Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    I like the idea of a tournament mode, the only flaw I see is that most tournaments take place over several consoles/setups, so unless it's a very very small tournament this probably wouldn't be able to be used much. Unless it could be used to record the results from other consoles as well? That might be handy. Give it options to record, single or double elimination, round robins etc, and between matches you can navigate the bracket and record the results.

    The sad thing is, half the time you ask a Street Fighter or Marvel player about their games and they openly admit the game is shit. Like the other day someone said 'I want to learn Marvel' and two Marvel players turned around and said 'No, you don't, it's a terrible game'. And yet they'll play that but not VF.

    I even see some people arguing that games are 'boring' if they are too balanced. As if 'too balanced' could ever be a problem.

    There are a lot of reasons people play the games they do, it's not always because they think they are the best competitive games sadly.

    Good point Unicorn, and I know this is the biggest reason a lot of people talk about including story etc in the next game. My issue is, what is the investment/reward for a move like that?

    Putting in Story mode and all that fluff would mean hiring writers/animators/voice actors/programmers etc. It's a lot of money and realistically how many people will it win over? Is someone who only plays Capcom games and Superhero fighters going to see VF story mode and say "Hey I want to buy that game now!" or just wait for Street Fighter 5 because it has the characters and gameplay he's known for 25 years?

    Ditto with changing gameplay, supers and the like aren't going to make people say 'Hey I want to play Tekken instead of mortal Kombat!' it's just going to make the Tekken fans say 'Fuck this game!'.

    Whereas if Sega just ported the arcade game home, barebones with easy to implement stuff like soundtracks, online, dojo etc, it would cost a lot less and probably be a much better return on their investment?

    What I would do to satisfy story mode is this:
    Release the Virtua Fighter Anime on Blu Ray, dubbed, and include a download code for the digital VF6 in it.

    Sell it as VF6 with a '12 hour story mode broken into 24 episodes!'.
    Ellis likes this.
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    I really do not know how many people it will win to Sega. All I can say (once again) is that people like this tend to be about 90+% of paying customers (western markets numbers).

    I really do not know how much it will work for Sega and how much it will do. I can see examples of this shit works and where it does not.
    Like... Even most hardcore Tekken fans like to discuss the game story and (main) characters plots - and that game have damn shitty plot!
    On other hand, SC5 lacks any good storymode and have only last-minute shity instead (result of sudden cut of money and dev time) yet it sold better that TTT2.
    On tripple (?) hand, TTT and TTT2 sales are "pretty poor" (read as "around 20-30%") in compare to "normal" tekkens because for overall fanboys, they are just non-canon spinofs.

    I know a lot of people who bought DOA5 or MK9 only because of that theatrical storymodes. I really do not know how many peeps will buy VF because of such thing, but... Some for sure. And the cost? Come on. They have panchiko machines with VF story there in Japan, with over hour of rendered animations! It is not THAT expensive as all models and such stuff are pre-made, being core part of the game itself. And look at the MK9 or IGAU - the technical quality of such "animations" does not need to be high at all yet people loves them.

    I think - THINK - that Sega hiring one writer to sum-up the already existing plot of VF1-5 that can be found on japanese websites and then creating few-hours storymode in the MK9 style may do a LOT for the western market sales with relativelly low investment. I think that the cost will be even lower that cost of proper quest mode and dojo mode VF fans are asking for.
    On other hand, I think if they will do it not UP to but OVER good dojo and such things, it will piss off the loyal fans they have, both in Jap and on the west.


    But TBH, this all is bullshit. Sega is Sega, I am afraid. If they will release VF6, they will make us to wait another 1,5-3 years for it and then they will do whatever will please jap arcade fans. So... nice, but pointless discussion here :D
  3. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    ...i think ex moves would be a nice addition
    dont hurt me
  4. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

  5. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    I disagree entirely, but I would like to know WHY you think VF needs EX moves or any kind of 'meter'?
    You've got a point there, they already make 'story' mode for their Pachinko machines, which I find hilarious.

    I guess it couldn't hurt. Like I said, I would just recycle the Anime and use that as the 'Cut Scenes' myself.
    Ellis likes this.
  6. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    While i would put story elements in any fighting game so bloody far down the list of priorities,
    since in my mind they all boil down to:

    "Guy takes hamburger from guy, he get's angry.. and they FIGHT"
    "Girl stumbles on old mans box of booze, he gets mad.. and they.. FIGHT"
    "Hey there, have a cucumber, says one, the replies that he prefers banans.. and they,
    yeah.. FIGHT!"

