Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    FS art direction is just ehh in general. Jacky's FS stage would look like ass no matter what graphic fidelity they used, in comparison to the VF5 version.
    Project Bokuho and Ellis like this.
  2. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    Sigh. And now you're saying I was never in Japan. As if it's impossible to have ever been in Japan. You're saying I'm retarded because I don't believe an argument that nobody is backing up in any way. The nice thing about my argument, which is 'Everything is fine', is that you don't really need to prove that. You people are the one's insisting there is something wrong, and you're the one's who need to prove something. I must say again, I'm beyond baffled by the venomous attitude of some of the members of this community. If you hate the game so much, fine! You could go to LITERALLY ANY OTHER SITE ON THE INTERNET and express that pointless hatred you have, but why do it here?

    Anyway, I shouldn't humor you, but just in the interest of fairness, here's some proof that I was in Japan; although you don't know who I am so it isn't REALLY proof, but my online handle is WrysWendellBoah and I main Jean. If you can find evidence of some Japanese Jean player who uses the handle Wrys, I'd be pretty surprised. My name is a localized Fire Emblem reference, seems really unlikely there would be anyone else.

    Project Bokuho, Kamais_Ookin and nou like this.
  3. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member


    these were taken at TRY Amusement Tower and Shibuya Kaikan (RIP) respectively some time between fall 2012 and spring 2013.

    So yeah, maybe the graphics are compressed or whatever, I don't understand the technical side, and I sort of don't need to. Maybe you're one of those people who can tell the difference between FLAC and V0, but most can't.

    [edit] and I'm realizing a few minutes later that, the second picture is on a blast city cab, so it looks worse. I played on the normal HD cabinets 90% of the time, just for the record.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
    Project Bokuho, Kamais_Ookin and nou like this.
  4. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    FGC has a lot of minorities, so you know there's going to be a lot of complaining

    EDIT: on a more serious note. G4m3rz always complain and are never happy.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Disclaimer: I am an admitted PS3 VF fanboy. Graphics of VF5FS are beautiful to me. But I have another question about 2gb download. Could the reduced size of the console version be related to small features they left out of single player? For example in VF5 W/L statistics were maintained for SP and SP profile and screen name were displayed in most modes. This small feature is not in VF5FS and would have probably taken up more space in the download if it were included. Could the reduced size be related to small features that were shaved off?
  6. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    It COULD be, but do you think anybody here can answer that for certain? Game companies make weird counter-intuitive decision all the time. If they were smart, they'd copy the Smash Bros. records system, but nobody has done that yet. SSFIV did something kind of similar, but for netplay only. Lame.

    Also, Digital Foundry did a PS3 vs 360 comparison, and seemed to have mostly good things to say about the game...
  7. ICHIBANin10000

    ICHIBANin10000 Well-Known Member

    Po. Win loss in Sp got dropped arbitrarily. That has nothing to do with size limits . Sometimes Sega doesn't know a cool feature when they have one, so it didn't carry over to FS.

    Found some specs on arcade FS , from Kotaku.

    Ringedge is packing a 1.8ghz processor, 1GB of RAM and a 384MB Nvidia graphics card. Ringwide, meanwhile, has a 2ghz CPU, 1GB of SDRAM and a 128MB AMD GPU. Both can support 5.1 sound, and both can run two screens at 1920x1200.

    Now does a PS3 or 360, systems from 2005 and 2006 have that kind of power? Nope . No freaking DUH. They only have 512mb of ram and can't render games higher than 720p(besides crap like Virtua Tennis).

    Also found a graphics comparison on Digital Foundry (reposted on ) on FS PS3 vs 360 comparison.

    Turns out the PS3 version is inferior to the 360 version in both Anti Aliasing and lower precision light sources.

    And I quote: "
    while the latter sees light sources on the PS3 appearing lightly compressed, with different shades of detail being crushed into a shining solid glow that can sometimes be uncomfortable on the eyes."

    Read it and weep Dev-tard : " uncomfortable to the eyes". Ok? I know you're slow, do I will put it in terms you can understand : "uncomfortable to the eyes" is a nice way of saying the graphics suck. They said the light sources are compressed on PS3 . compressed because its only a 1.9GB downloadable title. again, common sense, which Devdan has none, would tell you a game sqeezed onto a 2gb digital format would have compromised graphics. Both 360 and PS3 versions have a temporal ghosting image problem in fast moving scenes leaving a transparent double image that looks "poor".

