XBL Bad Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Happy fag,
    I'm sick of your fucking made up bs and your constant pointing of fingers. Who the fuck do you think you are some VF police? Please stick the tampon back in your hole and due everyone a favor and stfu or shall we all start talking about happy fag's I won't play you anymore vf5 threads? I'm sure everyone would love to pick those scabs again. You want to play then MSG me and will play otherwise take your stupid handle and shove it.

    T- fam,
    Your a fucking egomaniac. Please keep bitching like a little bitch and not the manly man that you sought out to be. Let's be manly! Wtf alpha male douchebaggery is this please buy a fucking plunger, because the shit is still in there and is not coming out yet. Also, thanks for the love messages, because me and my so called loser VF friends have hours of material to mimic and laugh at your dumbfuck Miami vice ass. Thanks you salty rimjob.
  2. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Bottom line.... A lot of you pussies do alot of back alley fighting, spending too much time talking bullshit in the bad games section, Refuse to accept the fact you can't beat certain players, Refusing to get better, dickride a lil too much, talk shit behind a keyboard and screen, act like a church mouse when you in public, refuse to play long sets and get downloaded because your 2 month old character still ain't shit,Still don't get no ass, Switch from your main because that bullshit you did in Vf5 vanilla no longer works so you looking for a easy way out, Opt to stay on the Psn side because you can't get your shit off on the XBL side, downplay each others skills because they haven't won a tournament, acknowledge that your favorite Vf players in america you look up too ain't shit either, upload your bullshit ass data after you won a match because it don't display the streaks that was getting ran before you stopped it, Sending hate mail because your salty as fuck, don't want to play you in player match ignoring invite but as soon as they see you in Rank they quick to challenge..

    I don't give a fuck to who it concerns...Eat a dick and Bear it. to the rest of you.... shut the fuck up, Play this game you sign a petition for and waited 2 years to get and have a coke and a fucking smile.
  3. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Do you do requests? lol
    SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
  4. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Tim, you don't have shit on me. Never have, never will. You're one of the few VF players who seems to not be a part of any social media... well, if you wanna see what I'm about it's all out there in black and white. What are you about?

    You say you wanna meet me and I KNOW you ain't trying to play VF, that's for damn sure, lol.
    You see my name? That's me. Not some internet handle. My name's Adonis "Tony" Familia. I live in Miramar, FL. Whatever you wanna do it's all doable.
    Heh, that's cute and all but I suggest you stick to acting crazy online.
    That's all I got to say on that.

    Now, you wanna talk about hiding?? Cuntard please! You won't even play me online. So who the fuck is hiding from who?? .. oh, Tim. You're so past delusional.
    Lol, get your shit together, cupcake. You Splenda, you been Splenda and now all of a sudden you gangsta?! You can talk all this tough talk if you like but you ain't about shit... talking tough behind a keyboard... complaining about others talking tough behind a keyboard... wtf? ...

    Look, play your video game, duck me and a bunch of other players who are close to your rank (yes, me and a lot others know) and stop embarrassing yourself and "your crew". Lol, them dudes ain't backing you man.
    Btw, that last text you sent was hilarious, talking about: "please stop. i won't ask again."
    Heed your own advice.
    Oh and lmao @that alpha male comment... you're a funny guy.

    For those who duck me online and then come here to talk that tough guy talk, hah, yall funny.
    Lil FYI: VF and this online banter is strictly FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.

    If any of you wanna get serious, let me know.
    If any of you wanna play the VIDEO GAME called Virtua Fighter 5 FS, let me know.
    Kamais_Ookin and Cozby like this.
  5. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    LOL Bravo gents. just fucking bravo!
    hseiken1 and tonyfamilia like this.
  6. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I take it all back Tim. You are obviously not mentally unbalanced at all, as this is a totally normal thing for a 30+ year old man to post on the internet.
    Kamais_Ookin and tonyfamilia like this.
  7. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

  8. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    This is my intro song to my new ptsdmmorpg. I hope you love it and will sing it everywhere you go. I'm not much of a gangsta, but I tried to find my inner gangsta, so please sit back find your own beat and bust it..

    Sticks and stones and nothing more..
    This motherlicker wants justice like battered whore..
    He spits.. He barks.. He needs your attention..
    If it's left unattended he starts to go into dementia..
    The cranium can't handle no more, so he looks to his inbreed raising to settle the score..

    One question always flowcharts his mind..
    Test your manhood to ease the bind..
    Base primal paleolithic tendencies..
    In the xbl party shouting at thee..

