XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    ggs to Jason Elbow: LION SHAWTY!

    ggs to Kunfusmurf: I swear your Akira is getting better. Good job.

    ggs to Archangel: Your Goh makes me salty. :)

    ggs to Oneida: We seem about even,but next time you goin get this VF work:cool:

    ggs to Offshorerandy: Connection is always good.

    ggs to Kruza: Sarah and Nessa comin after your Aoi !
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2017
    Jason Elbow, oneida and Kruza like this.
  2. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

  3. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
  4. KahnRahn

    KahnRahn Well-Known Member

    Very long time i havn't post.
    GGs to Maki, Ikizu69,Jcnextinc genjuro and every one i've played
  5. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Hey KahnRahn. I see you online offten. I would love to get some sets in with you. I saw you sent me a message but at the time i was blocked on xbl from sending messages for a while. I message you but get no response. Feel free to invite whenever your on. Happy VF- ing!
  6. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Good games to those in JacobEvo's room early this morning!

    JacobEvo and jimi Claymore like this.
  7. JacobEvo

    JacobEvo Active Member

    I know im late but good games to you and the other guys too. Love getting back into the game. Hate that i been gone for so long, and have gotten so rusty smh. But i'm back, and ready to serve these hands.
    Kruza likes this.
  8. Poise

    Poise Member

    Anyone new still playing on xbox? i took some time away but now im back and as bad as ever
  9. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Where are you located? If you are EU I'd love to play with a new player (to me) on xbox live.
  10. Poise

    Poise Member

    im in USA sorry buddy
  11. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    I'm around on occasion. Hopefully we can find a time that works for the both of us.


    Well well well. Lookey here at all the old vf tags i dont see anymore. Been awhile since i seen some of these names. Looking thru these post after all these years. Hey i remember that nancyboy. Doesent play anymore. Must have went full time at pottery barn. Still drives a pink geo metro hatch though. Blasting his creed mix loudly. Lol. I dont have a problem with u nancyboy thoughs. The Weiand tries to respect ur pronouns now. Even pai and lion players. Had a lot of down time lately. Playing late at nite. Eleven and later. Ranked room whatever. If ur one of those guys i dont play. Sorry but i hate ur boring dirty trashcan ass. But im trying to turn over a new leaf. Bought some dave matthews albums. Relaxed weiand now. I try not to make fun of you girls and ur yellow sundress style of play. Im joking anyways. My old vf rooms were like dirty pool halls anyways. U talk that way. Supposed to have fun. Anyways if u want to fight a shitty jeff or a shitty wolf look online at eleven or twelve. Be cool to get regular room going again. Also im under myth tracker account now. Using someone elses account right now. Till i go home. This is Weiand though. Shinys and tims still here. Whats up brotaskys? Lol tim hates me. Shiny hope u didnt quit vf for fortnite or something. Come back man. Also its the good game thread so good games to all the one bar stuttering lag jacky assholes from europe that i end up playing at nite. And king of carnage for staying up late to play me even though the orderly at the nursing home said lights out. Lol. Joking man. And im not good with computer shit so if its fucked up somehow well fuck it. Weiand out.
  13. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Are you bringing back the band? 2 whole chickens and coke?! Jake & Elwood!


    Were on a mission from god.
  15. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Looking for late night VF players if possible. :)
    I had a great time with @Stl_Tim, @Crazydrunk, and @HotSauceNelly since renewing my XBL, and wonder if anyone still log in during late night (PST 10PM~12AM)?

    The XBL connection issue sucks and sometimes I have difficulty to jump in the open session, so maybe player or room can sort it out for me.

    Hit me up for some casual, thanks!
  16. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the sets Dennis. I’m on whenever your free just pm me your schedule and availability.

    Also, if anyone wants to play vs best hands down shun di in NA that is amazingly creative and someone to learn shun from check out crazydrunk88.
    Dennis0201 likes this.
  17. HotSauceNelly

    HotSauceNelly Well-Known Member

    @Dennis0201 The matches were awesome and I look forward to our next session. Love playing against quality opponents like yourself who show respect and class throughout! Salute! :)
    Dennis0201 and jimi Claymore like this.


    Good fights and all that bullshit. Unless i dont like u. Hey shiny and tim. Got one for the old band. While playing vf the other day Weiand trapped a guy in the corner so brutally the guy went back in time and started the band rem.... Didnt get it ur not old enough. That spots for harley davidson motorcycle parking only. Park that buzzing shit somewhere else. Weiand out.
    Stl_Tim, VFnumbers and ShinyBrentford like this.
  19. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    GGs to Weiand, BGakira, Air Jacky, Auvii. Hotsauce Nelly, Stl Tim for the matches the past few days and weeks.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    hi all, just got my arcade stick fixed so up for some games but incredibly rusty. are many people still playing on xbox? I can get on late GMT time, usually after 10pm and at weekends every so often. playing from Scotland. My gamertag is FreeScotland.

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