Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Adamay

    Adamay Well-Known Member

    YouTube channel GamingBolt just released a video about VF

    SSfox, beanboy, Epileptech and 3 others like this.
  2. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Yeah. I watched that vid the other day.
    Glad I watched it, as it was uploaded on youtube.
    It's kinda sad, that we don't have a new VF6 game yet though.
    Lygophilia likes this.
  3. SSfox

    SSfox Well-Known Member

    I was about to post this video,good to see a vg chanel that talk about VF.

    PS: I just watched again The movie The Grandmaster, and i'm hoping VF will take that direction in term of visuals, effects, actions and look.

    I mean i'm having fun with a lot of fighting game, but would be great to have that fighting game again that is purely about martial arts, with 0 special effect in the screen, no fireball or weapon and cie,just feets and feets martial arts fighting.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2019
  4. Adamay

    Adamay Well-Known Member

    Another EVO has passed by SFV got new characters, Tekken will get a 3rd season, SC will get a new season. Samurai Shodown will get a new season. A new KOF got announced. A new Guilty Gear got announced and still no signs of SEGA ever coming back to the FGC with a new VF.

    With such overcrowded landscape in both 3D and 2D games. Realistically do you see a place where a VF6 game would be successful to SEGA take such risk?
  5. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Yes, look at SamSho. It's successful because it's not aping the other games out now.
  6. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    I am actually glad the Japanese games are coming back and looks like they are setting up tons of great things at Evo.

    Yes SEGA can make a successful come.back with VF6 and yes I still believe we will get it.
    If SEGA wants money and only money .. they can announce a VF and fill it in with their own guests liek Kiryu/Majima and the Shenmue guy.

    I believe they will be back with a new VF and they will be successful cause, quality speaking, VF is still the king of the 3D.
    beanboy and Sonic The Fighters like this.
  7. Adamay

    Adamay Well-Known Member

    Someone made a video about how DOA6 is going to the same path that VF had to be completely forgotten and how Tekken 7 is doing everything right. How can a new game be so easily forgotten?

  8. Adamay

    Adamay Well-Known Member

    VF didn't make it to the best moments of EVO for side games

  9. SSfox

    SSfox Well-Known Member

    DOA has gone totally wack and stupid. VF is a different case it's being totally absent. Considering the timing we're in right now i don't see vf6 happening until next gen.

    What VF will need if they want to make it popular among large audiance most is building a lore and story, and make characters looks a bit more stylish and modern, then put classic costumes as unlockable, everybody will be happy.

    VF is a super deep and complex game but i don't think it was an issue of it's popularirity. It was more on the points I made above, specially the first one.
  10. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Please no, if I wanted Fighters Megamix 2 I'd be asking for Fighters Megamix 2, not VF.
    beanboy, Ali, Dreamboat and 1 other person like this.
  11. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't like that either..

    My point is, when SEGA decides to do VF6 it will do it because of the need of doing it and not just a quick way to cash in. Not saying that games arent supposed to be commercially profitable and what not... But I think SEGA knows that VF will never be as profitable as MK or even Tekken but profitable just enough and maybe that's what it kept it's consistent quality over the years.
  12. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Normally I don't watch vids like that, but I decided to watch it out of curiousity.:p

    The big question is:
    Is Tekken really, really doing things right?
    Or is that a semi cosmetic illusion?

    Note: "Cosmetics always have a tendency, to wear off. Sometimes unexpectedly. Sometimes, at the worst possible time."

    I'm starting to think, he is one of those many youtuber fighting game fans, who gets a bit too caught up in hype. Also, I think he should have done some research. Alot more research, before he made that vid. Why? Because alot of the things, that he says in the vid, are not entirely true.

    Tekken does things right?
    He should know, that for many, many years, like more than over a decade, Tekken, has relied heavily, on either alot of guest characters, cartoony gimmicks, glitches such as wave dashing, and character customisations, and alot of hype, to keep the hype and sales of their games going.

    Other fighting games like DOA and sadly/embarrassingly, the well respected Soul Calibur, especially from soul calibur 2 upwards, had to rely on guest characters, Link, Heihachi, Spawn, Yoda, Darth Vader, Ezio, Geralt, 2Butts, er I mean 2B, Haohmaru and make your own character/anime character customization modes, to literally survive.

