Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Gear Wolfen

    Gear Wolfen Well-Known Member

    Well I used FGC in place of Fightin Game Communities as a whole not the actual FGC group although they do have alot of those MAKRs I was talkin about
  2. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member

    I have some pretty interesting ideas for some new characters:

    1) A higher ranked monk from the shaolin temple (possibly the Abbot). Skilled in the butterfly fist, Buddha palm & fists. He also knows the I-Ching body armour technique. He has come to handle the situation personally seeing as Lau Chan is still alive. He was the one who sent Lei Fei to assassinate Lau Chan.

    2) The estranged son of Lau Chan that no one knew he had. He secretly trained him in the Koen-Ken (Tiger Swallow fist). Lau Chan's son will also be a master of the TIGER CRANE STYLE.

    3) A Kempo fighter: Very much like Goh, but is a rival to Jean Kujo and Akira

    4) A lady extremely skilled in the WING CHUN fist. If this character was a guy, he would be the rival to Jacky (Jeet Kune Do vs Wing Chun) seeing as Jeet Kune Do was derived from Wing Chun. If this character was a lady, it would be one that Jacky is sort of like trying to chat up and fancies, and is hoping to win her over. But she isn't that easy! "

    This would definitely be sooooo cool ;)

    Many Thanks:ninja::eek:
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
  3. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    I'd like to see something that would break the usual fighting game stereotypes. Like a big fat female wrestler or something. Not gonna happen though...
    Electro_Jacky likes this.
  4. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I would like to see another mega mix before doa becomes a household synonymous name with vf.

    My take:
    We need less characters and more core tightening. The hyper vf tekken we know as fs was fun, but now that whistle and bell had been used, so can we get back to some real vf?

    Vf and doa tag made by am2.
    Blackula likes this.
  5. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    *sigh* why are people so butthurt over FS? I hear lots of complaints about it from some people, but I personally think it was a necessary step to get more people interested in it again. If it helps to get us VF6 down the line, then all the better
  6. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    If VF5, R, and FS were supposed to get more people into the VF series then Sega failed. Miserably. VF5 bombed in Japan compared to VF4 across all revisions. Console VF5FS was a horrible barebones port with a shocking lack of features compared to VF4:EVO. During this new age of fighters....VF is practically dead outside of Japan.

    VF4:EVO was $20 in the U.S. and had almost every feature imaginable for a fighting game at the time. It's still one of the single most complete video game experiences you can play. It came out and rivaled games like GTA3, FFX, MGS2, God of War, and other AAA series for being the best PS2 game. VF4:EVO is one of the BEST games of last generation. Period. Not just fighting games but all games.
    VF5FS was $15, download only, with less features. And you had to spend $30 to unlock the costumes and the sparring mode. The sparring mode which is hardly on the level of something robust like Quest Mode. You're spending over twice as much for VF4:EVO and not getting twice the content. What exactly are people supposed to be flocking to with VF5FS? Because it's new? New doesn't mean better. VF5FS is not a revolutionary game. It's an afterthought.

    Even if you eliminate all criticism of the VF5FS gameplay system compared to VF4FT, it's still just not a good game for a console fighter. Especially not a game to attract a new base of VF fans like VF4 and VF4:EVO did on the PS2. The features, marketing, and support are nonexistent. Sega made a cheap port of a game hoping to ride some SFIV heat into a million sales. The work ethic behind the Skullgirls team should shame Sega.

    Companies are throwing out old and new games. MvC2 with online. Soul Calibur II HD. Where the hell is the greatest fighting game of all time? Where is VF4FT on the PSN or XBL? Right now MadCatz is busy holding huge events at TGS with SFIV. I'm watching Ryan Hart right now playing SFIV in Japan and thousands of people are watching him play on the internet. SFIV and UMvC3 just made news all over major gaming press because of Chris G winning Capcom Cup and two games at a major. Sega if they had any brains would own LevelUp or TeamSpooky outright and be building a streaming branch in their U.S. offices. Sega actually during the early 2000s was pioneering fighting game streaming. They were streaming VF tournaments live and they had their own video-on-demand service for VF4 videos. What happened to that ingenuity and effort?

