XBL Bad Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    *Trollface on*
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    LMFAO! ^ Tell us how you really feel kid. Oh man, did this ignorant deluded fuck just join the Timmy club???
    Nah, I noticed you had been there for a while but nobody bothers with you either.
    Nobody bothers with Tim cuz he's crazy and nobody bothers with your cuz you're twice as ignorant as Tim is crazy.
    Nobody else bothers, nobody else cares but somebody's gotta take out the trash so here's a quick list of reasons why you're an ignorant, double minded, hypocritical fucktard (ha, you'd thought I'd call gay or faggot right back huh? Nah, I'm not a homophobic ignoramus).
    You wanna come at me but can't even say my name. That's fine, I won't say yours either. You're not really worth the time and effort that I'm about to spend on this post but Ima say this and then Ima let you go. No mas!

    #1 Posting shit on the BG's thread about others posting shit on the BG's thread is fucktarded when you yourself have done it and continue to do it.
    #2 Preaching (smh, what are you a preacher now?) fucking preaching to others about how you do this that and the third while doing the complete opposite is fucktarded.
    #3 Ducking people online and then having the nerve to write all that hypocritical ignorant shit about others ducking people online is past fucktarded, it's timtarded.
    #4 For a grown man to get online calling people pussies and faggots is past timtarded, it's shangtarded. That's right. You on the same level with Wangster AND Tim. Congrats!
    ... oh man, maybe I went too far...
    I don't want to go and and make Wang angry(er) or he might *gasp* write a blog about me! :eek:
    Don't blog me bro!
    Fuck it, while I'm at it and since I know he reads this: hey Wang, they lied to you, blogster... blog patroll... you should get a tattoo across your belly that reads BLOG LIFE... lmao.
    Anyway, you been lied to, that's not liquid white rice that shoots out of penises.
    All this time you thought that you were sucking out some liquid white rice out of dicks... it's really sperm... but c'mon, I bet you already knew that, amirite or amirite??
    Write a blog about it :)

    Anyway, back to the nameless one (lolz): What you do is called projecting. The shit that you say that you hate that others do is the shit that you do. I don't give a flying fuck what that fuck that means to you, you figure that shit out.
    You wanna come at me and whoever with all this "whoever the shoe fits" ducking bullshit... YOU, the motherfucking shoe fits YOU.
    You seen or heard of me ducking anybody? Nope. You seen me get on here talking all this pussy and faggot shit like Ima bust some melons? Nope.
    Now take that shoe, shine it up real nice and stick it up your second hole that shit comes out of... that's if it fits. It prob won't since you're so fucking full of yourself. :holla:
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  3. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Ellis likes this.
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Oh shit its that Nigga Tony Homo typing lectures about penises again.. Funny how you seem to think ya shit dont stink... While Niggas is on the topic of exploding penises..... How many times I had to tell you I dont swing that way when I stopped fucking with you on xbox live... You stalked my inbox asking why I dont speak or play with your faggot ass anymore.. You been a corny talkative Nigga on my dick to be ya mans when you first met me. When we walked up in NYG7 you was the first Nigga on ya knees begging to greet me and the rest of the brooklyn heads...Me And Badseed was cracking the fuck up with how stupid you looked trying to be cool with that hot ass bud in your hand. You was scared to death trying to offer me beers and making cheap convo on my dick like a lil schoolgirl...(In fact From now on your name is "Sakura") After you got shitted on you started complaining to Slide how I was abaring you and felt I was taunting you midmatch by exposing your habit by launching 2 times in a row.... You started acting like Rihanna ... The same way you do now.. crying because you was getting your ass handed too you. Sweet Nigga cry about how you felt niggas be laughing at you midmatch because of the iageri kicks post round and box stepping.. you a paranoid motherfucker ain't you? You was the only nigga to respond to my post like i was talking about you Sakura... i haven't spoken to or said your name in 2 years...so why the fuck would i be talking about your bitch ass now? Paranoia!!!! Sad part is i thought you was cool once until i found out your bullshit ways...You and I know whats going on so you can have the last laugh.... You SALTY ASS NIGGA!! Your skills dont equal up to your mouth and thats why you running around with penis envy.... You Stay handing out backhanded compliments to people pretending to be cool with them Tony Homo. Ill be here in cut watching you call out players who do the same shit you do but just better so i can keep having laughs at your expense...shit is comical especially how you mad at STL Tim how having the Balls to do what you do out of the closet.. SMH!!! Im done so now Sakura.... TELL EM' WHY YOU MAD SON!!! The floor is yours.
    CJA and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  6. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Stop saying nigga.