    In the case of again, Tekken, Sony was a huge player, in that Tekken+playstation promotion hype, in the 90's, to help push and promote their playstation hardware, and sell their Sony products. Even if alot of Sony's advertising, is alot of false advertising. Like when Sony told gamers, not to buy a dreamcast, because Playstation 2, can do Toy Story level graphics.:ROTFL:

    And in the vid, he says that VF can't compete with Tekken?
    If that was true, then I would have agreed. But his statement, is kinda ridiculous. Because VF is not a basic, bare bones, juggle heavy fighting game like tekken. And VF didn't need, lots of out of place guest characters, cartoony gimmicks, wave dashing, or glitch dashing movement, to survive this long. Tekken's basic combat system, was always known, to be super bare bones and ridiculously low budget and basic. The combat in VF, was always way ahead of it's competitors, and way ahead of it's time.

    I think he needs to learn to play, some non gimmicky, advanced fighting games. And not the overhyped, gimmicky/wave dashing, juggle heavy, wave dashing glitch movement, bear, kangaroo, farting dinosaurs, or jiggly jiggle boob physics ones, he apparently seems to play.

    Here's some info for him. Some actual reasons/possible reasons, why VF and Sega, are unfortunately in the state they are in:
    Sega's bad financial situation, them dropping the saturn and then worse, the dreamcast, causing their dedicated fanbase, and their non sega fanbase, to kinda lose confidence in them. If a game company has been losing money for almost 20 years, and doing financially bad, how do you expect sega, to make, or promote, or hype a new high budget fighting game like VF?

    Another reason, is the gaming media, and later on, youtube gaming journalists, who for many years, would always look for an excuse, to overhype Tekken, pass Tekken off as Virtua Fighter, pretend that Tekken is a deep fighting game, and make their silly, nasty comments about VF, are some of the contributing factors, as to why we possibly haven't seen VF6 yet. And could also be the reason, why alot of other fighting games, are literally overlooked. The same thing happened, with the Soul Calibur series. It's sad but true.

    At least the good news is, that recently, sega is doing financially well these days. And that is good news for sega fans, VF fans, Fighting Vipers fans and non sega fans, who like and admire sega. And hopefully, that continues and leads to alot of positive things, for us gamers.:)

    And as that shaolin monk dude, master po, others and myself have said,
    Hopefully, whenever VF6 comes out, it doesn't fall into the same trap, that Tekken, DOA and other 3d and 2d fighting games, have fallen into."
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2019
  13. Adamay

    Adamay Well-Known Member

  14. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    Well, VF is triple A, but I don't think it will be this and not this time. It might be a creative assembly game ?

    I think when they want to reveal VF, they will give hints of it along the way and I don't think SEGA will reveal it at Evo when they don't have a presence there yet.

    Call me a fanboy and maybe I am, but I really think that VF is iconic the way it's. I played MK11 and I enjoyed going through the story mode, but i feel like Wolf and Shun Di have more personalities that half of that games' cast especially the new characters and not to mention the laughable new cast of Tekken 7 as well.

    The VF series is full of character despite how empty it looks,you fight Lau Chan in the great Wall, he is an aged Kung Fu master who is dying and who has a secret technique and an estranged daughter.

    That's enough in a fighting game and for me, it's more interesting that him having devil genes and growing wings and shooting laser.
    beanboy likes this.
  15. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    I was going to say a Panzer Dragoon game. But they showed that already.:p

    It's possible, that they probably wanted a venue, where all of the attention, would be focused on sega franchises. And if it is a new VF game, that might be a good strategy for them.
  16. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Wow! I've heard some Tekken fans, say that exact same thing.
  17. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Went would they reveal Virtua Fighter at GamesCom of all places? If VF news comes out, it'll be Japan-centric. Don't get your hopes up.

    It'll likely be something related to Relic or Creative Assembly.
    Shinobi likes this.
  18. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    I like how that Leroy Smith character looks.
    But somehow, his design strangely seems familiar.
  19. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    I don't think it is anywhere near as much as it used to be. They've really tried to make the game more accessible at the expense of the gameplay and yet hardly anyone seems to notice outside of long term players.

    I think Tekken 7's system is a lot harder to understand and explain then VF5FS's is. Just compare how sidestep and tracking moves work in the two games or the whether a throw will or won't beat an attack in a particular situation.
  20. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    I actually kinda noticed that.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019

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