XBL Bad Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. G1 TinTin

    G1 TinTin Well-Known Member

    G1 T i n T i n
    Wait, why am I arguing with a stranger who messaged me first on the internet? And not even having an intelligent convo ABOUT THE MESSAGES HE SENT ME STATING THE PROBLEM. You are dumb. You have to be. Last message. Not talking to you again. All serious and mad about me playing you on XBL but get on here and you smileys and shit like you wasn't salty. Get the fuck outta here dude.
  2. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Buck 50 is garbage he is definetly lag switching, and loves to use lag tactics, he kept challenging me with zero bars and I finally said no,you got no bars. He has the chutzpah to write to me, "boo whoo". Garbage.

    and EvenPit has always been good people as far as I have encountered, sometimes dicking around is for fun and has nothing to do with trying to insult the opponent. I am sure if he knew you took it that way he would apologize and not do that to you in the future.

    And to G1TinTin and DrFam, squash it, you are both salty jerks sometimes, we all are, too few of us to start infighting.
    P.S. For the record, running away with a win is not something we have a right to complain(too much) about imo.
    G1 TinTin likes this.
  3. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    This is true. Not enough people in PMs/Rooms. I usually use the following procedure:

    (1) Try Rooms
    (2) Try PMs
    (3) Try Ranked (usually 90% of the time I get a game)
  4. G1 TinTin

    G1 TinTin Well-Known Member

    G1 T i n T i n
    Yeah I get salty, difference is I won't send anyone long ass message about it everytime I do get salty. And squash what? I don't even know what your talking about. :D
  5. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    I like how you underlined the players' names. I just thought that was kinda funny and creative.:cool:
  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Once you said check on your Daughter......... you don't have to explain yourself to anybody on here. I too play VF with my kids around and sometimes i have to check on them post match. We played the other day and i had fun.. your shun is pretty good and you managed to edge me out one match where you put it togther real well.. Im a vet no salt here.. your learning. Never Ever explain yourself to anybody when it comes to your kids....Tfam is a salty ass dude from jump... just don't play him anymore..
    G1 TinTin likes this.
  7. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    G1TinTin, you dont know what I was referring to?, squash what?, squash the flame war/salty posts . I was trying to play peacemaker (big fail there) I just wanted to reiterate that there are so few Vfers that we should try to get along(idealism..uhg) I get that that isnt always possible, sometimes people are just too offensive. But that is what i was referring to, no offense intended.
  8. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    To whomever had disconnect problems with EvenPit, I played him again last night and we got a couple big lag spikes, one of which disconnected, I know he didnt pull, because he was still online, and challenged me right away again. So this might have been what happened with you(cant know for sure). Also ,I remenber you mentioned his jumping out of the ring, I think that wasnt a taunt or "dickin around" he uses eileen and is a crazy monkey that jumps back and forth, and it is very posible that his "muscle memory" is what propelled him out of the ring. That being said, still trust your gut.
  9. G1 TinTin

    G1 TinTin Well-Known Member

    G1 T i n T i n
    I was just jokin with you. As in its over.
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I've had similar issues with msging back and forth taking up loads of time. I like fighting him but I just don't do the post match talk with him for that reason. I ggs and move on. It wasn't always like that between us but as I got back into VF after my long hiatus and started getting my old skills back we started having more problems in post match talk.

    Still fights damn well with that brad. Lion dosen't scare me though.
    G1 TinTin and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
  11. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I always thought he was complimenting me Tricky until i read the lines closely and them shits was backhanded compliments.. He never really came straightforward and said it but i knew when i read the bullshit on the forums. The messages he would send me makes no sense cause he was trying to say im abare without saying it to offended me.. Problem is i know i was abare cause its the only was to stop a Abare artist... I don't knock anybody for how they get they wins.. you play the game to win..If you fall for it 10 matches in a row then its time check yourself. Bottom Line... I ascended while he's searching for subs to get over..
    G1 TinTin likes this.
  12. G1 TinTin

    G1 TinTin Well-Known Member

    G1 T i n T i n
    Honestly when i joined I pretty much read this forum up and down to see whos who. After fighting you, I can say your one of the toughest on here who actually tries to win with knowledge. Just know when I get another stick (mine was dying for weeks and went to heaven a couple of days ago) that i'm levelin up to fight you on that level!!. send me a friend request to spar or sum.
  13. G1 TinTin

    G1 TinTin Well-Known Member

    G1 T i n T i n
    And you say "kids" how many you got? I got three....3 year old, 2 year, and 8 month old. Kinda hard sometimes to focus when you got kids. Alot of the time I'm holding my youngest playing on a pad....well, not holding, she's sitting in my lap, but you get the picture.
    SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
  14. pizzacat83

    pizzacat83 Well-Known Member

    Midget Foot 83
    BG to me for making an assumption about EvenPitVFDC. I played him last night and it was a genuinely good match. I guess I just jumped the gun in calling him out on this thread after one oddball match. Keep up the good work on Eileen, especially since she's one of the rarest encounters on XBL. I'll chalk up the other day to you trying out new moves/tactics against me. Just remember what they say about those who assume.

