What Changes You See Happening, In VF5R?

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by ShinobiFist, Feb 17, 2008.

  1. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Hahaha... I missed that one. Especially hilarious since I spend every other friday trying to convince some SF and MvC2 players that VF is worth learning, while they complain about how difficult the defense is.
  2. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I think your missing the point. There are 3 options in vf for defense. Block, side step, counter/sebaki (if your character has those). Counters and sabaki are more or less the same thing imho. Most martial arts have numerous ways to defense, redirection, trapping, smothering, tripping, hard blocks, specific counters to attacks. It would be nice to see stuff like that added into vf.
  3. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    There aren't 3 options... there are 8. Block, evade, jump, catch throw, sabaki, inashi, reversals, and throw escapes. Reversals and sabakis are not "more or less the same thing"... they're two completely different types of moves, with completely different properties, that should be used in completely different ways.
  4. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Catch throw as a defensive tool?
  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    There aren't 3 options... there are 8. Block, evade, jump, catch throw, sabaki, inashi, reversals, and throw escapes. Reversals and sabakis are not "more or less the same thing"... they're two completely different types of moves, with completely different properties, that should be used in completely different ways.

    Jump is a defensive tactic? Jumping over an attack is the same as evading buddy. Catch throw is a defensive tactic? Umm...sure. Right. Hitting the punch button is also a defensive tactic! Counter does auto damage, sabaki does damage and sometimes leads to a crumple of some sort. So maybe I can see that. Throw escapes to me are a different type of defensive mechanism all together. The fact of the matter is, when it comes to defense, basically you block, evade, or sometimes you can launch a faster attack. The blocking game in VF is very, very rudimentary.
  6. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    You're so wrong, it's laughable... I've literally been teaching a couple really good ST players who haven't tried a 3d fighting game how to play VF the past few weeks, and all they keep saying is "OMG, why is blocking soooo hard in this game???".

    Jumping and evading are not "the same". Jumping guards against lows, circular or not. Evading guards against linear attacks, but not circulars. Reversals do not do "auto-damage"... they guard against either high, mid or low, if you can guess appropriately. Sabakis guard against a class of attacks (i.e. elbow, or sidekick), rather than a specific height. Those things are not interchangeable in a match, and are therefore completely different abilities.

    Cuz: Yes, catch throws are basically the complete opposite of normal throws... they will land on your opponent while they are attacking, but fail to work if your opponent uses a normal throw. Understanding and applying them during a match requires a similar type of thinking to using sabakis effectively, so it seems defensive to me.
  7. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    they probably have a hard time blocking cause in their games blocking low guards mids.
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    While a catch throw can nab the opponent executing an attack, their slow speed kind of deters them from being used defensively (from a disadvantage) because chances are your opponent's attack will reach its active phase before your catch throw does.

    So, catch throws are more effective when used offensively (from an advantage) because you have a better chance of reaching the throw's active phase first with the added ability of nabbing an incoming attack (as opposed to potentially clashing).

    Pro tip: If you ignore most people's suggestions and wish lists for upcoming versions of VF, you'll be much happier! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you're right... just saying it's possible to use them defensively... not that it's necessarily a good idea in all but the weirdest of circumstances.

    As for the pro tip... come on, where's the fun in making insane predictions, if we can't yell loudly at each other while doing it.
  10. Luya

    Luya Active Member

    Well, Taka could be added if Sega wanted (done on Shenmue) but the assertion is to find the right speed and timing that really fit him. I presume AM2 wanted to go beyond that.

    As for suggestion, bring back block animation. One can say it might be a gimmick but for game like Virtua Fighterr, it does emphasize for reaction. It is really hard to stand when a roundhouse kick sweet through a guarded attack. The engine is capable to added these details as console/arcade are powerful enough.
  11. SUGATA

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    I really want:

    1)Give to Goh's Tsukitobashi (in Tsukami -G-push off) when near the wall, the wall stagger properties.

    2)Return breakable walls (as in 4 VF4 Evo).

    3)Slow motions (frame by frame) in replays (for analysis).

    4)Tutorial(step by step from "zero") like in VF4Evo.

    5)Make normal(hard) contact from strike, not- strike by finger!

    6)Really hope BALANCED Taka-Arashi.

    7)For Goh:
    -5th throw direction(for ex. 1+P+G)
    -throw from crouch stance (like Pai(?!), Aoi)
    -3rd direction for crouch throw.
  12. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    I think you're asking for a bit too much when you ask for a 5th (6th if you include normal p+g) throw direction for Goh. He already has a 2 direction throw, which is almost never broken and a catch throw, which cannot be broken.

    I would love a 2_6 or 2_4 throw like Pai, Aoi, Lau, Lion, etc. Ideally, it would end with 4, but 6 would be fine too. Technically though, 33p+g could be considered a throw from crouch stance, so you might as well use that if you're trying to crouch dash-in throw.

    I agree with the 3rd low throw direction request though. Two would be fine if they both guaranteed damage like Aoi, Blaze or even Pai, but tsukami is just too easy to break.
  13. GMonroy

    GMonroy Well-Known Member

    Breakable walls would be awesome. Some walls should be breakable especially if you are comboing into the wall.
  14. Dwin

    Dwin Member

    In any case, there only are a few things Sega will do to VF5R:

    1.Balance chracters.
    2.Add new stages.
    3.Add the 2 new characters.
    4.Improve graphics.
    5.Improve Dojo.
  15. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Considering VF5 hasn't exactly knocked out the competition in JP arcades, I think we might see larger gameplay changes then we're used to.
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Breakable walls would be ok. I just don't want angulation (or whats that word) in stages which make it less fair on one side player (for example VF3 Pai stage). I dont want combos that are possible only in one part of a certain stage etc. That just creates randomness which fighting games should not be about. Thats also why VF5 stages are the way they are, as far as I can see. Generally special stuff in stages create either randomness or balance issues.
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I liked how in VF4's akira stage had the breakable walls along with vf4's sarah stage. Was always fun beating someone through a wall.
  18. ZenTou

    ZenTou Well-Known Member

    Thats bullshit about the pai stage, If one guys on the downside of the slope they can just sidestep.Thats the point of making it 3D. In online mode you can just set customgame search options for flat rings only. The obsessive competition minded VF perfectionists shouldnt play online anyway, since lag will throw off their precious frames.

    And sloped stages wont throw off VF5's pe4rfection any more than the WAY off hit boxes for rising kicks. Tome it would be a great touch as an added bonus since they are bringing back TAKA and half open stages, it'd be a cool homage to VF3. It should be something you unlock by getting to the end of quest mode.
  19. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I'd even like stuff like earning the wallpapers and OG intro/outros like in EVO /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  20. ZenTou

    ZenTou Well-Known Member

    Yeah!!I Miss that too, alsoI miss the menu announcer. She hada cool voice and added a nice touch to the presentation.

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