WCG 2009 Grand Final Results

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Myke, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    That makes sense to me, and I was confused when I saw this escape~
  2. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    It looked like the start of the knee throw, so it was probably [3].
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    to me it simply looks like he used an old trick that works for most character without low throw. I think what happen was he stood up to block an incoming attack after taking the tech roll. Since Vanessa delayed and didn't attack immediately on his tech roll Fuudo started to fuzzy (look at the vid closely you will see he starts to crouch and fuzzy). If you look you can see a lot of time was wasted from when Vanessa forced him to take the tech roll and when Vanessa did nothing but advance forward.

    Now for those that do not know for most characters if you press [2] [G] [+] [P] [+] [K] then your character will do a low punch. I honestly think Fuudo double buffered [2] [G] [+] [P] [+] [K] and [3] [G] [+] [P] [+] [K] .

    If Vanessa went for a low throw he would escape and if she went for a med / high attack she would get hit by a [2] [P] since she obviously wasted her turn by advancing forward so much.

    Honestly this is what I think occurred in that brief moment and was my original thought from the very first time I saw it. It actually made me smile and say "sneaky bastard" . I could be wrong and over analyzing, but really if you look closely it makes perfect sense.

    The replay was saved by someone maybe if we can get someone to post it we can turn on the command inputs to determine the truth.

    oh almost forgot to say thank you to Tetra for upping the matches... if there are anymore please let us know.
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Not quite! If Vanessa went for a low throw (and she did!) then he should have got hit by the low punch ([2][P][+][K][+][G]). Since there was no low punch, then I still think he did [3][P][+][K][+][G] option select.

    It would be fucking sweet to get footage of the actual replay with inputs showing though! [​IMG]
  5. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Those replays were on the Tournament Xbox, so I'm doubtful of getting access to them. This match is actually from the group round robin play and I don't we'll see these matches posted on the WCG site.

    I'm guessing only the semi-finals (Fuudo v stprock, and ShinZ v Rikojjang) and the finals between Fuudo and ShinZ will be put up on the WCG site.
  6. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Myke you might be absolutely right, but I could still also be right too because it's all based on timing. If Fuudo started to enter the command with some random luck just at that point when Vanessa started the throw my theory is possible... damn now I really wish we could see the damn footage with inputs.
  7. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    I delayed the low throw because I wanted to check if he is fuzzy guarding. Its too random if I just went for it straight. Which if you noticed, on one of the rounds I went straight into low throw and he did ETEG instead.

    By moving forward, I can check if he is fuzzy guarding or what not.

    I tried to 3K+G Fuudo on that situation before. Believe me, delaying 3K+G or doing it straight away doesnt really matter. He would have stood up and block it right away [​IMG]

    Uploading the next few matches right now. Hope you guys enjoyed it! [​IMG]

    PS: During the casuals, Fuudo told me he could break low throws if he put in effort to do it.
  8. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    It was very nice to meet the VFers there in Chengdu. Seeing Rayne and Tetra again, getting to now Llanfair, Flash and Fûdo. I got the feeling we actually didn`t play that much casual matches though.

    Most of the time i fought Fûdo (6 wins overall;2 of them against his very strong Lei-Fei), Rijkojiang and Tetra. Rayne! We just had 3 matches over the whole week [​IMG]
    Everytime i played Shinz i felt liked getting raped...i certainly lack experience fighting these kind of strong players.

    Llanfair and me knew which match was the most important one in Group A...he could have also won against me. Actually i just won 1 match and got 4th, which is weird. Group B was just insane...Flashs match against Shinz was really close. He could have become 2nd...

    @Owen: We might talk about that WCG-Thing again; im thinking about what i can do here.

    Overall a nice event with spicy food and pandas...lets meet up again!

