Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Marly is 100% correct.

    i just ranked to see this thriving online scene and mass of players people described recently in this thread. Not one challenger, I spotted 3 people in over 5 minutes, one was libertine, the other was knotcz (assuming czech repub player), the other was an online masher that is horrendous. 3 players (or maybe even 4!!) is certainly is a bounty, game is super active! In reality though, Marly Jay made an incredibly accurate statement.
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  2. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I can backup FS being dead in PSN, there's never more than about 4 people max on randomly and about 2-3 of them are not even from europe, most of the time however there's 0 people in Ranked. In Room and Player I have _never_ and I do quite literally mean never found absolutely anybody playing who wasn't someone I know personally whom I had specifically set up a match with. The online is dead and has been for a long time, Pai~chun can quit quit lying to himself and go back making customizations to female characters or whatever you do with your life all day because nobody is having that shit.
    IcKY99, steelbaz and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  3. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    What is your line speed Raze, care to post it? I played knot's Blaze earlier, it was doable being in similar region. Lib I played briefly the other week on a 2bar, wasn't that bad, but for sure, PSN overseas simply is not as smooth as XBL. I was always one of the 360 only players here, and only recently got into PSN to try and meet a few more players. I appreciate your boy Ookin has 'been away' from the forum for some time, but for an English major, he really might wanna try and step his comprehension game up a bit.

    EDIT: YOMI I have literally never seen on anywhere. Just constant hostility and theory fighter in the chatbox. Has anyone ever actually played this guy?
  4. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    I wasn't in there for matches, i used some shitty new account with zero rank, just wanted to check for the huge amount of players that were suppose to be in there.. I have a buncha friends here that play FS still, so i'd ask them for matches over ranked. I was not knocking Knot, I just assume CZ stands for Czech, i've seen that on tags before a bit.. My speeds are solid my ping is low double digit (10's) , has been single digit before. Just smoked a joint so don't feel like running a speed test. Beer sounds better!
  5. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I don't understand what you mean by my comprehension, besides being gone for the last year everyone is talking about PSN right now so I don't care about your experiences in XBL. You love to play Americans from UK, what more is there to say really?

    At least you've admitted now that PSN isn't as good as XBL netcode. XBL is a wasteland. I've been on there and it was even harder to find matches than PSN, so better connections are meaningless. Like I've already said in the previous page, when you sit in player matches for hours and the only way to find games is to ask people (which usually comes with no response) then the game is dead. I've already talked about why rank is garbage, too. Now some people have no one to play with offline (I know you do) and only have online as an option which is understandable, but that certainly doesn't mean it's great. You make it sound like it's the best thing and anyone who doesn't think so is a troll or delusional. Fuck that.
  6. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    It's OK man, I can sense the tears behind that brashness. I just turned my 360 on (10:30pm here), and there's 5 bright green guys playing VF in rooms, at least two of them hardcore VF4 offline guys. Try taking a step back some time and ask yourself why you remain on the outside. Older players like myself and other guys I see you on here trying to bait, just don't need the aggro mate. When you grow up a bit someday, you might too just wanna log on, and chill out in a comfy chair with some hot looking 3 button Sega action :) *slippers*
  7. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Arcade Mode > Pai-Chun
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  8. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    That's how you're supposed to do it. Bitch about the latest version, talk about how godly the previous version is (which was bitched about when it was the new version), then compare it to other games and say how games that aren't as good as VF are better.

    Then bitch about no one playing VF. It's pretty simple really.

    This is also a two way street. I could easily be turned off of any game going by the bitching, but prefer to judge for myself (hence I picked up DOA5 and DOA5U and other games) before I'm like "They are right/wrong". The 3D fighters that aren't Sega, are still really behind VF in the terms of gameplay/design, but the visuals are ahead.

    People are always finding an execuse to not play VF though. I guess this helps, lol!

    P.S. I'm highly skeptical of PSN VF5FS being as bad as PSN SFIV. Capcom games have input lag offline, that aren't in the 360, PC and Arcade versions, on top of the online lag.

    Virtua Fighter 6 ON TOPIC:

    As stated before, AM2 just needs to come up with an aesthetic that can do a few things, like:
    - Artistic flair. Something you can look at and be like "That's VF6." Even at the end of the next-gen console days. Now it is there already there with characters that aren't meant for 14yo virgins, anime fans, etc., but it could be spiced up.

    - Secondary effects on hits. Again VF has this but they are hard to notice until you see it. This is a tricky one since with VFs pace this can look jarring.

    The other things two things are releases in a timely manner outside of Japan, and not so many revisions. People can try to talk about "balance this and that" but when you are up there with ArcSys on the numer of revisions, you need to step back.

    Releases should not top the number of years the game has been out. EVER.

    That much stuff doesn't help and can kill of scenes. Infiltration of SFIV talked about these two points when Super came out and didn't have the same release as the U.S., a lot of people in Korea dropped it because of those two reasons, and still haven't gone back to it despite him being an Evo champ.

    Question: Do you guys think Sega will adopt something like the Killer Instinct model, where characters are trickled down through Season? Would that be something viable for Western VF? I think Sega really needs to budget accordingly when releasing it's games that aren't Sonic in the West, compared to how they release them in Japanese arcades.