    To finally get off my soap box, still BG to me for being total dog crap with anyone not named Jeffry. I really need to sit down in training mode and find an alt or two, because playing one fighter all the time gets boring, but the going is tough as a pad warrior (thankfully I'm not using the ass cheese Xbox controller).
  15. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I play on the xbox pad. It's the business.
    EvenPit likes this.
  16. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    That's wrong. You are a wrong person.
  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I have 4 kids.... A Grown ass Man lol!! when im playing my oldest is watching me and trashing,my lil ones are sitting beside me making noise on impactful hits, asking questions, Telling me who to use or that im about to lose ETC lol!!!.. If i take a break between post to adress something so be it.. they come first. Niggas is just salty and they know who the are.. some motherfuckers come out in the open admitting to being salty like that shit is cool.. Nobody likes a whiner. Just watch that cat man.. These dudes give backhanded compliment to down play your victories so it won't become another mental block for them.. have fun..
  18. pizzacat83

    pizzacat83 Well-Known Member

    Midget Foot 83
    Mass Effect EN7 is now on my Do Not Play list. He rage quit right as I was about to win the match. I sent him a message asking him why did he quit in a non-confrontational tone. He replies "To be honest I don't know... virtua fighter is loosing [sic] its touch these days."

    My BS-meter went haywire after that reply, but even if it is true, at least let me see my victory pose before you dashboard. I'm just glad that VF5 isn't the rage quitter haven that Mortal Kombat is.
  19. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Been away from vfdc for a while, not just cuz of the new nazi regime but also cuz it's the end of the year and I'm slammed with work so I can't come and waste nearly as much time on vfdc like I used to.

    Tricky, I don't dislike you man, regardless of how you feel about me.
    Not sure why you decided to join that bandwagon except that maybe you have something against me? I don't care, I still don't dislike you.
    Since you're going to come here and say that we had disagreements because you started getting better? LMAO, dude I helped you get better.
    So here I am to clarify: The last time we spoke YOU CONTACTED ME. Don't remember yet?
    Here's what you had to say: "hey can you stop doing those post attacks down kicks? I don't like playing people who do that" =/
    Sega went out of their way to take out those post round stomps just for that reason and here you were still complaining about what I do post K.O.??
    Well, I didn't know what you were going through at the time and to this day my sympathy and respect goes out to you and your situation. You can listen to whoever if you want to or keep doing this whole "reading more into my messages than there is" but it's funny cuz I remember YOU telling ME how easy it is to misinterpret texts and that we should talk on the mic sometime instead to avoid future misunderstandings.
    I always try to help everybody get better so I’m not sure where you get the idea that you getting better became the problem.
    Lol, don't know what made you say what you said here but whatever it is I always felt that you took losses too personal ever since vanilla days. I remember beating you and writing you with what to do to beat me and you replied with something like "hey man no offense but if I need advice I will ask for it"
    I thought, hmmmkay... so I respected your wishes and after another future session I asked you "would you like some advice?" and you replied with "maybe later man. right now i'm still upset about those matches".
    I thought again, hmmkay... I think he may take these losses too personal. Which falls in line with why and how you built up this contempt against me over a video game, lol.
    I’ve played people who think that they’re better players than me and then they lose. It really messes with them since they’re so certain that they’re superior that losing to me is either a fluke, they’re messing up or it must be the lag.
    I ain’t even mad man. Do whatever mental gymnastics you have to do to make yourself feel better about yourself, I don’t care. It wasn’t up until you came here and lied about it that I decided to reply. Remember how you would write to me about “not wanting to stroke my ego” … wtf does that mean?? Seriously, still to this day I’m confused by that. The only thing I can think of pertaining to is YOUR ego and how bruised it was to lose to an "inferior" player like myself.
    Remember how you straight up told me that you're better than me now?
    Lol, again, do what you gotta do man, this is a competitive game and I used to tell you before once you started to listen to my advice and lose the flowcharts and do more freestyle (remember that?) that you have the best Eileen in America. I'm mature enough to not let your feelings affect mine.
    Regardless of how you feel about me, you're still the best Eileen in America to me.

    Well, I’m just here to clear the air. You can choose to lie about this and deny it but the last exchange of messages we had started off with YOU misreading and/or reading too much into my texts. You misunderstand, get offended and then expect me to apologize? Lol, funny stuff.
    Anyway, you were going through a rough situation which I to this day I have the upmost respect and sympathy for. Regardless of how you feel about me. Regardless of how much of a tough guy response you give me “I don’t need your respect! I don’t need your sympathy!” etc., whatever. My respect goes out to you. I've been through hell and I can't even...

    But hey while we’re at it, I respect your game too. You don’t want to talk to me? No problem, let’s play VF. You don’t want to be my friend? Lol, no problem, let’s play VF. That’s all I’m really here for: VF. Even if this version is the most watered down VF version of all time, it’s still the best fighting game out there… kinda crazy how even though VF downgraded it’s gameplay it still remains better than most fighters out there, lol.

    Just came here to address you, maybe you forgot how things really went down.

    LOL to the rest, I leave you with a couple of quotes:
    "Arguing with retards is like playing chess with a pigeon, No matter how good you are at chess the pigeon the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it’s victorious"
    "Arguing with a fool is like wrestling with a pig, the pig enjoys it and you get muddy."

    Adios, bitchachos! :D
  20. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    I agree he is very agressive even sidestepping dosent seem to work on him. I respect that he is a tough player but being too into rank is only for show, there are a lot of kyus and dans out there that made me wear my ass 4 a hat in ranked. I like to see how he fights against a good Aoi player. (Brads worst enemy) in my op

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