XBL Bad Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Not today the wife and I have plans. I have to set it up so that the baby will be asleep(8ish CT) and the wife is doing something else. No distractions. I would like to plan it for Tuesday or Wednesday.
  2. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    I don't care when you do it. Just pm me when y'all wanna do it...
  3. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    will do. Just send me a friend request.
  4. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I can do it basically anytime after the next few days. Now I am just too busy and irritable to try and concentrate and play VFmatches to win. In fact this stress is probably contributing to my saucy responses. My tolerance for bullshit is very low right now and Shiny's Texan idiocy exceeded it: Some Texan with an internet connection is being a dumb dick! I will put him in his place!
  5. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    I love Happy_Friend inferiority complex. It makes him Froggy.

    BTW I also love that your only argument for me being dumb is a stereotype.
  6. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    BG cruzlink2

    When i play a well known VFDC name i expect better than that. Pulling after you lose but before it counts is shitty behavior. You should either cheat or be an active member of VFDC, Not both. There isn't room for that around here.
  7. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    Not claiming the guy is innocent, but Cruz usually has a good attitude when I play him. An off day for him, maybe.
  8. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna vouch for cruz as well. Played plenty of games with him, sometimes I got lucky stomped the living shit out of him and he came back for more. He's not a puller. XBL isn't prone to DC as bad a PSN but it happens.
    Pai~Chun and Chibiaya like this.
  9. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

  10. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    thrusday at 9pm eastern?
  11. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    It'll be the last FT10 before the END OF THE WORLD! I think that should be the hype on this...
    EvenPit likes this.
  12. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    ^I believe the 21st is the beginning of the end of the world not the end right there. The same thing that happened to the dinosaurs is gonna happen to us. Dinosaurs, then Noahs Arc, then Ice Age on repeat
  13. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    That sounds fine. My beef with Shiny, such as it is, is more on his general idiocy and the violence that his posts do to logic and language. But I have also dissed his VF5 game. He would spam DMPK looong after it had been established that this made a mockery of the game. This should be fun. I predict a Happy Friend victory, but I have been wrong before.
  14. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    I hope you enjoy my new "quote". My favorite part is the " I predict a Happy Friend victory, but I have been wrong before" Let me brake this down for you. "I say I am going to win this out load, but deep down inside I know I'm going to lose."

    I hope you spend more time blocking in VF and less time blocking on VFDC. Work on that hit conform because on the last couple of games, we played on my friend account. That mashing didn't work out to good for you.
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Now my existence may be validated.
    smb, ShinyBrentford and social_ruin like this.
  16. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Thanks. Now you can go to the glory hole and good games me.
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    VFDC the place where verbal disagreements that have nothing to do with how good the players are turn into FT10's.
    Pai~Chun, Happy_Friend and smb like this.
  18. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Looks like someone wants to be the next FT10 for next year.
  19. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I retired from online FT10s. I'd FT10 someone at the NL tuesday events though. There only a few peeps who have full bar connections with me online that I'd gladly FT10, but I dunno if they'd challenge me.
  20. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Shame. I was hoping to keep this FT10 thing going. I'm tired of all these lame SnakeBoss, hseiken FT10. I want to make this a weekly thing. I know online sucks, but Ft10 is great for tourney jitters.
    EvenPit likes this.

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