Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    That Luchador boy will hardly agree with such insult :p
  2. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I think throws are good at 10 frames, but I think they should bring the MTE system back yet still keep the lazy TE system for us scrubs who can't do MTE. To counterract lazy TE, 0f throws should make a come back too if they just hold G and stand there. I also wouldn't mind throw clashing coming back since I think trying to throw is such a huge risk in FS currently, but maybe that's already too many throw mechanics?
  3. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Throw Clash would be the worst mechanic to come back. I wouldn't wish that even, on my worst enemy.
  4. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I think it' would be great in a game where a throw can be destroyed at -9 with a 20+ frame move and just blow right through it. Wouldn't happen in Tekken :rolleyes: Just protects the thrower from fags spamming attacks all the time.
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I think LTE as it is should go, as it was put in to combat 0f throws, which are no longer in the game. I like the idea of being able to defend whilst blocking, but i think being able to essentially hold an escape forever is too much.

    Throw clash was seemingly put in to protect throwers against big slower attacks when in nitaku, but they seemed contrary to the VF system of throws>guard>attack>throw. I wouldn't like to see it brought back.
    SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
  6. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member


    Dude, can you lay off that sh*t please?
  7. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member


    1) I really don't know how people could think Pai and Lau are the same.
    2) I don't have any opinion on this.
    3) Combo damage needs to be reduced for sure. I know combos have their place but I think right now it's too much. Getting juggled and bounded and what not for massive damage is just not fun for me. I like the interplay of movement, throws, strikes that goes on during the game. It's not cool when all that is suspended and I am powerless to do anything while I get juggled across the room for massive damage. Not saying take it out but just tone it down. And bounds need to go. Seriously that's the worst trend in fighting games EVER.
    4) Strings are cool. Learning to block them is fun. Tekken had ten strings, it was great.
  8. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    1) To a newcomer they do have a superficial similarity. I remember thinking how similar they were back in the VF2 days. And then I played the game. They both are named "Chan", they both have similar looking P strings. They both share moves. etc etc etc. On the surface they look the same, it's only when you get deep down in the system do you realize how utterly different they are.

    The same thing can be said for the Bryants. Similar P strings, that flip-kick nonsense, both have a sabaki back shuffle, etc etc etc.

    2) No comment on this.

    3) I disagree completely. I'd rather have VFs combos of doom that can end rounds in 10 seconds over Tekkens combos of forever. Getting juggled across an endless stage for 2 minutes as you chip my life away is beyond boring. In VF with the combo damage so high, you MUST weigh the risk of ALL of your decisions. That greatly plays into the strategic part of the game to me.

    Also if you lesson the combo damage, certain characters would literally just be tickling their opponents to death because of their low damage output.

    4) Yea strings are cool, but can become annoying after awhile (Aoi can go die somewhere...). I don't want this game turning into Tekken. Strings that last for 3 to 5 hits is enough. VF's strength is in string variation and string enders. How many characters in this game can end strings early into some sort of stance?

    That's awesome...
    IcKY99 likes this.
  9. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member


    I'm not going deep into the character usage to explain my points which is my point. New games interest new players so I'm looking at it from new player perspective.

    And yes, Pai and Lau seem very similar to newbs.

    Yes, Heihachi was part paul + kazuya. In fact, if you read interviews with some of the original staff, they talked about move sharing. And the heihachi moves that mirrored pauls moves: 2+LP->RP, QCF + RP, and 2+RP(paul)/2+RK(hei) (early on, they were the only two characters with specific downed opponent attacks that weren't 8+RP). Then he had a lot of Kazuya move edits. Heihachi was sort of like Dural in that respect...just a mashup who eventually became his own thing as Devil, Ogre and other cheap projectile bosses became prevalent. My favorite boss was Unknown from TT1. Mokujin that changes mid round and has long ass life bar+regenerates. No stupid lazer, fire, etc. Just a really tough dude that challenges your knowledge of the movelists of all the characters very quickly back to back. Genius..
  10. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member


    That's not a bad point, but I think if they just lowered the damage a little for everyone except Jeffry and kept everything else the same we'd be good. If they tried to do too much, and the game ended up playing like Tekken where you can literally be used as a mop for getting knocked down...I'd like to believe they won't do that.
  11. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Some VF strings are annoying. Taka's throw where he gets the headbut but and follow-up is as irritating as a Final Fantasy summon spell. And Taka is my #2 nowadays since Jeff seems so boring now imo.
  12. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Maybe they could introduce more catch throws if they want to keep both MTE and Lazy TE?
  13. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Currently catch throws as they are either very slow or/and just lead to a guessing game on contact, so putting in more of those would be lackluster at best against LTE instead of solid damage like normal throws give. Obviously they can't make catch throws 10f and do 75 damage since that would be some VF2 level of broken.
  14. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Shun is happy to be broken obviously :p

    Now on more serious note. HCT being 10f is nonsence, as their role is to beat fuzzy. 15 frames is more where they should be in order to be really effective.
    The damage then is completely char-dependant. Taka can get 70+ damage out of his 15-frame catch easily (as you surely know :D ). Wolf can go through one guess to another 3-way gues that leads to 70/75/92 damage w/o wall, also starting from 15-f.
  15. synce

    synce Active Member

    So in DOA5U Pai is getting at least one new string, but I don't think it's ever been in VF... Can anyone confirm? It's 33PK and shows up around 0:49 mark in this video

    Maybe a VF6 teaser idk lol
  16. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    Go to the 0:58 mark.

  17. synce

    synce Active Member

    Damn, I had my hopes up haha
  18. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    Epic 66PK comeback!! yay :D
    Tricky likes this.
  19. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    Everytime this thread is bumped without news my heart sinks a little bit.
    Cozby likes this.
  20. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    The arguement on this subject ( which I'm sure most people are sick of by now...or not, lol) is that it protected the thrower. However it can be used two ways as well. Both people are taking a risk, but as the defender, I can choose to use it as well, since yes I could still be countered for attacking at disadvantage, I could also use it to my advantage if I'm up against a slower character.

    The way throws are now and in previous VFs, is more as a conditioning and judgement tool putting the pressure on both. I can still fight back because its VF, but I think it's a needed dynamic in 3D fighters (which VF has more than any other fighter already), especially since I started playing SCV, which so far feels pretty dry in comparison.

    I think LTE and MTE can co-exist and it's a better "scrub mechanic" than TC since it has it's draw backs. As long as LTE was confined to 1TE, I wouldnt see the problem.

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