Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.


    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Dont ever give up hope because sega did say they are going to announce something big in 2014 but also dont wait for it ether. I think once the new systems settle down there is a chance for a new vf but until then be happy that we got vf5fs and enjoy it and I say this to everyone, the game is still young and there is a lot to learn.
    def likes this.
  2. Kanura

    Kanura Active Member

    Sadly this has confirmed my worst fears. Its perhaps telling that while Akira, Jacky, Pai, and Sarah appeared in DOA5 with lovingly, meticulously improved character models, Sega returned the favour by lazily sticking some jpegs of Kasumi, Hitomi, Hayabusa, Tina, etc on some cards. To me, that says alot about Sega and the laziness and bureaucratic corporate culture of cheapness and half-assedness that permeates them these days..

    I suspect the best we can hope for in 2014 is M2 (who have pretty much redeemed Sega this year with their 3DS Classics) converting Virtua Fighter to the 3DS.
  3. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    My only hope is the mysterious statement of "sega girl" on SCE: Wait for early 2014, we will announce something you will love to hear"
    Shinobi likes this.
  4. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    VF is way to important for SEGA, they will not drop it!
    VF6 is guaranteed. remember my words...
    Shinobi likes this.
  5. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    So, the game is dead just because SEGA didn't announce anything on December 26th? I don't think so ;) SEGA, please take your time and make VF6 a great sequel. Wait until PS4 and XOne will have a large installed base, and then release VF6 to the world.
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Have consoles ever been a consideration when developing Virtua Fighter? Unless they massively change the way they work or take the franchise from AM2, it'll be out in the arcade first and be arcade only for quite a while.

    I don't expect anything anytime soon though. I can't see how a VF6 would make them money the way they like to do things.
  7. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    This is Sega we're talking about. I'm sure what she is referring to is some random Sonic themed game that will make a vague passing reference to VF.

    I hate to be pessimistic about this, but....yea...fuck Sega...
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  8. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Im afraid for Sega. And im not speak about virtua fighter only but generally. Anyhow i wish bring something relative about virtua fighter soon.
  9. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    In my belief is curtain fall for the VF series and as much as it pains me we are going to
    lose a substantial percentage of our player base.
    Look at it this way: No VF6, UltraSF4 is on its way and with next gen coming on, VF5FS servers are bound to close due to little activity. Plus the cost of keeping
    them running will be unbearable since the game will not sell almost at all to pay for its expenses.
    If SEGA is not willing to make a strong advertise forthe game or make a small update to keep it relevant VF will be lost
    Not all of has have an offline community so online is a big matter to us.
    Plus why put all the effort to be good at it since there is not a certain future.
    Im really disappointed...:(

    EDIT: Still i cannot believe that they made all this noise around VF just to announce that they
    are going to announce a big announcement, announcing during the fist quarter of the pre-announced
    year of 2014.

    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  10. Ugh, i can only wish for another VF game. But seriously, Sega........they just keep messing up or going back on their words. Hell I was all hyped when i read about PSO2 was gonna get a U.S. and even European launch.............................................
  11. Star Outlaw

    Star Outlaw Active Member

    Well, I'm disappointed, but not surprised. I do believe that there will eventually be a VF6, just maybe not for a while. I am worried that it could just start falling into more and more obscurity, and that it will only be used as little nostalgic nods to SEGA's past, having its characters just cameo in other games, kind of like, say, Space Channel 5, Crazy Taxi, and Jet Set Radio.

    It's already kind of happening with Project X Zone and DOA5, not to mention Akira and Jacky in the first Sega All-Stars Racing, and Akira is going to be a boss character in Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax.

    Still, looking at it another way, Virtua Fighter rarely ever had its characters in crossovers like this before recently. And the series has managed to endure for this long on its great gameplay alone, even if it hasn't always been the most popular fighting game. I want to be optimistic and believe that all these guest appearances and cameos lately are a good sign. It at least shows that, somehow, these characters are making Sega money. It's still a game people want to play. I think we just need to keep waiting.

