Woohoo, more movies :)

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Chanchai, Oct 16, 2000.

  1. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Formatting...

    Are you copying and pasting your messages on the board? Just curious because they have a smaller line width than the normal posts...

    haha...no. That's just the way I write in emails and this
    board. is it FREAKING YOU OUT?! wooooo.

  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Formatting...

    Nope. I kinda like it.

    Also a speed readers' dream/images/icons/smile.gif

    You know, the narrow columns, easy to pickup the words in the lines and all... can just read straight down/images/icons/smile.gif
  3. Gnug315

    Gnug315 Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play (here's a contentious topic)

    To me, machi play in it's most recognizable form is when one player is leading comfortably in health, and rather than risk getting caught by a lowkick-MC-throw or suchlike by attacking, he maneuvers himself to into a safer position in the ring and/or generally hangs back and lets the time pass... goes into defensive rather that aggresive mode. To me, that's sensible, and how I used to play. Lately tho, having no new competition to try out for years now, we do nothing but fool around and crazy stuff, so that doesn't happen too much.

    Any good player has a lot of machi incorperated into his "style"... when he gets good enough, it just gets harder to recognize, as he is much tighter in his game regarding the distance he keeps to his opponent and the time it takes him to punish his opponent from whiffing that attack. A really good player might not look machi, but he's still looking for that opening in which to punish his opponent, be it a huge whiffed attack or unfortunately timed dodge. I remember when playing Ryan in London (probably the strongest/tightest player I've met), his impressive strength was his consistency in punishing you severely for even the tiniest mistake... in essence, machi at the strongest level. Ofcourse, he knew how to barrage you with some pretty hardcore flowcharts when that was called for also, I'll give him that.

    Machi when distastefully cheap :) is:

    * playing a character that lies down after an attack (Wolf has a couple), and using that to secure one's win via timeout (with the comfortable lead in health)
    * doing a TA attack and running away (a considerable length on some stages)
    * doing Kage's sonic roll (shinsodan?) *away* from your opponent on Wolf's stage (something that's impossible to do anything about once begun).

    In the long run, the game is obviously about having fun.. some enjoy all out offensive styles, some enjoy bopping up and down for 30 secs.. different strokes for different folks.

    ... and in the long run, I'll whoop ya no matter what ya do ;o)

    - Jan
  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play (here's a contentious topic)

    Machi when distastefully cheap :) is:

    I SAID don't get me started on cheap! Didn't I say that?

    playing a character that lies down after an attack (Wolf has a couple), and using that to secure one's win via timeout (with the comfortable lead in health)

    but those moves are put in the game! It's not like someone
    is making use of a bug or a programmers oversight. Moves
    are meant to be used. I'm "famous" for doing Jeff's
    Baseball pitch even though it's notoriously slow and nice
    and counterable. According to most, Shun is hard to play,
    using his "play dead" moves might give him an advantage
    in a fight (especially in the last seconds of a round).
    aside: play dead moves suck against Aoi and Wolf/Jeff.

    I've never experienced the shinshodan escape so I can't
    comment but...Most people probably think I'm totally
    against Machi but I'm not. I find it uncomfortable and
    sometimes frustrating to play against (it can be boring to
    watch) but I'm not against it. In fact I have made use of
    certain machi techniques. Running away with sarah to gain
    space, lying down with shun...I usually can be found throwing
    in the odd machi gambit in with attacks. It can compliment
    a particular style and throw the opponent off when they
    expect something and don't get it.

  5. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play (here's a contentious topic)

    >but those moves are put in the game!

    i agree. not even close to "cheap". that's an effective and smart use of the time limit. and it's far from perfectly safe, as you're vulnerable to pounces, and most fall-down moves have horrendous execution times.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  6. Gnug315

    Gnug315 Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play (here's a contentious topic)

    I forgot to add that I'm usually the Wolf player, and have used it countless times thruout the years. My opponents don't really mind, as they share the "if it's in the game, it's in the game" mentality. I wouldn't do it if my opponent really disliked it tho - it is a game afterall, and I do want ppl to play with :)

    - Jan

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