We're Back!

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

By Myke on May 31, 2012 at 10:44 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]Thanks for everyone's patience. We're now on a new kick-ass server which should hopefully result in a more stabilised experience from now on.

    Most of the VFDC features should be back to normal, however, there are some remaining kinks in the system that I'm trying to work out, and a minor forum update was also necessary. You can read more about these in detail after the jump.

    And of course, if you find something not working the way it used to, please let me know in this thread!


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

    1. Mister
      Is it only me or the favicon is missing? o_O
    2. Myke
      The Xbox Live forum has been reset in preparation for Final Showdown. Please go ahead and contribute your gamertag info if you're interested in reaching out and finding other players.

      All previously existing Xbox Live forum content can be found in the Archive > Virtua Fighter 5 > Xbox Live sub-forum.
    3. Myke
      Is anyone else having issues with the favicon not appearing?

      Mister, what do you see instead?

      I remembered some other users (akai?) mentioning that Firefox was displaying something else instead of the favicon which indicated the site's lack of registered identity/security or something like that. Maybe that's what you're seeing?
    4. akai
      This is what I still see instead of the normal VFDC logo

      Also, after deleting my old bookmark and making a new bookmark of VFDC, I have not gotten the relax! hello, world! message from the old server.
    5. Myke
      The favicon issue should be fixed now.
    6. akai
      Cleared cache and temp files and he VFDC logo is back where it should be. Thanks, Myke.
    7. Kamais_Ookin
      I have the vfdc logo back as well, I hope that means I won't get the hello, world! error anymore because I've been offline in vfdc more then online for the past few days now and my patience is running fucking THIN! THIN I tell you.

      Oh well, FS coming out tomorrow. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    8. Mister
      so now i see the logo in firefox but now chrome. Now i know it's my problem so no big deal [​IMG]
    9. Plume
      Yesterday VFDC was working fine, but today I got Hello World for a few hours until I cleared my cache.
      So even though the website was fine yesterday, today I still got the Hello World error anyway.

      Is it possible to change the Hello World page so that it says something like "If you see this, clear your cache" ?

      It wouldn't have changed anything for me, I knew about the cache, I just wanted to see if it would fix itself after a few hours. It did not.
    10. akai
      I'm not sure if Myke can change the "Relax. Hello, World!" message from the old server. The old server will be deleted at the end of the month. Hopefully, that will solve the issue.

      Try also clearing active login information (or log out from VFDC) when you get the old server message. I got the message twice yesterday, and after "logging out" I was able to view the new server.
    11. Myke
      I've updated the default page on the older server, so if you're still seeing the "Hello, World!" message then it goes to show just how out-dated your DNS is! I suggest you take it up with your Internet provider's support in that case.

      There really isn't much else I can do about this issue.
    12. Ash_Kaiser
      What, you aren't overlord of the world wide webberverse, Myke?
    13. Grabczas
      I still get sometimes message about VFDC being moved and so on. Its just random to be honest when for few hours I don't have acces to VFDC and when i try for example use www.virtuafighter.com/forums browser gives me 404 erroe o_O

      Any ideas Myke?
    14. akai
      My new experience with the DNS issue...after clearing cache and stuff. I had trouble getting on; however, I was able to get onto the website, through a direct link to VFDC from a different website (twitter).

      Right now, I am able to browse through all the pages of the website...except for the front page. The front page still gives me the DNS message.

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