What's wrong w/ the world....

Discussion in 'General' started by GaijinPunch, Oct 13, 2002.

  1. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    This is sick!!! Another victim /versus/images/icons/frown.gif. I hope they catch whomever is responsible soon. Our buddies in Virginia, please be careful and take care of yourselves.
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Ban on handguns? A ban tends to mean that you can't sell them, or they're lamely prohibited. They're totally illegal here.

    Apparantly you can own a rifle if you're fabulously wealthy, but they track the bullets you buy, and come and check it once a month to see if it's been fired, etc. etc. Of course, you have to pay for all of that.
  3. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    The saddest part of the search for the killer is in trying to
    identify the vehicle he's driving...white van with ladders on it?
    In this part of the state, construction contracting is a huge business, and you
    can't drive a mile before seeing a white van of some sort with
    ladders strapped to it. It's like that scene in RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK
    when Indy Jones is chasing the Eygptian thugs who've stuffed Marion
    in a wicker basket. Jones pursues them to an open square and finds
    about fifty people all lugging their own baskets. Really, the shark is in the
    water and people need to be on the lookout...it's bizarre to spend
    so much time these days scanning the streets, the highways, the parking lots,
    and yet I can't help it. Helpless scrutiny of my surroundings is the only
    constructive thing I can do.
  4. KageMan2002

    KageMan2002 Well-Known Member

    Speakig of snipers... anybody here from maryland? Is anybody here being watched by the sniper to make sure not to post anything about him? anybody here about to be shot by him? is one of you the maryland sniper?
  5. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    what the fuck is this supposed to mean?
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Well, the guy racked up another shooting last night, this side on the other side of the beltway. The first shooting was about 5 miles or so from my house, at the shoppers...man, it's just really, really fucked...hopefully they can track down and bag this guy..
    Laufists, where are you from?
  7. KageMan2002

    KageMan2002 Well-Known Member

    What freaks ME out: the card saying "I am god". well, what if he IS god, what if god was killing innocent people for no reason? What if the name of the sniper is God McGod?
  8. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Fredericksburg, been here forever. Serial killers are not necessarily unique in the area here; the high-profile Silva child murders about eight years ago led to what is apparently a serial murderer who claims many, many more victims. "Too many to count," he said.
  9. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Most serial killers or mass murderers have a messiah complex. Murder empowers them; they become God to those they control and victimize, in effect determining their fate. I gather Kageman you're trying to lighten up the atmosphere of the thread, but it IS a thread about a serial killer, and society's mass production of these fuckers. Just keep in mind people here in the middle of this are worried our wives and children are going to be shot down while they're leaving the local library or waiting for the schoolbus. Not good times. Bad times.
  10. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Posse Comitatus will get his sniper

    very well put Lau_Fists. I'm beginning to think there are two involved and two vehicles as well. One may in fact be a fake cop car that the sniper moves to after the kill. The good news is the Posse Comitatus is being deployed asap. Real Teams that can hunt this sniper. I sure hope they bring the hell fire tonight and get this killer off the street. Sad beyond words how the sniper has shut down all sports and other outside activities for all. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  11. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Re: Posse Comitatus will get his sniper

    Lot of people are talking about how they refuse to live in fear, that they want to do what they'd normally do if this was not happening. Fact is, it is happening, and folks should be scared enough that they protect their families in an obsessive way. Protecting those you love is paramount in this world in normal circumstances, but right now it is something that should plague the mind. I would never say everyone here should hide in their basement, but awareness is very important. I look around and see many gas stations abandoned, the local big business parking lots are sparse...folks are staying home, they're protecting those they love. Lots of stories are slanting toward the terrorist angle, now, what with descriptions of a vehicle and occupants at the latest shooting, and the victim being an FBI analyst (but not on the Tarot shooter). I am hoping not: if it's just a serial thrill killer, he WILL be caught, eventually. If this is some complicated terrorist scheme, well, we may not see the end of it for some time.
  12. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    If I were, I think I'd know my next target.

    Ha, that lightened things up considerably.
  13. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Posse Comitatus will get his sniper

    A sniper can hit you from several football fields away and the bullets still have enough velocity to punch through a car window and through your vital organ. So not much point in say, ducking and weaving as you gas up your car, or going to the full service island for a change.

    I saw someone sprinting to their car after paying inside, and I honestly think they did it with the sniper on their minds. But once they sat down and took the time to turn the key and shift... what then?

    I guess my point is, not much chance you can dodge a bullet if you're picked out of a crowd. You might as well gas up at the most crowded gas stations possible and go to busy shopping malls with big parking lots.
  14. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Posse Comitatus will get his sniper

    anyone's going to see michael moore's bowling for columbine?
  15. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Re: Posse Comitatus will get his sniper

    Yeah, schools of fish have it right. Less chance the shark will get them if they move in schools...

    I think everyone in town should mount up and search for this guy... Police by themselves aren't going to get him I think. Community hunt like the old days... Right after he strikes Everyone in that area just look for him, He's only got soo many bullets...

    Thats what I think. Imagine you being the one to find that guy, you brought God himself in! Stay safe guys.
  16. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Posse Comitatus will get his sniper

    Two things here.
    One guy in my office says these guys should gas up at a Virginia gas station.

    2: Why does God need a rifle, or any weapon? Why not lightning bolts like the old days?
  17. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Posse Comitatus will get his sniper

    hm... does anyone know who michael moore is?
  18. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Posse Comitatus will get his sniper

    sure. author of several books, director of several films (documentary) and had a short-lived television series.

    mike's web page

    all around good guy, running around to grave sites and shouting, "come forth". Few people realize their dead and heed the command. too bad.

  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Posse Comitatus will get his sniper

    Actually they werent that short lived.
    TV Nation if memory serves me correctly ran for 4 seasons and his latest The awfull truth ran for 2.
  20. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: Posse Comitatus will get his sniper

    <font color="ccff33"> good news is the sniper uses .223 ammo. It flys flat for a long way, but it's sweet spot is 120-150 yards for consistant hits...oh, yeah, the good news is it tumbles off axis with the slightest interferance with it's flight. Roll-up your windows and you are pretty safe. That being said the chances are extremely remote that the sniper will ever fire at anyone sitting in a car with windows rolled up as the tip above is common knowledge among .223 users. Bad news is even with all the van sightings and numbers reported they still don't have him/them. Maybe the sniper does not drive a van and only spooks a van driver that hears a gun shot? /versus/images/icons/frown.gif Stay safe CreeD. The sniper waits until his target plants their /versus/images/icons/confused.gif feet to load something or stands there holding the gas spout in the vehicle. You have good advise above. Go to full service island. Witnesses swear he is using an AK modified for .223 ammo. Lends credance that this is a trained terror tango and not a sicko seriel killer. </font color> <font color="#666666">

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