XBL Bad Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    ROFL!! good stuff there shirt!
    btw: i noticed you actually host a game/lobby by clickin' on the 'custom game search'. addyboy didn't join by accident, i think he was running the quick search and the game found you because of the reason i just described.
    thats stupid imo because if i wanna wait in the custom match window for a special player by pressing the search update all the time, quick search randoms CAN JOIN. dunno why sega added that 'feature'...
  2. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    Yep exact same feeling about this guy. Don't know what the deal is but people on XBL are straight bitch compared to PSN.
  3. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    He's been a bitch since vanilla. Cares only about his rank and pretty much nothing else.
  4. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Whats up with his name, there's nothing cool about him, more like retardAddy..
    leftylizard likes this.
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    What is it with all this XBL/PSN stuff? It's the same on both consoles. Or are you saying that there aren't some absolute melts on PSN, people on PSN don't duck me despite me being a KYU still on PSN, and that the PSN Bad Games thread, which has more posts than this one, is a figment of my imagination?

    Idiots will do idiotic things wherever they are whatever console they're on. If you believe they congregate on one console or the other you're lying to yourself.
  6. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    TMI, dude, TMI
  7. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    It's hardly surprising that there are more posts on the PSN side because there are way more people playing on PS3. Also, PSN is a flaming piece of dog shit.

    That said I was able to rank up much faster on PSN with the same win percentage as XBL. While you can't always say why a player refuses to play you, it has been my experience that most people on XBL either straight up avoid you or play just one match at rank. Didn't have that issue on PSN, but PSN definitely seems to have way more pullers which is just as annoying.
    tonyfamilia likes this.
  8. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Lmfao. You should capture Tim's bitchassness while you're at it. At this point I think there's only about 25% of high ranked players who didn't get that rank by ducking.

    Hey Tim, Brad has a stance called "Ducking". So, here's a tip: buy a duck, cook the duck and then pick Brad and jump on ranked matches with your plate of duck in front of you.
    That way you can eat duck, while doing Ducking on noobs while ducking me online.

  9. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    SoulKatana, just to clarify, yes I was salty, thats why it went here in Bgs . It had nothing to do with you leaving, only with the perceived saltiness of your message. There certainly was the possibility that you did not intend any rudeness. Which is why I said you should think about how your comments can come across. All in all , in retrospect, I am definetely the salty one here. If no insult was intended, then I apologize for my over-reaction. I didnt like the assumption that my choices were based on a lack of knowledge, and not just me trying something with my intermediate Jean. I also thought that you might have confused the fact that he has the same combo ender with me doing the same combo. If I have made you salty now,sorry. otherwise, beef squashed.
    SoulKatana likes this.
  10. toastcrumb

    toastcrumb Well-Known Member

    cooladdy = waste of time. Doesn't accept matches.
  11. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Check out the amount of battle points he's got, he's been putting in the hours lol.
    Sent me some message today about how he's "off to study medicine so is in the mood for a demotion" ok... he keeps this up and he needs to be inducted in the vf hall of fame :)

    oh and bad games to Oracle78 from Italy, can you say RAGEQUIT :)
  12. tikgnat

    tikgnat Well-Known Member

    Well cooladdy tried to hit me up yesterday (or was it the day before?) Anyway I booted him everytime. In the end he sent a message asking whats wrong? I replied 'Sorry, but your reputation at VFDC precedes you' or something like that. He replied 'what reputation? sounds exciting, I don't follow forums' or something like that.

    I felt bad though, I usually never 'duck' (says p33king DUCK LOL) anyone, but I'm not going to play anyone who's likely to pull when faced with a loss. IIRC this cooladdy had low Gamerpoints. I'll check it later.

    Also I beat Black X9 a few times that same session, but the games were close. But he started booting me everytime. Boo! Its happening a lot now, people just booting me... I don't even remember if I've ever played them before. To paraphrase 'The day I came into your session was the greatest day of your life, but for me? It was Tuesday.'
  13. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    So guys, I am just wondering, cooladdy used to spam wolf dmpk and 2P with great results in VF5. now that dmpk is gone and lots of characters have effective anti-2P moves, (like Vanilla 8 or 9 P+k moves), what does cooladdy do to win in lag?

    I dont play online much these days, this is an honest question.
  14. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Couldn't tell ya, I don't play him. I do wonder if he's moved on from his VF5 days however.
  15. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    He uses Jacky and starts the round with 3 or 4 back dashes and waits for his opponent pretty much.
  16. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    I sure got told today. After I beat him he wrote "ur shit". I replied "the salt is strong with this one" wich I thought was funny. Then he sent the one below. Stamp, I understand if you got mad. But this is not something you write to people. Go learn something yourself.

    SoulKatana likes this.
  17. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    The last time I played cooladdy was around late July so he's likely changed up some of his tactics by now. But this is what I can remember as far as recalling what I experienced in my online matches against him:

    He likes to play the long range waiting game like Electro_Jacky mentioned. Watch for the three straight punches ([P][P][P]) if you get impatient and decide to rush him, or look out for the run-up neutral throw on occasion if you wait for him to make the first move instead. Aside from these actions he'll go to one of those numerous 3-5 hit attack strings that Jacky has if you take the "advance cautiously" approach standing at mid range.

    Loves to go to the infamous mid kick-jab-low kick-high kick string ([3][K][P][2][K][K]) that's tough to deal with online. He also goes to Spin Kick Combination ([3][K][P][K]) to mix things up a little.

    Prefers to sidestep then attack as opposed to block whenever at minor disadvantage. Often goes to beat knuckle-spin kick move ([P][+][K][K]) as the immediate follow-up attack after a successful evade.

    He'll suddenly do the somersault kick on a whim while engaged in a close-range exchange of strikes, so be on the guard for that too.

    He also had a few slide shuffle/back turned antics that he used to try and keep an opponent from getting in close to him, but my memory is kind of hazy on exactly what things he did here.

    Anyway, I hope this is the type of answer you were looking for.

  18. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    That's definitely a heavy case of salt.
  19. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    So essentially the remove of dmpk forced him to play without wolf's get-out-jail-free move.

    I mean, from what you wrote, he plays a machi-style Jacky, while in vanilla playing him was a war of attrition between his 2P in lag and baiting DMPK. not that I complain about his scrubbines, he is just hard to play against because he uses the same 2 moves over and over but somehow always drive people mental.
  20. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    The people who refuse to fight are a nuisance on XBL. I have gotten annoying messages from people on both networks, though nothing on PSN compares to one of Tim's insane 4 part messages about why your knee should not have hit him... But still, one or two weirdos are irrelevant to the network as a whole. In terms of skilled players, I have to say that there is much tougher comp on XBL. On PSN I made it up to Avenger with a 95% winning record. On XBL, I have about 85% winning record (iirc) and am a rank behind Avenger. While 95% to 85% may not seem like much, in fact it means that I lose three times as many matches on XBL which is pretty significant.

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