XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. MegaMaN85

    MegaMaN85 Well-Known Member

    GGs to Shidosha, leo de castille and Marly (sorry bout the lag)

    Playing Shidosha was both inspiring and upsetting! It was a joy seeing such skill being pulled off (even if it did feel like you were trolling) and at the same time made me feel like I shouldn't be playing VF period! I knew you went WAY TOO EASY on me, showing me just how much my gameplay sucked... SOOOOOOO BAD!!!! [​IMG]

    You live, You learn, You overcome! I just have to overcome my fears of sucking and just try harder!
  2. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Good games to Tony Familia, Akai, Dennis, VFNumbers, and anyone else I played. [​IMG]
  3. Shakugan

    Shakugan Member

    If anyone is looking to run some sets let me know.
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    GG to GT and KO. Thanks for the sets.

    Edit: Hah. This was my 5000th post. How fitting it was GG's.
  5. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Blackula! GGizzles my nizzle wizzle, lol
  6. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    GGS to Blackula, Dr. Familia, La Akira, imperfecto, hurrican strain.,shangsterxbl
  7. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    You too [​IMG]
    also ggs to Westtrade couple days ago.
  8. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Yoooo, my connection was on point last night. And not just for a few minutes or like an hour but like all night. Shit was unprecedented. Ever since FS dropped it's been a losing battle against lag but the internet gods and the FS gods musta took pity on me and kept lag at bay... but it'll be back. It always comes back, lol.

    GGizzle nizzles to my flip VFnizzles
  9. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Ggls to vf hayato and everyone else I have played recently. Fun times =)
  10. gastinell

    gastinell Well-Known Member

    GGS!!! to everyone i played. Played a lot of you mofos so not gonna bother naming them.
  11. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    Gg's to anyone i played for about 3 hours now. [​IMG]
    Althow i was demoted to Barbarian the experience on
    the match-ups was invaluable!

    Thanks guys! [​IMG]

    Hey lets gather one day for some room matches!
    I'll be wating for some invitations... [​IMG]
  12. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    GGs to Dention for letting me beat him down 8 in a row before he pulled!

  13. MannyBiggz

    MannyBiggz Well-Known Member

    GGs to Soul Katana even though he took a bit of offense to some post round teasing. My apologies for that I guess.
  14. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    ggs gastinell!
  15. MayorMcFilthy

    MayorMcFilthy Member

    GGs to the El Blazes that lit my ass up today. Moderately ok games to the non-Shidosha Taka I had a series with due to several lag spikes messing things up, but he/she still played it right mostly. BGs to myself for losing rounds that I should have won over stupid ass play or rough connections. I avoided demotion twice, but shouldn't have put myself in those spots to begin with.
  16. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I too need to give good games to every single El Blaze player I've played that incidentally know an exact amount of 2 flowcharts (and use them 90% of the time)!
  17. MannyBiggz

    MannyBiggz Well-Known Member

    I take back my GGs to SoulKatana. The guy is a goddamn tool. Moving on...
  18. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    you hurt my feelings YO... LOL [​IMG]

    GGS to following NON cocky VFers:

    Daydream CE
    P33king DUCK
    Kahn Rahn
    LoisMustDie X
    havoc zZ

    and Manello Biggz... wait i take that back... i don't like cockiness, taunt & tease shit. [​IMG]
  19. MannyBiggz

    MannyBiggz Well-Known Member

    That's fine, because I don't like children like you.

    You talk about not liking cockiness but your whole little rant about "testing stuff and not taking things serious" right after I sent you a simple "ggs" message implies that maybe you hate yourself? Self loathing yes. It all comes full circle.

    You also keep taking shots at me thinking I'm a great player. I've talked to a variety of people here and the last thing I've ever said was that I'm great. I'm barely 3 weeks into this game. So, you tell me. How does it feel to lose a few times to a person that has only been playing VF for 3 weeks and has almost zero knowledge about the characters you were using when you've been playing it all this time? Clearly it bugs you enough to go back and forth on XBL messages no matter how you try to play it off with your little "aww you hurt my feelings" comment.

    I would rematch you like you asked, but you had the chance to run it back last time, but instead you left the room and complained about "2P taunting". I'll leave it at that.
  20. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    yo 'boss' this is GGST (GOOD GAMES THREAD) maybe you should check the boards first...?

    btw i left the room after the 4:4 because you saved a replay or moved to bathroom etc. do you really think i wait more than 2 minutes for your 'back to lobby' click? [​IMG] you take back a posted 'ggs' and call ME a child...?! ROFL you'r too funny [​IMG]

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