    Honestly I'd spend over $100 on a barebones port of VF4FT with an online mode. VF4FT with Quest Mode, tutorials, and online? I'd buy a console just for that. I bought VF5FS but was not impressed with the game. I'll continue to play ST, 3S, MvC2, and VF4EVO/FT. I'll give VF6 a chance but it's mostly from momentum of enjoying VF4EVO/FT so much that I'll pay attention to the newest VF when it comes out. It's not that I don't like VF anymore. I just don't like VF5FS's gameplay and feel it's very bland and mediocre compared to the perfection of 4FT. And with there being no good single player modes or a strong scene I cannot find a compelling reason to invest time into trying to learn much about the game.
  7. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    There is still no news on TGS this year. We have a long time to wait.
    Stl_Tim and WolfKing like this.
  8. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    It`s pretty much dead here too. In addition to game centers closing up, most of the ones that remain open (over half have closed) don`t carry VF anymore. Only three locations still carry the game, and literally no one plays it anymore (recently visited player statistics) and this is over a 150km stretch of highway. Granted, I`m in Oita prefecture (nowhere if you don`t enjoy the simple things in life like historical sites and really good chicken based meals), but when in Tokyo VF was empty compared to SF4/Tekken. My students don`t even know about Virtua Fighter, but if I mention Tekken/Street Fighter, different story.

    Can`t blame them. The current game is old and it was never any good.
  9. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    For a second there, I thought you were saying only 3 arcades in the entire country had VF. I was going to say...I was in Tokyo just a few months ago, and VF wasn't exactly hopping, but more than three arcades had it. It's just that, the only places anybody played it were Tokyo Leisure Land, and the one Club Sega right next to it...and when Club Sega finally conformed to the 50 yen standard, I never saw anybody at Tokyo Leisure Land.

    ...I really hope VF6 happens, and that they can make it popular without making it awful. I'm sure they won't listen to any suggestion made here, and that's probably for the best.
  10. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I think the online only plan really hurt VF5s appeal the most. At the same time I'm glad arcade owners told Sega off. What a ridiculous policy.

    To be fair VF debuted December 1993, so I'd expect an announcement if any to take place, concerning anniversary stuff. If not I still have the other VFs and other games to hold me over.

    There is a pattern in VF, as well as SF, where the odd numbered VFs weren't popular while the even numbered ones were really popular.

    To be fair my first post in this thread was probably the best(page 1). It was conservative, but a lot of the bitching in here has to make you think if anyone really had a clue about this game in the first place.

    EDIT: Re-reading. There are a lot of good posts in here, but there were definetly some head scratchers (especially the string tracking being one of them).

    EDIT 2: There was a lot less "Old man yelling at the wind" post than I remember.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2013
  11. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying nobody here had any good ideas, I just think they should be able to make a solid game on their own with minimal input from random players. They've done it before, they can do it again...I hope.

    They definitely need to get less greedy though, no doubt about that. Even relatively little things like the VF terminal and cards expiring can give the game a bad rap. Seriously though, get rid of VF terminal, what a waste of space.
  12. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    A few quick thoughts on improvements i'd LOVE for vf6:
    1. Shorter loading screens. The vf5FS load screens are waaaay too long.
    B. While waiting for match i want to be able to edit my customizations for my characters.
    III. While waiting for match i want to be able to 'dojo' practice my combos/etc.
    *I want to be able to set, save, and name custom command list for each of my characters in the dojo. Seriously, i shouldn't have to come back to vfdc every time i want to look up a max damage combo. I should be able to set/save/name it once in a custom lei fei (or whoever) combo list and access it real-time in dojo.

