What Strategy Gets Under Your Skin?

Discussion in 'General' started by CiscoRey, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    Just in case anyone forgot, the title of this thread is "What Strategy Gets Under Your Skin?". By its nature, this thread is all about criticizing strategies.

    It is universal fighting game knowledge that there is a counter measure for every strategy in this game. Unfortunately that's not what this thread is about--so it need not be beat to death here.

    If you feel that some of the strategies we're mentioning personifies the way you play--oh well. It may be time to take a bit of that invaluable advice you give and "suck it up/learn to deal with it/adjust." Outside of Virtua Fighter's ones & zeros people have these things called opinions. If you'd like to exercise yours be sure to find the appropriate thread for it.
  2. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Destro, if you don't like getting stomped repeatedly then I'm going to have to respectfully suggest you just get better.

    I'd also like to add that it's far more productive to beat newbs using an abusive strategy that exploits obvious weaknesses than to use more subtle means of beating them. This allows them to isolate what they're doing wrong and adapt accordingly instead of getting confused with situations they're not familiar with. If they can't handle being low punched to death because they keep mashing then chances are they're not cut out for VF.
  3. Gallows_AGUT

    Gallows_AGUT Well-Known Member

    I'm with the other guys Destro. We don't need to dumb ourselves down to please people. VF isn't one of those games that draws the casual players anyway. Without an in depth story aside from demonic sharks and amnesia caused by an international organisation devoted to better life through turning people to robots or endings, I'd say the only people that play are competitive players.

    Besides, it's the law of the jungle; The strong persevere, the weak die. If a new player is serious about playing, the losing will light a fire under their rear. I say bring yourselves on. You may beat me, but as long as I learn something I haven't lost. This should be the call of the new player. Not wah, I got beat again. Why can't my new friends give me a chance?

    As for strategy, this goes with any fighter. People that talk big and loud to try and throw you off your game and then button mash. Big egos, little skill. It just angrys up my blood.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    I maybe wrong .....but you're post's come off cocky as hell CiscoRey .........I've played you're GOH and I don't understand where the cockiness comes from 0_o

    again I maybe wrong but that's how you're post's come off
  5. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Blacklac did you actually have something to add to the discussion or are you just trolling CiscoRey? I don't think it matters how good he is since he's talking about things that deal more with one's attitude toward the game and not the game itself.
  6. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    He is just talking about what shit annoys him.

    Oh, and since we are on the subject, I hate when I am blocking and someone throws me. That's cheap.


    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    you're right /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    on that note Lau's P strings are annoying me right now .....but Ill get use to it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. Rii

    Rii Active Member

    Really, you guys should be meeting other players irl to play. A 1 frame lag is not acceptable for a fighter.

    Back on the strat talk.
    I think it's always the same few strategies that annoys people, some low poke/slash, turtling, abusable repeatable move, mashing.

    You can cut down your playing of a particular player if you want, but never ever avoid totally. It just shuts you off from a style of gameplay which disadvantages you majorly when you look at the big picture.

    Hey, what if you met someone in a tournament with the very shit ass style that you hate? And somehow he's using that style to it's maximum capability, decimating all his opponents with it?

    If you haven't been playing just to keep yourself fresh of all these styles, you'd be screwed!

    So really, as much as you hate all the ABC styles and strats out there, you gotta play 'em.

    You can go giving constructive advice to improve the opponent's gameplay. (i.e. You can punish that, I get disadv even when I hit ya etc)
    But don't go telling them to change their whole style. (i.e. Hey, stop turtling, you are not supposed to play stances, you are supposed to always do this after that move etc)

    It makes you sound like an elitist, without the substance to back it up.
  9. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    I will, once I get a system again. Note also by getting stomped, I didn't mean the "I lost that match badly, he stomped me" version, I meant the "What is he doing, the match is over!" version.

    I do agree that being able to beat newbs using such strategies is useful in the long run. I'm just saying it's not as much fun in my opinion.

    I'm not trying to say I'm better than anyone or anything to that end, because I can't even compete until I have my own console and an arcade stick to work with.
  10. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I just got myself an arcade stick for the 360 the other day.

    So far so good I guess, I have to re learn most of everything though but I'll get through it.

    A strategy that is getting on my nerves at the moment is when someone tries the exact same move/string over and over again only to be beaten by the same move of mine over and over again. They then have the nerve to call me on using the same move.

    If you stand back from me and go into some gay stance with Lei, you had better expect me to smash you with a dropkick or shoulder tackle.

    He used the exact same string over and over again then backed off into a stance.

    It was him that made me not want to play the XBL public any more.

    I'll be in priviate rooms playing with decent players and people who actually want to get better.
  11. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Destro - It's short-sighted to claim that beating newbs using "abusive" strategies that exploit the most obvious holes in their game isn't fun, because it will be far more fun to play them when they improve their game /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  12. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    @CiscoRey - When I am on VF you are not. . .usually!

    Next time we on and you not busy hit me up so we can check our connection, I need a lil practice anyway.
  13. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    There's no such thing as abusive strategy/technique, there is only how good you are at beating people of all levels.

    You have no one to blame but yourself for winning without style, as people like to say.
  14. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    I'm talking more about the people who obviously have no intention of improving their game and have every intention of leaving when they can no longer win with that strategy.
  15. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    They're just not worth playing at all.
  16. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    When I am pwning noobs, I try to just beat them down. I try to avoid low punches and back dashing even though they are very vulnerable to these "techniques." I would just like to beat then without totally frustrating them. I try anyway, though it is hard not to occassionally bust out with them out of habit.
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I agree with that mentality completly. That said I think my greatest weakness is adapting to different play styles quickly. Given enough matches against an opponent I can figure out how to beat them most of the time unless they truely outclass me. I can't really figure out what it is I need to learn to be able to adapt more quickly. Is it my lack of all the important nitaku situations? I feel like that is what I'm really lacking and costing me rounds.
  18. Gallows_AGUT

    Gallows_AGUT Well-Known Member

    I've never cared about playing with style, but I also don't think there's actually cheap tactics or techniques. Only what you're strong at and what you're weak at.
  19. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    The only strategy that gets under my skin is the strategy of people complaining about strategies instead of spending the effort to discover how to beat them.
  20. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    I think we can do both, but that's just me.

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