XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    GGs to Maxou, SHwoKing (sp?), Kingheim and Blossy. Sorry it took me so long to wake up lads.

    Seidon!! we have to play
    Seidon likes this.
  2. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    GGs Marly ! Very interesting. Lots of characters I don't have any versus against so it's very nice.
    MarlyJay likes this.
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Ggs to Blossy last night. Was nice to get to use a few characters. :)
  4. SHwoKing

    SHwoKing Well-Known Member

    I wish I could stay and play more with you and Maxou. That was fun matches. But I had to give back the TV ;)
    GG to you and Maxou and hope I'll see you soon
    hseiken1 likes this.
  5. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    GGs, was fun. First time I've seen you use any other characters than Blaze in FS I believe? Connection also seemed better than we usually get these days.

    GGs to Marly (even if it was only one match I believe), Maxou and the others in the room matches, and to Zakkapa, Electro Lex, Hyper P, Mitsuruga and all the other people I played recently.
    Electro_Jacky likes this.
  6. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    GGs to OhnoyoudontVf, HappyLau, JCblack,and everyone else I played in the last several days.
  7. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Yeah, man. I don't get a lot of opportunities to play so I wanted to use other characters even if I suck with them. Experience more of the game that way. Also, the connection will be better cause I'm staying back at my folks' place at the moment ;)
  8. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    GG's to everyone (except JCBlack...bro, it's been over a month since I played you, you're still a hunter and you still use the exact same 4 moves in still a semi-predictable way? PLEASE, oh PLEASE step up your game, that's why I quit playing you after 2 matches!) including the following:

    OhNoYouDidnt VF (AZ)
    Ragnark something another
    DominicanDan or whomever (i'm so bad with names)
    and the other 3 or 4 people I played whom I won't even attempt to murder their names, it's bad enough I shot the ones above in the kneecaps)
    Edit: And Tricky and Rare Entity...it was nice to see your Eileen finally on your A-Game. What a mad poking game you have...shit!)

    Fun times (esp ridiculous Wolf mirror matches against AZ...funny shit!)
  9. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Good games to mannybiggs, mistervf and motocityjacky.

    Mcj: to this day I hate your jacky...we have to play offline one day.

    Manny: good shit with aoi dude. Very impressive stuff man. I learned a lot from our set!

    Mistervf: too bad our connection wasn't too hot but I can tell you know your stuff! Good games =)
  10. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    gg to bus orez. I agree with you. Let's hope vf goes to evo next year so i'll see you in real maybe.
    gg also to Khan rhan, mitsuruga, kanoppio, g0d3l, DrVonLee (DWR) and electro jacky (sorry if i didn't stay more, but i was a little bit tired).
    Electro_Jacky likes this.
  11. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    GGs to Electro Jacky and....that's it!
    Electro_Jacky likes this.
  12. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to Ragnar Frostaxe, LeftyLizard, I phanatik I, and everyone else I faced! I need more work with my El Blaze XP
  13. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    GGs to SilentNephilim and StolenFaith. I had a lot of fun. Those were great sessions.
  14. Rommil

    Rommil Active Member

    Ggs to phanatik the other night. Gg ukdiddy. I know I am forgetting a lot of you. Bad games to a wind storm that has knocked out my Internet. Hope it's back on in time for the kickoff of the nfl :(
    phanatik likes this.
  15. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    GG's to Rodnuts(LOL 9 2p's in a row sorry dude lol) Shidosha, Chief flash, Adam Yuki, Denkai and maddyakira. I got to play so many awesome players today on stream. Thanks guys for playing with me today. I look forward to doing it again!
  16. KnuckaWut

    KnuckaWut New Member

    ggs ukdiddy, chief flash , masared , tricky i play almost everyday learning alot just cant beat you guys...EVER !! but wrestling is still the ultimate sport
  17. Rommil

    Rommil Active Member


    Hsieken, koompala, tsunami kid (actually, we didn't play,lol.), phanatik. Great room, great games.

    Also ranked; tin tin (nasty shun. I haven't figured shun out yet at all) mista tea, and the others I cannot recall. Just because I can't remember all of you doesn't mean I enjoyed the games any less.

    Thanks all.
    hseiken1 likes this.
  18. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to Koompbala, A LOADED PYSCHO, TheHolyVagabond, Stl Tm, THE WEIAND, ThisisEubanks, Waverusher Kobi, ShinyBrentford, and everyone else I played today! :3
  19. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    I was playing super shitty today, my apologies.
  20. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Good games to everyone i played today! A special good games to Erdraug! It was awesome games with you man. Our connection was quite solid considering the distance. I look forward to more games with you man. You had some pretty good shit with Vane! It was awesome practice :)

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