    This is not a comprehensive list: but these small changes would be a huge improvement in my eyes. I hate it when i go to play, and it takes forever to find a match and i feel like i am just WASTING my time. If i could edit costumes/access dojo i would at least be killing two birds with one stone.
  13. The biggest set back Virtua Fighter has right now is the lack of a physical disc for FS. A story mode would be a great addition. Introducing a couple new fighting styles would be excellent, as well as further refinement of some characters. "Martial Arts" and "Vale Tudo" are not specific styles but more broad terms. So, that would be a good way to sharpen it. Studying what works well for matchmaking and lobbies in the other fighting games would be good. I definitely think promotion should be a big focus for the next installment. Possibly a VF fight stick, and what not. If there were a way to get SEGA more involved in the fighting community to promote VF as the premier 3D fighting game series and working with Evo or MLG in the States and the e-sports leagues in Europe and Asia I think that would do wonders for it.
  14. Rommil

    Rommil Active Member

    I am sure that they won't really listen to us when it comes to feedback and suggestions as well. HOWEVER, i couldn't disagree more on the "and that is for the best" comment. While there are certainly many terrible ideas, there are also a great many really good ideas. I shall grant you, the community is split on which are which.

    At any rate, i'll second social ruin on some of his ideas. They should definitely do something about the long loading delays between matches. I'll X^nth power all "better tutorial" suggestions as well as "better matchmaking" suggestions.

    And to add something of my own to the conversation:

    #1. Jumping attacks and wall attacks: either everyone can combo off jump attacks or no one can. Either everyone can stagger off blocked wall moves (and eileen needs one too!) or no one can. It seems silly the strongest characters all have these two benefits while some of the weaker ones don't.

    #2. I love VFDC and all, but Sega needs to step up and create an official company sponsored website to serve as the hub of their community and activity; they need not leave it to third party sites to do the leg work and fracture an already divided and small group of diehards. Look at blizzard, or any other MMO for that matter, copy that model.

    --sega sponsored official Virtua Fighter site complete with all the cutting edge info and combos, any resource we could possibly ask for--as opposed to leaving it up to us to try to figure it out and gather these resources to the best our abilities. This would be a good place to accumulate feedback for game tweaks.

    --since its all DLC anyways they should be tweaking balancing issues with somewhat regular patches. Holding sega sponsored events (who cares if there is a real prize. It would be nice for Sega to hold a quarterly online tournament, despite all the inherent problems, that gave a gold outline to your online name/title till the next tournament, or a 3 month long accessory that only the winner could wear. Whatever, something to breed ongoing competition and interest.

    #3. Resolve the DC issue. A DC should count as a loss and a rank bar hit for the offender and a win and a rank bar increase for the winner. Yes, some people have bad connections, but they should have to be the ones to deal with the inconvenience and burden on their own, and this would discourage cheating from the morally bankrupt among us.
  15. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    This has been said before, but I am thinking it now: The game needs to be redesigned so that low punch is not so useful. It is ridiculous to see good players throwing 6 low punches in a round, yet the game basically encourages it. If I throw a half dozen 2ps in a round, I don't think I deserve to win. Worse than the low punches themselves is that they can create a mind game which is itself not at all VF at its finest: I must play anti-low punch style, but I must not be too predictable with my anti-low punch strategy or my opponent will take advantage by employing anti-anti-low punch strategy.

    And back hopping is shameful and should also be made less useful.
  16. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    2p in fs is not that strong imho.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  17. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    From every high level tournament, FT10, etc i've seen low punch/mid/throw is basically the premise of the game. Even US high level play. If you can find them watch the Denkai vs GT ft10. It's pretty much 15 or so games of two punch counterhit fishing. I suppose it depends on how you define "strong". Whether it's strong or not, it's certainly a (if not THE) integral part of offensive strategy. I agree with happy friend lau on this one. Granted, you are certainly entitled to your opinion as well.
  18. no_w_h_ere

    no_w_h_ere Well-Known Member

    2P is the interrupting tool, it's not the ultimate weapon in VF ^^, only strong with CH (for exemple in the abare game) creating nitaku and opportunities, but if I get CH I just usually think I've been outsmarted in the momentum department in this phase.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

  20. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Really? Of all the things in this game, 2p should be the least of anyone's problems. If you know how to use your character, the risk-reward of the opponent using 2p is ALWAYS in your favor.

    Dunno what to tell you guys. This is as legit as it gets.
    Kamais_Ookin, nou and IcKY99 like this.

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