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    I guess almost all players on VFDC use rising kick too much. I mention not only him but all of you.
  10. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

  11. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    I choked massively against Flash, really not sure what happened there, I just kinda stood there and froze up. But hey, I'm not making excuses, Flash is better than me, I just wish I had performed slightly better against him! My match was very close against Tetra, I did a good sabaki at the end of the 5th round, but couldn't quite finish him off. Shinz and Fuudo are so strong that I wasn't going to beat them. I wish I had been in the other bracket as I stood a good chance of making it through. It was great to play everyone, in even better to witness Fuudo's skills. -Sigh- back to having noone to play and not touching the game for another year.
  12. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    Some what late and off topic but....

    Ranye, what where the UK qualifiers like?
  13. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Shit that's funny man, you've always taken me for more than Flash has. I guess that's online for yah. Hard luck dude.
  14. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    The qualifiers were a lot tougher this year than the one before. people that turned up included Jide, Ryan Hart and The Prince.
  15. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Haha, I really do...:)
    Btw, can you tell us what's the purpose for that throw escape?
    I just don't get it...
  16. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    To be perfectly honest, sometimes things in matches don't always have to have a moral reason for their execution.

    Perhaps, now I could be way out in left field here..but perhaps Fuudo used this marvelous thing we used to call *yomi*. [​IMG]

    Don't exclude this as a reason for what you saw - because more often than not, the coolest shit you see in VF is a direct result of yomi, and not some moral action.
  17. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    dennis, do you mean the low throw escape which Foodo did?

    From my perspective, it is pretty straightforward. Foodo simply did a low throw escape by his reaction. I know what myke is trying to say, but it does NOT work. I will tell you with an example. you know Goh's 6K(knee) and 43 P+K sabaki(VFDC wiki does not show the command though)
    after goh does 6K, he would get -9 frames when the opponent guards it. in this situation, goh is not supposed to be able to fazzy. however, if goh does 43P+K, he would not get thrown by any standing throw(goh would be thrown by any low throw though)

    in this situation, if foodo really tried to evade from the venessa's nitaku with 3P+K+G, foodo was supposed to move with 3P+K+G, but not be thrown since lion's 3P+K+G is a standing move. Lion immediately stands right after using 3P+K+G, and never gets thrown by any low throws. there is no way foodo was thrown by the low throw if he tried to do 3P+K+G.

    based on the system, myke's theory does not work, I assume.

    besides, I have played/seen foodo matches so many times and say he is not that kind of lion players who use lion's technics. his play is besed on mainly his guessing, technic and reaction.(ex. chibita can handle only lion, but foodo can use almost all characters) I don't say you underestimate his skill, but I would say you just don't know how he is likely to play as much as I do.

    Therefore, if I answer dennis's question;the purpose of that throw escape, was just to escape the low throw. hehehe.
  18. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    So you were trying to say that "foodo did that 3P+K+G for avoiding both standing and low throws"?

    Yes, I think you must realize his play style more than us. One simple escape makes me confused.... [​IMG]
    Thanks for the answer~~ [​IMG]
  19. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Yosuke is just saying that Fuudo did a low throw escape on reaction. Had he buffered Lion's dodge [3][P][+][K][+][G], as I was suggesting, then it would have made Lion standing initially, and thus the low throw should have missed.

    Side Note
    I did some testing myself of Lion's [3][P][+][K][+][G] during disadvantage, and found Lion can actually avoid standing throw if the disadvantage is -5 (blocked elbow), or less, only if he dodges ([3] or [9]) in the direction of his stomach. The reason the throw is avoided is because he's either in a crouch state, or he's considered too far off the side (hit box issue). I haven't been able to distinguish which it is yet. However, this is not effective against nitaku because it loses out to mids.
  20. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    no. that is not what I wanted to say.

    "Foodo avoided being thrown just by low throw."

    please forget about the idea that to escape a standing throw by lion's 3P+K+G. he hardly uses that skill.

    he did input 3P+K+G because he immediately realized that he was thrown. his reaction is way too good. that is why I said he just escaped the low throw. you may say he did not have to escape the throw, but he could have does ABARE. however, that is not correct.

    to me, it looks like foodo inputed 3P+K+G after venessa succeeded her 3P+K+G.

    I assume this venessa player showed this conbination to Foodo before the tournament.

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