    Now that's straight from Digital Foundry, are you going to call them "Liars"? Twit, while your love of VF is admirable, your ignorance and hardheaded behavior is annoying. Let me put it in simple terms so you can understand. The PS3 version is graphically inferior to the 360 version. Now don't get confused because I know you haven't had your Ritalin yet, but if the PS3 version is inferior to the 360 , it's inferior graphically to the arcade version. I play on the PS3 version. thats what Im talking about. Now shut the hell up and sit there with your foot in your mouth. Owned.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2014
  8. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    You're cherry-picking. You're talking about a nit-pick in an otherwise positive article.

    "the quality of the console conversion work has improved over what we saw with Virtua Fighter 5. The team at AM2 has created a visually pleasing game which is a near-identical match across both platforms; something which our head-to-head video and comparison gallery demonstrate."

    They do complain about the audio, but whatever, comparing sound quality by ear is a very difficult thing to do, and I can't find any clean footage of the arcade version, and don't want to spend hours trying to find any. Here's a random camera vid though, and you can hear that the announcer still has that weird grainy filter that I was talking about.
  9. Project Bokuho

    Project Bokuho Active Member

    This ridiculous argument over what both of the games look like? o_O
  10. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    It seemingly ended on Saturday, please don't instigate its continuation. Let's all just get back to...repeating our wishes for better single player stuff, or whatever. And viable Jeffry
  11. ImmaWaalrus

    ImmaWaalrus Member

    I would love to see SEGA make a VF6, but if they do make a decision to make it (i really hope they do) they need to keep the characters the same.

    If you have played VF4, VF4Evo and VF5, all of the characters moves were superb!! Not only were they flashy,but they also delt a lotta damage (ex: akira's ⬇️K➡️P⬅️➡️KG). Even the new characters from VF5 had gotten nerfed along witht heir moves taken out.

    Having a new graphic engine within the fighting game would be nice, but they shouldnt over do it. Trying to make it life-like would be cool, but all I want to see out of SEGA this go around is to make it like VF5FS fighting mechanic with the move list of VF5, or vf4Evo.

    Oh, and for god sakes, BRING BACK THE COMMENTARY!!!
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
    D0llo13 likes this.
  12. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    I think the damage in FS is fine, although I supposed I'd prefer they increase it over decrease. That's one of the many reasons I don't much care for SF4. Ultra's used to do an amount of damage that made the cinematic almost seem reasonable. Now you have to sit around and watch an 8 second cutscene for a move that does less damage than most EX moves did in yeah, no cut-scene moves either, for the love of god.
  13. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    ^ugh, cut-scene supers are the WORST. They are entertaining the first three times you see them, then it's just annoying. I think non-cutscene supers look better anyway, as they aren't so jarring and don't break stride in the game (look at KoFXIII for examples with DMs and Neomaxes)

    The closest thing VF has is camera angle changes for throws, which is fine with me.

    On the topic of movelists, while obviously I'd like to see more moves added, I kind of appreciate what they did with Final Showdown by trimming the movelist down considerably. There were a lot of moves in 5 vanilla that just seemed superfluous and were never used. I kind of like that moves are leaner but have less overlap now.

    In terms of graphics, I don't really mind much but it will be nice to see what they can do with a new arcade board.

    Honestly though, at this stage I would be happy with an Xbone/PS4 and PC release of Final Showdown. It still has life in it, and I think a re-release might snap up some new audience, especially with the drought of fighting games on those platforms in particular at the moment.
  14. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    This Thread is boring. It's just a bunch DOA and Tekken players talking like they know anything about VF. Let me put something interesting on this thread.....

    my grape nuts
    gastinell and MarlyJay like this.
  15. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    ^But I don't play DoA or Tekken :[

    I do like to pretend I know what I'm talking about in Virtua Fighter though, you got my number there.
  16. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    My point is that this thread is just full of non VF players trying to talk about VF.
  17. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    I don't know about everyone else, but I play every Monday with my local (small but consistent) scene.
  18. ImmaWaalrus

    ImmaWaalrus Member

    @ShinyBrentford actually ma'am, i actually play VF more than i do any other game. Im young but ive played every single FF that came out from the start of sega genesis. Thank you for noticing ^~^
  19. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Sure you do ;).
  20. ImmaWaalrus

    ImmaWaalrus Member

    fight me. ill be glad to thats if you play PS of course

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