X-Box version of VF???

Discussion in 'Console' started by replicant, Mar 26, 2003.

  1. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    AND Resident Evil. Nintendo thought the series would be a system-mover when they made the deal with Capcom - it isn't.

    EDIT: I just noticed that for some odd reason, this sounds like those old herpes PSAs they ran on TV. "I thought it was a one-day thing - IT WASN'T."
  2. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    ...and VF4Evo has sold more in 2 weeks than what Metroid Prime has sold total in Japan.

    Nintendo may be the next casualty in hardware. Ironic that the names synonomous with console gaming in the mid 80s through mid 90s- The Big N and the mighty Sega may both be relegated to software R&D.
  3. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    ... I don't think so! Nintendo might not be selling games like hot cakes, but they are still making profit (From what I read somewhere), and that will keep them going with their policy of making quality games on their systems.

    As for Metroid Prime, not only because it looks like a FPS, but because I think Metroid wasn't that hot to begin with in Japan is what caused that. The game is excellent though.

    And it's obvious that the user base for the PS2 is much larger than that of the NGC for it to perform as greatly as, say, FFX2 in terms of sales /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.
  4. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Pokemon and Mario keep Nintendo afloat.
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Mario doesnt, Mario considering its worldwide pedigree was a flop.
  6. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

  7. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Mario, in other games where he doesn't star as a platformer, apparently does. Mario Party was a success I think.

    Actually I wouldn't call Mario Sunshine's or 64's a failiure either. They did fine.
  8. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    U.S. Sales as of 2/03

    1. Super Smash Bros. Melee - 1,417,858
    2. Super Mario Sunshine - 1,039,249

    Smash Bros. and Sunshine are currently the GC's 2 best selling games in America, followed by Luigi's Mansion (860K), and Metroid Prime (827k). I guess compared to Mario 64 (5.9mil) Sunshine's sales aren't exactly record-breaking, but Mario 64 is the best-selling game of the 32-bit era - a pretty hard legacy to live up to.
  9. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Yah but Mario on the Cube for the first time ever is not shifting machines and in Europe and japan Sunshine did worse then the States.
    Mario is losing his lure.
  10. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Bu_Jassoom said:

    ... I don't think so!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Notice that I wrote "may..." as in might. But really though, the console world has always been a TWO HORSE RACE. The third guy always get into a heap of trouble. Analyzing the THREE HORSE RACE we have right now, the XBOX and Cube are pretty much neck and neck, and this may come to a war of atrition. Nintendo has a lot of money, but this time, you're playing with the devil (actually, Satan AND Lucifer.)

    Who knows though, there may a three horse race for the next two generations, but somewhere sometime, somebody's tag will be called, and the way I see it (psychic powers in effect,) the Big N's it.
  11. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    lol, i swear this thread is not going to come back to the original subject /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    its now a who made more sales thread... hehe
  12. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Let me fix that, I FEEL there will not be an X-Box version of VF this gen. Maybe next gen. Shoot, I've been cruising the Gaming Age MB evangelizing VF, and the constant SALES topics there got me.
  13. Uh why does the x box still exist? DOA? Halo? I can't think of one exclusive that is godly... am I missing something? I guess its good for people that only play mindless fps. I can't imagine what is going through somone's mind that buys it over PS2. I'm not a fanboy, I have GC too, but PS2 has so many better games. So many more people own PS2 too, what's the point of putting VF4E (anygame for that matter) on an unpopular system?
  14. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Yeah lets call the best FPS in recent years crap shall we, and while we are at it lets just disregard stuff like Panzer Orta, Jet set radio future etcetera as well right?
    While we are at it, whats the point of putting Mario or Super monkeyball on an unpopular system?

  15. Uh oh someone is cranky, learn to read moron. Did I call Halo crap? It is an excellent fps, but how can the system ride that ONE game. That is the system's one great game, and a fps can last only so long. And yea I know the games on the system, my friend has them.

    By the way, nice sarcasim on the not putting Mario on Nintendo's system. I used to be sarcastic in elementary school. Thats the problem with the internet, pathetic losers like you talking trash when there is no call for it. Guess it makes you feel like a big man. I usually don't drop low enough to talk bad online because its worthless, but you're exceptionally pathetic. I don't need to go any further, you make a fool out of yourself well enough. Oh, can't wait for your childish comeback

  16. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    My comeback is almost as pathetic as yourse, here goes: My dog has no nose.
    Then how does he smell?

    Stick that in youre crackpipe and smoke it fanboy.
  17. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Why don't you just change your name to "biased ignorant PS2 fanboy" and be done with it?

    PS. I hear GameFAQs board people LOVE folks like you.
    PPS. Nice job bringing back a dead topic for no reason, jackass.
    PPPS. Virtua Cop 3. AM2 has seen the power.
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Now for a serious reply.

    You say this: I can't think of one exclusive that is godly
    Personaly I wont dare call any game divine, you however seem to imply some on none MS systems are yet the XBox lacks a divine game.
    By doing that you relegate games like Halo, JSRF, Splinter Cell etcetera to the scrapheap and denounce them as crap since hey the XBox has no reason to still exist becouse its games suck.
    Youre implying these things and its clear to see to all non fanboys that youre intentions are less then honest.

    Now crawl back to youre hole and cry for youre mommy becouse an ugly Turk with a funny voice was mean to you.
  19. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Zero: I do love them at GameFAQS, because I suspend or ban them every chance I get for this type of habitual or disruptive behavior.

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