get the...
    ugly akiras get the fist of thunder
  9. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member

    I haven't personally had that much trouble against Jacky.. Maybe I haven't fought the right people yet, but as a new VF player using Pai, I have a lot more trouble agaist Shun Di and Lei Fei than Jacky by far.
  10. TheHolyVagabond

    TheHolyVagabond Well-Known Member

    GGs to everybody I fought yesterday (Rommil, G1 Tin Tin, Matty77, FullMelson, Xui Tan Sour, Brian RVT, Craigbot, and others).

    And to Grusselgrosser: I hope you don't take it personally what I said a few pages ago. You probably don't remember me from the vanilla VF5 days. But I definitely remember your jacky 3king me after I was dead every round. I think it's bad manners but I can't even hate...... "If you don't want them to do it, stop them from doing it". I needed to level up. Period.

    As for Jacky being broken..... I'm kinda like "wtf?" on that. This game is so much more than just reading frames. His strings and extensions don't bother me like they used to because I've seen so many types of Jackys. Frames don't mean shit if you can read your opponent, anticipate their next move and counter properly. I used to think Shun Di was bullshit too, but the more I played him and the more I played different Shuns, the more I understood where he can attack from and his attack tendencies.

    Except for Pai. Hate that bitch. 1KK wrecks my movelist. :p
  11. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    @ SDS,i didn't TRy to take adv of laggy situations, the online play conditioned me--if that makes senes, i just played within the playground of the game.
    i plan on getting the game around 10/20/12. I KNOW you understand that i don't want to make a weak return to VF. I've been working 50 hours a wk for the last 2 1/2 months. I fly to portland for work on the 15th of oct. After that i get to cut hours for all my 50 hour weeks. I'm gonna take advantage of that to VF5FS. I'm looking forward to VF gluttony. Ranked-dojo-making wasted wish get the game, etc :D Thanks for saying i was a good player. Bad manner saying it was because i took advantage of lag. I was never a spammer. I intelligently used my advantage to attack, and was actually conservative in how i did it. Although, i would definitely agree that lag ALWAYS favors the winner. Anyhow SDS i know i've needled you a bunch lol. But i don't really think i'm better than you. To be honest, in vanilla i think you were probably better than me vs the world at large, i just matched up well vs u. But @ the same time, when i was grinding daily, i know i was getting close to that top american tier. I won't pretend i wasn't good because the top US players could stomp me. That's stupid. There is room for every level of skilled player, and i was running up that ladder.
    SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I'm the best player. GGs to me for being the best.
    MarlyJay, Sozos, YOMI and 2 others like this.
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I just want you be a force again cause I enjoyed my matches with you. When I say take advantage of lag.. Everybody has that one thing they can get away with online.. Just come back strong so I can break you lol
  14. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    GGS to STL Tim, I know I was'nt go to keep playing, but I decided to judge for myself, and had a few good matches.next time will be longer. Your play is really high level.
    and GGS G1 Tin Tin your shun used to wreck me all day, and recently I have gotten a few against you, crazy drunk :)
  15. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    @vanilla, i know they weren't 20 game win streaks lol.
    @SDS, that made me smile when you said break me, i laughed. I liked the switch of pace. "just come back strong...so i can break you!". lol. It was funny :)
  16. Rommil

    Rommil Active Member

    Ggs to everyone I played /playing tonight. Bad games to cheap monarch vodka :). Its going to demote me :(
  17. spyder0080

    spyder0080 Active Member

    gg to everyone I played today, including the Shun that dominated the room match I was in.
  18. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Awesome set of matches against sekaijin in ranked last night. I would've played more matches with you for sure but my connection began to act up, so I took a break for a while. We have to do it again soon, man.

    Props to HappyFriend Lau, Jet Bryant78, G1 TinTin, Wynstonian, gotsu87, Xui Tan Sour, Lord Hollow, XiJaH, Zass30, VirtuaPsy, SF 3RD STRIKE, McLovin FR, ComGatSum, The Don43 and Demonic Witch 6 among a few others for all the matches I played against you guys in ranked last night.

    Also, good games to Blossy for the set of matches in players. Hopefully I get a chance to play more Europeans online like you, Jet Bryant78 and McLovin FR in the future.

    sekaijin likes this.
  19. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    GGs to Chibiaya,senkouzero,blackstar84 and Maxou. Awesome room guys.really enjoyed the matches.4 hours running room, so damn excited. Cant wait for the next time. :)
  20. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    No I don't take it personally and I didn't mean it to be personal when I'd ground stomp you. I just got some kind of morbid pleasure out of it back when you could do it; that or 66P+G a KO'd standing opponent

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