    It's an ugly word used by racists and idiots.

  7. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    I can't tell if you guys are being serious.
    PaiChun likes this.
  8. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

  9. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    For everyone,

    Terms of Service and Rules

    For veterans, who want to say these rules were not in the old forums, here were the guidelines/rules before the forum got switched:

  10. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Ahh, another delusional, bipolar, two-faced, elitist, lying sack of shit who thinks his skill level is WAAAAAAAAAY better than what it really is and then makes up his own versions of what really happened, has been ousted.
    The funniest thing is the old me woulda looked up old posts of STD Ovaries... that's my new nickname for him cuz he's soooo sensitive, if any of yall bored enough look up how I would try to give this girl advice to man the fuck up and stop being such a little winy cunt (oh oh, Tim, here's the alpha again, lol)... look, most of you "gamers" who can't stand losing to the point where you duck other players who beat your ass, yall can't even be called gay cuz that would be an insult to gay people. Seriously, I've fought side by side with homosexual men who got more courage than all you salty, elitist, wannabe tough guys put together... with your "waaah, I don't wanna play him, he beats me! waaaaah, this guy don't talk to me, waaaah"... man the fuck up already.
    Yall the type of cowards that would shit your pants the moment that real shit went down.
    Acting all big and bad, talking all this tough talk... I wish you knew how fucktarded and sensitive you really look... with your sweet ass, lmfao @you calling others pussies and faggots.
    The fact that you can't even face another player on a fucking video game online and cry like a bitch when you lose should be enough of a sign that you're bitchmade.
    Real talk, could you imagine yourself in a real life scenario, life or death? Not some pushing buttons shit, "oh my life bar, I'm dying" shit. I mean, this is how you get about a fucking video game?? Online???
    Fucking meaningless. Like I said, this is for entertainment purposes only. I got NOTHING riding on my W/L record online or offline. It's all trivial. But to you, well, you've already told me how much it means to you, lol.
    I been vetted, this bullshit video game doesn't make or break me... but it does you.

    Anyway, classic posts include shit like "oh tony is one of the coolest guys I ever met"... and I'm dickriding who? You? You wish. Nah, I bet you fantasize.
    For the record you came at me first so who's swinging on who's nutsack?
    I woulda never even addressed you, EVER, if you didn't come at me but since you did, here's a couple of squirts.
    Fucking messages reading like "ok, ok, I'm sensitive, ok?" ... I think I know why you decided to come at me now. It's cuz VFDC just went through this major update and you fucking KNOW that old Private Messages were deleted so now you feeling REAL froggy.
    Now you feeling like I can't really oust you the way I would've if I still had access to my old PM's.
    Look, this ain't about everybody else, but everybody that knows just how salty you really are is not buying your shit about how I'm the salty one. Anybody who knows me knows that I've never been the sensitive player... hiding behind a tough guy front. I'm the one always giving players their props even when they beat me. And no, not only Denkai (btw, get off that dude's dick already). Not too long ago Chibiaya beat me, I gave him his props. Hell, Kamais beats me now, props to him... one of the major difference between me and a guy like you is that I'm not a pretender. Talking all this elitist shit like I'm better than most. To me losing ain't shit cuz this game is nothing more to me than that: a game.
    But I play to win for some reason my style beats all you elitist wannabes... Idk how cuz I SUCK. That's probably what pisses you elitist cry babies off the most, is that I SUCK at VF so how the fuck do I win??
    Maybe some of y'all ain't as good as you think you are.

