XBL Bad Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Seminasuke likes this.
  2. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    ...I am.

  3. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    BGS to Comcast or Xfinity whatever u wanna call it they r costing me matches
    Switching to Fios asap
  4. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Feeling similar, though Comcast should be the best in my area. It just feels so unstable...I don't remember having problems like this before I moved.
  5. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    It was great when i first got it but now its just choppy
    not acceptable considering i have no other devices connected other than my xbox & computer while online
  6. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    A wired and non shared ten meg down, one meg up should be a bare minimum really for online fighters. Try asking the ISP if they throttle speeds during peak hours, and what gaming prioritised line packages they do?

    Anyhow, fun games and nice sets with the man above, the rest of the regular Live crew and also OhNoYouDidn't VF last night for the extended Aoi mirror play. Low P Sabaki into the auto throw really is one of my fave moves in the game now hehe :cool:
    SweetSuki as well, apparently a legit lady gamer, tricky but informative Pai v Aoi and vice-versa clashes the other night, exposing my shocking defence and timing! :oops:

    OK, I'm on hols now for a week. Wish could take 360 and stick with me lol, but it is what it is. Will be back on soon, trying to improve my far eastern female fighting styles [G] ~ [P] ~ [K]
  7. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Uh, good games in the bad games thread... FS is that hot!! :eek:
  8. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Quick apologies to Tfam. I accused him of using some offensive language that he didn't use. Don't want to bring it all back up, as its buried 4 pages ago. Accredited him with saying some stuff that he didn't say. No slander intended, lol.

    While he was one half of the argument he didn't use the reprehensible slangs i thought he did.
  9. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    bad games to you for posting good games in the bad games thread :(
  10. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    PaiChun unless the network is getting saturated by something else like netflix or torrents, the amount of bandwidth is less important than the amount of latency between the connections. ISPs can generally do nothing at the consumer level about latency since it's dependent on both their infrastructure and the wider internet's. Run a test at pingtest.net at the location of your opponent. It's a good diagnostic tool since the VF5FS does not display actual ping times but only silly bars.
  11. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Yep. I used to play on GGPO which had the world map, and displayed ping rates. Generally, from the UK, I can stretch to the middle of the States, and it's playable. Beyond that (Cali) it will probably have seriously notable in-game delay. I must say though, SEGA's netcode on this is excellent, especially considering how some of the older 2d games over Live seem to break up easier, long distance.

    Will remember to check carefully which thread I'm actually posting in next time after tapping 'What's New?' :oops:

    Just got back from holiday in fact, can't wait to jump back on there!
  12. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    Bad, bad games to myself last night. Fucking hell, losing this much is straight discouraging. I can't get better at all.
  13. pizzacat83

    pizzacat83 Well-Known Member

    Midget Foot 83
    BGs to HurricaneStrain. I acknowledge that you're a much better player than I am, but don't try to cherry pick me for easy Battle Points and then gloat at the end of any round in which you beat me.

    I'll never understand why some players care so much about their rank that they'll stymie their growth as a player by cherry picking inferior players, especially since one's position on the leaderboard is inconsequential in the long run.
    Ytpme_Secaps likes this.
  14. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    May as well throw this out, it needs to be done every so often.

    BG'S to online play. For making -15f launchers safe on block moves.
    BG's to online play. For allowing opponents mids to to land first after they eat ch 2p.

    Online play can be such a joke. I always wonder if the other player even notices or if he's just sitting there like, hell yah i landed another mid k, son.
  15. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Just out of pure curiosity, what is it he's doing that makes you think he's gloating? Cause I personally like to hit buttons and jump around n whatnot. Maybe that's all he is doing too.
  16. TheWeirdo 5000

    TheWeirdo 5000 Well-Known Member

    bg's VFCD.

    I don't like oneframekill. They promote some of the worst attitudes available to humanity (racism, homophobia, general shit talking using the previous attitudes freely even when they don't apply), but they are still a part of the community. Some of the best players reside there. Those players may not have much in the way of social abilities, but they know how to play the game.

    More than that, they are actually willing to help folks get better. Yeah, you gotta put up with some bullshit, but you will get better through dealing with them. Players who deal with them on their terms get better. I hate it, but its fact.