    I'd be worried if SEGA tried to basically sell out to make the next VF game more popular, like some new gimmick or making it more like DOA or Tekken. In a weird way, it seems like VF's style is both what makes it good but doesn't give it a lot of appeal. The series has too much dignity to sell out or resort to some cheap gameplay gimmik. I'm hoping that if/when VF6 does come, it keeps the dignity of the gameplay intact, but isn't afraid to maybe put some more focus on its presentation. Like maybe better voice acting, character endings, that sort of thing. It would even be kind of cool if there were match specific intros, like Jacky vs. Sarah and Akira vs. Kage. Subtitles would be nice too. That said, I do still like the music and classic sound effects.
  12. Kanura

    Kanura Active Member

    Well, what might be on the cards is Fighters Megamix 2, if we go by the amount of guest appearances VF characters have been making this past year, though that can be seen as Sega's IPs being so weak they have to piggy back on other IPs (see the numerous non-Sega guests in the All Stars racing games). But AM2 wanting to do that and Sega actually letting them are two different things. That said, Fighters Megamix might get the greenlight if, aside from the obvious DOA guests, AM2 shove Sonic, Hatsune, and Banjo Kazooie into it.
  13. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    Personally, I don't think things look good. Let's look at all the IPs that have been, for the most part, inactive for the last couple of years or more with no announcements of anything new coming:

    Virtua Cop
    Virtua Tennis
    Daytona USA
    Crazy Taxi
    Golden Axe
    After Burner
    Sega Rally

    Ant that's just off the top of my head, series that I think are iconic of Sega. Sure, a few of them have had a revival-type-of game made in the last 10 years but that was it. Looking at Sega's catalog, they had their hey day through the 90's. Now that arcades aren't relevent, their ips have just been dropping off. VF is one of the few active "legacy" IPs left. As I see it, it doesn't look good for VF or any Sega title. If you ask me, they seem to be focusing on Sonic and implementing arcade hardware for other development teams.
  14. Kanura

    Kanura Active Member

    They have focused increasingly on acquiring external IPs rather than nurturing their own. We have seen this with the acquisition of Football Manager, Total War, Aliens game licence (and note that Sega has declared those and Sonic their primary focus in the West; meaning only one of their main Western IPs is an actual Sega originated IP).

    Since Sammy took over the Sega brand has become very,very diluted, to the point of non-existence. A faceless, very corporate publisher. They have almost totally lost their identity; Sumo Digital, M2, and (oddly) Team Ninja kept the Sega brand alive in 2013.

    There's a definite running pattern of Sega only being keen on projects which can involve external IPs.

    I think we are much more likely to get a Fighters Megamix 2, given how Sonic All Stars Racing got funding by including non-Sega characters, and the DOA characters inclusion would probably make it easier for AM2 to propose the game to Sega-Sammy.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I have an announcement to make:

    There was no announcement.
    BeastEG and Krye like this.
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Hearing that they transport final showdown for the next gen consoles would be nice at least..
  17. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I'd prefer steam myself.
  18. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    Fighters Megamix 2 is a bad idea for two reasons: 1st, designing many 3d characters is very expensive, that's why recent games have smaller rosters than games of the past. 2nd, there's a way to make big roster and that's the way Tekken somehow works: making a lot of clone characters, regardless of balance. I'd hate VF taking that path....
  19. Titan

    Titan Member

    Ok, but what was ACTUALLY SAID at this roundtable discussion? No one seems to be giving a straight answer to this and I haven't found a translation or transcription anywhere as of yet. It was meant to be about the future of VF right? So what was actually said??
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    No, it was not meant to be a discussion on the future of VF. I'm told there was probably some translation error in the original topic. See my reply in the news thread for verification from a third party source.

    As for the actual discussion, I imagine it was just a look back at each game in the series, talking about the innovations each revision introduced, and so on.

    The biggest shame (for me) is that non-Japanese fans haven't really been able to participate in this celebration.

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