    You out here calling niggas pussies and faggots, what? You think that makes you tough or something? Writing all this tough shit online? You reflect waaaay more than Tim does, calling players sweet... Splenda, you need to look in a fucking mirror.

    Now get off the meat loaf and stop with this PMS OverFiend shit. This ain't The Maury Povich show and all that sensitive shit hidden behind a smoke screen of tough talk ain't a good look.
    CJA, Chief_Flash and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  11. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    Lmfao at Sakura. O lord
    Chief_Flash and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
  12. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Ayo Sakura!!!
    CJA and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Bump.. My apologies for using the word "Nigga" to all who was offended. This bad game thread turned into a character assassination thread where a certain someone was going out of his way to expose somebody who is a well known Crybaby who at the end of the day is harmless. My post made matters worst so im just as much to blame. My apologies to all those i offended...
    leftylizard and GodEater like this.
  15. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    LOLLLL cant....stop....laughing. GO SDS GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Akai, your input is irrelevant. Let the men handle their argument by their own means, a troll doesn't give a second thought to the terms of services and rules. :rolleyes:
  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    K.O. im finished... Im not arguing no more..... im not letting shit be about me and him. He was wasting his breath on Tim.. he can continue. this is not my fight. Ill be playing VF.. something most people on this forum forgot how to do.
    CJA, gastinell, Cozby and 1 other person like this.
  18. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I see Wang's out there googling images of me, lol. Reminds me of a few other guys who got banned for life.
    What happened, Wangster? No blog?
    Flash, c'mon son! You're better than Wang's messenger-boy! Don't be fooled man, he's trying to live vicariously through you. You're actually good at VF, actually won tournaments. Who the fuck is Wang in the VF community? Now he's moved on from trolling on a blog to trolling on XBL? Man, you reeeally miss VFDC, huh...

    You know what's funny, everybody here has access to the internet but it takes a special kind of nerd to google a pic of another man... and then microsoft paint it... with dicks... and sperm...
    But you're not gay, right? Lol, oh no, everybody else is :confused:
    Lil guy, I'll troll you back, but I'll be damned if I sit here googling pics of you and microsoft painting them... seriously Wang, that's pretty pathetic. Don't worry, Wang, I'm not coming for your troll toilet throne, no need to feel threatened.

    I'd rather kill myself before googling pics of you or anybody here, but just to demonstrate how pathetic it is, I'll write it out:

    Ok, so I google an image of Shang... not that one... not that one... that one! Got it! Yea! Now I get to work on drawing some dicks. Dicks dicks dicks! Lots of them, with sperm shooting out of them... oooh aaaah.
    Ok, dicks are drawn and ready to deploy, derp, yea!! Haha, his mouth is gonna be full of dicks by the time I'm done with him. I'll show him and everybody else that I'm trying to impress. *snort snort* Derp!
    They're all gonna laugh and say "fucking LOLS, you're so good at trolling, you're the troll master" haha, damn right I am. I rock, and I troll... all day long, sweet Susie. *revenge of the nerds laugh* HEEHAWW HEEEHAAWW!
    Now I'm gonna post it on VFDC! Yea! ... oh wait, I'm banned... banned for life... I know! I'll make a blog! Not just any blog, an anti-VFDC blog! That will show Myke and all those looooosers who I wish to connect with and can't stop talking about and googling images of!
    YEA! Fuck you guys! Fuck youuuuu!! Take these photoshopped pics!
    Ooooh, look there's dicks on your face! Haha! ... You're gay! I'm not! ... I just draw dicks and sperm on faces of guys I googled!
    Eat my blog! BLOG LIIIFE!!!
  19. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    LOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL KNOCK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOT EM! HAHAHA
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Shangs blog has made me want to go find my external HD for all those glorious photoshopped pics of Rod :p

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