    (Sung by Shiny in thug mode)
    Are you a recruiter???
    Are you a recruiter???
    Cause you mama would be ashamed..
    and I would sooner like to shoot ya..

    Oh snap, that must of been lag..
    because I wouldn't say that and expose
    my bad..

    (Me 2p singing)
    Once more, he's always in stalking mode..
    Following me around like a lost little troll..
    I can't let that Tim get the better of me..
    I have a fine rep to protect at the vfdc..

    People love me.. People like me.. Some people
    even read what I write..
    I'm good enough.. I'm smart enough.. and gosh darn people just...

    (2p at max gangsta entry steady interrupting)
    Wrong motherlicker you ain't got no clue..
    When your not in the xbl room they be laughing at you..
    Your weak sauce appetite has no finer delight..
    To post multiple retirement threads that everyone bust up at on sight..

    It's weak.. It's pathetic.. game over for you..
    Your justifications of my actions are always skewed..
    It's now time to let you know that I'll always love getting your goat..
    Pulling your strings and making you dance..
    Your anger is too funny and your mind is always on monopoly chance..

    (Shiny gangsta time bustin)
    Are you a recruiter?
    Are you a recruiter?
    I won't eat your fake ass meals
    and sign with yo platoon sir.
    (Follows massive hip hop/bass wars/hyper slamming beats)

    (Back to 2p chilling mode)
    You've always been drawn to me trying to one up and analyze you see..
    But your always losing my favorite little pup..
    Your hidden agendas will always be interrupted..
    The people who you find so dear and sincere on here.
    Wouldn't care even if you weren't even here..

    Let me be clear as I write this diddy..
    T-fam you forever will always be shitty.

    ptsdmmorpg is it you playing it or
    is it playing you for free??

    2p aka tim

    Warning! Kids keep hate messages to the pm's otherwise you might face the wrath of the
    vf police.
    Pai~Chun, gastinell and Chief_Flash like this.
  9. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Stay classy 30y old timmy...
  10. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Well, you can't say I didn't warn you guys. : /

    Tim likes to do what I call "peeking". He'll go into custom match and exit as fast as he can if he doesn't see anyone he wants to play. By doing this, no one can join his game that he doesn't want to play. You can't call him a ducker because you'll never get the chance to join his game anyway!
    Ellis, ajs_, _Denkai_ and 6 others like this.
  11. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    What did I just read?

    No, seriously, what just happened?
    tonyfamilia likes this.
  12. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

  13. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    thread is ATM like a neverending story of...

  14. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    If by any chance it goes on, the truth above will probably need to get quoted a few times.
    Kamais_Ookin and tonyfamilia like this.
  15. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Great. A sociopath with multiple personality disorder in his late 30's just wrote me a love poem an extremely long rap song... that's... that's awesome.
    Just what I always wanted :eek:
    Timmy, I scrolled down and I could tell that you put a lot of work into that and, just to be nice, I want to tell you that I read it all but... I don't think even MasterPo could get through that whole thing.

    The BG's thread is full of lols lately. Got 'players' who duck and act tough online... saying shit like "yall pussies need to stop ducking and stop acting tough online!"
    Oh, word?? o_O
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  16. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I've played you and all the decent players in rank a lot. I peek to see how connections change. Ie- shidosha's connection says 3 bars, but if I pop out and back in sometimes it shows a line through the box. Having said that, since I'm a cheater I will abide by your rules and stay stationery in the ranked, so I'm living up to gt rules. Are you content now robocop?
    gastinell likes this.
  17. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I don't understand the posters who are suggesting that we are being unfair or catty or whatever. This is the "Bad Games" thread and Tim has a rich and sordid history of bad gamesmanship like no one else I am aware of.

    On the other hand, I sort of feel like one should generally not make fun of people for things that they cannot control. Like when I tried to figure out why stalker JCBlack never improved and I joked that he only had one hand. To my chagrin, that turned out to be true. D'oh! But then again, JCBlack's stalking was unacceptable. Tim is the emotional equivalent of the one handed VFer. He is psychologically handicapped. But his bad gamesmanship is still unacceptable and he should repent!
    samtheseed and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  18. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Berty33 likes this.
  19. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    If the shoe fits wear it Nigga... Fuck a bad games... Gay ass Nigga going back forth with a sociopath expecting some kind of break through.. No wonder this fucker abares all day.Eat a dick Nigga. Stick to arguing with Tim... This shit is too comical.
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  20. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    lol stop actin like u aint enjoying this :rolleyes:

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