    But apart from that, i'd think it sufficent to maybe atleast have the VF characters give custom "lore friendly" quick pre-fight quotes depending on whom they face. Just a slight dynamic with not much work either :)
    Modelah likes this.
  7. Rome

    Rome Member

    i also really no need ex-moves, ultras, etc..

    if it must be such things, i would prefer something like a individual trait for everyone, which can be used a short timespan.

    but actually... no :D
  8. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    i just think it would add another layer of depth to the game
    and there doesnt necessarily have to be bound by a meter ( although idk why everybody opposes it so much)
    think about it
    its not taking away from the game
  9. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    MarlyJay, Dark Nova Void, CJA and 3 others like this.
  10. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    If I want EX moves and supers, I'll play 3rd Strike. Leave that shit out of VF please.
  11. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    this thread man...... smdh
  12. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    IcKY99 likes this.
  13. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    You haven't really explained how it adds any 'depth' to the game. Virtua Fighter already has a such a deep moveset that EX moves are redundant and would just be needless filler.

    What purpose would they have? Any specific examples?

    For example, why does Wolf need an EX version of 3+K?
    Crumple on hit? He already has 3+K+G.
    Crush Lows? He already has 9+P+K.

    I can understand it in a game like KoFXIII where characters have about 5 specials each, and sometimes they can fill holes or gain utility with EX moves, but it's really not required in VF. If anything it just adds potential to break the game.

    Not to mention, I believe VF's biggest strength is in it's brilliant simplicity. Every fighting game now has so many meters and systems tacked on, VF is still Two characters and Two Life bars (yet somehow it still scares away people for being the big bad intimidating game. Imagine if they introduced super meters to the formula?)

    I stand by that the only character who should have 'Meter' is Shun and his drinks!
    ShinyBrentford and aoi ameindei like this.
  14. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    first of all thank you for replying in a more mature manor than most of the people in this thread
    and actually im quite convinced now
    ok forget about the ex moves
    but how about 3 on 3 matches?
    in reality i just want some more fun modes added
    that cant be wrong can it
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2015
  15. Parasite_eveNZ

    Parasite_eveNZ Well-Known Member

    I see VF and tekken like siblings they both borrow from each other as far as what i would like in VF6 here's my list.

    1) Graphics: Sega needs to update their graphics we are in next gen they could make the game look so realistic and so detailed they would look just like real people. Graphics draw eyes and money GGxrd is a perfect example of this.

    2) Sound: I feel like this has been an issue for a long time lau has the same soundboard he had back in VF2 (1995) that was 20 years ago they need to change the voices and to those who complain that that's the flavor of VF who says they can't have good voice acting but still have dumb corny lines?

    3) Character: We need more characters 24-40 would be good

    4) Gameplay: I can't think of anything new to add to the series but just bring it back to VF5 Vanilla
  16. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    IcKY99 and ShinyBrentford like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Why is there 64 pages of comments, many of which are from people who don't even play VF at all?
  18. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    They all plan to play vf6... for a few months and then stop again and make a vf7 thread.

    Anyway, i dont care whats in vf6 as long as they dont ruin vf. Maybe a team battle or something. Anything would be nice at this point.
  19. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    The ignorance on this thread is amazing. "I want EX moves and 55 characters." ROFL! You really you want to learn 55 match ups in VF? Most of you can't even deal with Akira. I really hope this is some Andy Kaufman style of troll that the ScrubRK/EventScrubs communities have came up with.
  20. Rome

    Rome Member

    lol thats not ignorant! thats just people who maybe don't play VF competitive and thats simply their wishes cos they dont know better. don't take this too serious, omg.
    40 characters will anyway not happen... *facepalm*

    and if any, then its ur arogant "most of u guys..." claptrap against all the other ( maybe new?) VFDC members, which is truely "amazing"

    i can see why maybe no other VFDC members want to stay if there are such people who always goof 'em off.

    better u win the next major, otherwise just be quiet.

    AM2 and Sega will anyway do what they think is the best for VF, so just let the users make their wishes cos its anyway pointless and if u hate this thread so much, then just put in on ignore.

    sorry, i know i'm new here and don't want to be that respectless at all but i think "ignorant" postings like that are just annoying...

    just let the users their fun.

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