    This December will mark the 20th Anniversary of VF.
    00000000 likes this.
  9. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    You know, I've always thought VF could use some better hit effect indicators for CH's for example, right now it's just a plain yellow flash that appears on the opponent's character along with a special noise, while it's certainly enough for people who have been playing the game for a while, it's still not really too much visual cue and sort of easy to miss in all the frantic action. What would be nice is what Tekken has; Every chracter has their own (mostly) unique ki effect which comes out whenever you land a big move (22 damage or more) or from unblockables and ki charges. Seeing a big ass explosion effect or whatnot on the screen is a pretty good visual indicator for CH, it works well for NCC strings because most of the time the CH ramps up the damage of the hit to the required amount which causes the ki effect to appear which is easy to see and then just confirm the string, add this with the flash and noise and there's a CH that everyone and their blind grandma can see. Plus it just looks nice. Starting with TTT2 you can also change the color of the effect or change it to either a western, japanese or korean comic effect for that extra flair.

    I don't think a sort of time release model for characters is a very good idea, I mean obviously the only reason a game would have something like that is to make people come back to it and stay interested, but honestly I think that if newbies and proes alike think a game is shit and a waste of time, they won't keep coming back no matter how many characters they add and whether or not they're free or cost something. Just give all the content immidietly and everyone's happy, the people who like the game will keep playing it.
  10. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I was taking the guys word for it. I have not been on PSN for a long time. Last times I was on, it seemed laggier than XBL. Maybe that is not always the case...
  11. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I know that online has problems and lag is an issue, but having experience traveling to play VF in the past and having played a lot offline VF (with VF3, 4, Evo, and 5) it is a minority of players who consistently punish with close to max damage and who consistently land close to max damage combos after their launchers. This is true for people who liked VF enough to travel hours to play VF around the NYC/Philly area.

    In my experience, these are the same guys who dependably land these combos online. I play Lau and I usually land most of my combos. I don't punish as well, but amazingly, against Jeff and Lau, the characters I actually know, I can almost always punish after I block their big moves online.

    Online or off, if Denkai or GT or Flash hits you with something, you can expect to eat the damage. Lag might mess some of these up, but not that many. So I think some of the people complaining here might not really be at the level where the lag is really messing up their awesome VF skills...
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  12. daRockReaper

    daRockReaper Shadow Hammer MADNESS Bronze Supporter

    Am I missing something here but doesn't every character have viable anti-low or 2p techniques? I personally look for when my opponent will 2p and what he does on block afterwards? Then punish appropriately If your opponent ends his string then decides to 2p and throw, after he finishes the string, use a anti 2p option, or if you want those frames, block 2p, duck the throw and while rising punish, launch, or whatever you choose.
  13. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Well, if you feel that strongly about it then fair enough I guess. I'm just glad I can get matches online with like-minded peeps so it's good enough for me. :)
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  14. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    In Tekken I very rarely felt in the position where I needed to crouch punch. There were other options like front kick, hop kick and even just straight punches. In VF sometimes I feel like there is nothing else to do when I am being bull-dogged. If someone like Brad or Sarah is all up in my face there is nothing that I have tried that can interrupt them besides 2P. Maybe I am doing the wrong thing here...

    Also I think everyone needs to just chill the f**k out in this thread. It's getting pretty hostile in here, guys. Different people have different experiences of online play in VF:FS. It's not something worth getting aggro about.
  15. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    In case it wasn't clear from the post, I meant moves that go over 2P, and no, not all characters has those, atleast ones that are actually usable, Jeff and Taka for instance only has their generic jumping attacks and Taka's are so slow there's no way of hitting a 2P with them unless you had like +10 advantage. Of course everyone can just block 2P, take the frames and start offense, but what's guaranteed? Nothing, the opponent can just evade or fuzzy it on block assuming he knows how to hitconfirm a 2P and is just not mashing around wildly, but if everyone had a move that crushes 2P the risk-reward factor for using 2P would be more even, but at the same time it would be even for the crush move like I detailed in my post.
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  16. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Yomi means moves like Sarah [8][K][+][G] and Elieen [9][P]
  17. daRockReaper

    daRockReaper Shadow Hammer MADNESS Bronze Supporter

    At least Taka and Jeff have viable ways to bait 2P instead and punish that way between fear stance and Taka's stances I believe. But I don't think 10 frames is really called for. Maybe enough to apply a proper 50/50. But how would a -10 2P work. You can't throw since they are crouching, so unless you have crouch throws, all you can do is pressure exactly as you can now. And having moves to challenge your opponents strings and delays is important to keeping your opponent honest and discouraging charge up moves and (a better use of 2P) countering guardbreaks.
  18. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    My simple suggestion for vf6. How about a combo counter. Almost every game has a Combo counter on screen. It's a really pointless addition but it's something I noticed vf doesn't have. Or even a notice that says "counter hit" yeah it has yellow flash but do you expect newbies to notice? I don't
    Kikimaru likes this.
  19. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Yeah, when I've showed or told people about the CH, it always takes them at LEAST 5 times to see the difference between it and NH. It could possibly be the people I've shown it to. I think Sega just needs to find some graphical style that would make the game stand out more that leads to a unique look on said hit states.

    On that note, because of the current effects, I think when those small things start to look big when you get better at the game.
  20. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    -get rid of failed evade crouch dash cancels (yes, yes, drown me in your venom)

    -treat backdashes more like evades, develop a system for certain tools to stop it. yes, i know about sidekicks except they don't really discourage backdashing. how about making two distances: close and far that affect their behavior, certain moves "tracking" backdashes from close up, "failed" backdash animations like failed evades from close range. they can behave as they do now from far ranges

    -get rid of the bounces (this should help minimize explosive wall damage as well)

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