    Mods: (and others are welcome to respond, but I'm actually asking the mods)...

    why are you taking legal action against a faction of the community, even if its the ghetto of the community? Is it because they have had one of the most popular threads on this near dead forum in months?

    why don't you stick up for new players when they get shit talked to by established members on the boards?

    why do I feel more comfortable dealing with the shit talking I get on oneframekill vs the shit talking I get here?

    Thanks for the worthwhile developmental posts for my character. But the nonsense clique attitude in the general forum, the fuck-you outsiders approach to community moderation: no thanks.

    This aspect of the community has let me down as a newcomer to the series. I tried to participate, and just got insulted or ignored. My communication tactics may not have contributed very much (being new, I was just trying to find connection points in the community), but i suspect that most newcomers will meet the same.

    Done with VFDC. Hopefully there will be new management, or the outside blogging community will provide the community matrix this game needs.
  17. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Cease and Desist is not legal action. It holds no legal value, even if served to you by an actual lawyer (in this case it wasn't). It is exactly as it appears to be, a request to cease an activity and desist in continuing.
  18. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    @ weirdo5000,
    hey man, i think perhaps you are doing the thing we do where we tip back our cups and decide everything is all or nothing. Don't forget that vfdc performs the function of being a primary anchor for relationship relevance. For example, we have never played but have engaged in a decent discourse and therefore know that one another are valuable people in wanting vf5 to grow. This is a great launching point for new friendships and playing together. If you beat me badly or vice-versa then vfdc serves as an alibi that the other is worth investing time in to help improve the game.

    Regardless of the mod squashing of the RR it cannot serve a similar function. I would never play someone and smash them and think "well they said [some vulgar low class BS] in the rape room so maybe i will invest more time in that vf FS relationship. The RR might be the hottest newness on the forums but it is transient. If we ever see a vf6 or 7 or etc, the RR will no longer be an integral part of the community. It is destined to fizzle, it is a plan with a harvest strategy. VFDC is built on granite, and is the Bank of VF5. It is the most lasting/strongest built pillar of the VF community.

    The RR is something that is being done, and could be done with a less inflammatory name.

    There is a not at all subtle problem with using the term 'rape'. And that is the fact that people are/will be/have been actually raped. Had anyone in my family been raped i would be angered to the point of violence if i met flash/shangster in person. Fortunately that arrow has dodged me, but it doesn't change the fact that there is a moral issue here and it is not ambiguous.

    +1 Myke.
    Tha_FeauchA likes this.
  19. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Ok 5k i understand u not liking something or disagreeing with some things but scurrying away and saying oh FLuck it im outta here shows little determination. If u really wanted to get better sometimes there are obstacles you gotta get over b4 u get there everything/everyone aren't just gonna magically love you and BAM you're a 5 star player you have to earn things like that. Now i agree the sheet talking & stuff goes there sometimes but no one is a virgin 2 that stuff we all heard it b4. I see it as a test to see if you really r serious about improving or if you're just bullsitting & trying to get recognized (kinda like tough love?) (if that made any sense at all) What im trying to say is don't leave just because there's something u disagree with & dont expect much if ur not putting in the work ya kno.
    Being insulted usually only happens when you do something to annoy or pis someone off so thats a 2 sided coin. Now granted there are as holes but those r the ones u stay away from dont feed into their bullsheet everyone has their own justice it may seem bad to some- good 2 others, it;s all personal pref.

    This is all my op take it as you will
  20. TheWeirdo 5000

    TheWeirdo 5000 Well-Known Member

    Definitely in my cups last night, and you have definitely made some good points. I'm pretty sure this is the plot of a movie or book I've read: character tries to integrate into community, doesn't fit in, sides with outsider/rejects (who somehow represent the community more fully than the mainstream group). Nightbreed maybe? It's cliche though and my heart isn't in it.

    I'm with you man. Thing is though, I joined up with the website because I felt a lot of passion for the game, and I wanted to talk to others who felt the same. Unfortunately my social skills weren't up to par: humor/debate was seen as trolling, while attempts at more intelligent discourse were just ignored. Instead of boosting my enthusiasm for the game, my interactions have damaged my enthusiasm for the game. But it's cool: sometimes we attempt things and they don't work out.

    Anyway Ruin, Pit: you guys are good people. I'll see y'all on Live.
    Tha_FeauchA likes this.

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