Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Sorry hseiken but i'm going to have to go ahead and assume you missed the part where the devs said FS would be the final iteration of VF5 :p
  2. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

  3. Wiztick

    Wiztick Well-Known Member

    how is this advertisment?
  4. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    It helped to promote the game at the time, and raise awareness of how FS had changed from regular VF5. Chibita's obviously revered within the long term VF scene, and Fuudo's name helped attract some of the SF players who knew him from that, so it was a pretty cool way to advertise the new changes, graphics and pro-level play all at the same time.
    ExzetyXat1 and Feck like this.
  5. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I hope VF6 has huge changes. In FS there is far too much utility in: evade cancel, backdash, and poking. I am probably as good as I am going to get (which isn't very good) at FS bc I really don't want to be wiggling the stick all the time: 24433811244866 and crouching fuzzy is sort of annoying too.

    I think they should probably go back to FT/evo general gameplay system, easier nitaku, weaker backdash (in FT iirc), less 'property moves.' If they want to standardize the throws, give everybody 463 and neutral. I really miss splash mountain and just the 33 motion for a throw. And I really liked the amount of string as somewhere between 3 and 4's level - that is to say that it would be cool to be able to get a handle on them without dedicating your life to VF.

    I think that maybe Sega has painted themselves into a corner with the # of characters. The pressure for a fighting game is to always add more characters, but if the gameplay really can only support a certain number of chars who are actually unique, then that number can be a bigger problem bc it seems that you have to add weird wacky gameplay. Of everybody added after VF3, I only really think that Lei and maybe Blaze are cool. I could do w/o brad (shoo shoo), goh (eat everything move), monkey (unknowable strings and monkey hop), tranny (magic tranny abare elbow and the tranny mount!), jean (not so bad, but still pretty unknowable w/his weird strings).

    Maybe I am hopelessly jaded and old school when it comes to VF, but probably not as much as some people since at least I still play...
  6. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    Good luck getting people to agree with you on that. Also, calling Vanessa 'tranny' is kind of offensive for a lot reasons, especially considering they made her considerably more feminine in 5...
    WolfKing likes this.
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I agree with him on the amount of characters. i've feared since FS was announced that if we were to get a VF6 that the amount of characters would have reached the absurd (for my personal tastes).

    It's pretty much a given that they'd have to add one or two more characters, trying to entice newer players without doing so isn't going to happen. I'd really rather they didn't add two more characters though, or if they did then at least go back and get rid of some of the weaker characters, Eileen would get my first vote (sorry Marly and Tricky!).
  8. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Yeah, she obviously had some work done between 4 and 5. She is not a bad looking post-op transsexual in 5. I never implied there was anything wrong with that and I hope that she is able to find fulfillment in her new body.
  9. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member


    Bleh. I feel this way about Blazblue, but not VF. Compared to pretty much any other fighter (especially tekken), I don't feel like anybody is redundant...except for maybe Eileen, yeah, and I hate FS Brad but I liked him alot previously.
  10. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    So you guys want to get rid of Eileen who is one of the most unique characters in any fighting game? That makes no sense.

    If we're going to get rid of characters lets kill off Lau and just give some of his moves to Pai. They have similar styles anyways. Taka also doesn't bring anything new to the game even though his fighting style is unique and I guess they could always get rid of Sarah and just give jacky some of her stuff but most likely they want him to remain pure Jeet Kun Do so they'll keep her.
  11. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    For me personally , it isn't that I think that they are redundant; it's that the unique factors about them typically introduce wacky mechanics or aspects that veer further and further from what I consider to be the core of VF.
  12. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    I understand the idea, but at the same time, Shun Di is the most anti-core VF character of all, and he's from VF2.

    Eileen isn't unique at all, playstyle wise. I guess Taka isn't either, but I love him and don't want him to be taken out. :( I'll never understand the hate Lau gets. He's one of the easier characters to grasp, is high tier, and he's been around since VF1, yet he's in the running for least popular character in the game. There's no logic behind it, he should be a lot more popular. Some of those things also apply to Taka, but he's not been around as long, and everybody hates Sumo wrestlers: See E.Honda being the second least popular world warrior, and Ganryu ranking dead last for the entire series in that facebook poll for Tekken x SF. Taka is so much more imposing than either of them though, he could literally step on Ganryu.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I say this do not and I repeat do not remove Lau, he is one of the best and unique character as is everyone else. So instead of removing characers just add new ones to each vf game and its not like there are a lot of characters in vf, there are only up to 20 characters including dural and vf has been around for 20 years. I could see 2 new characters added in vf 6 if there is a vf6 and 2 more in the update so its all good.
  14. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    What does "easier nitaku" mean? The game is core VF seeing as how they took out alot of stuff from VF5 that was anti-VF, and stuck to things that are essential in VF. Weren't the number of strings increased for some characters and decreased for others? Maybe I'm just thinking of utility?
  15. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    It will be interesting to see what they do with characters, it seems tradition to add two new faces for each major revision of the game (# Sequels and major overhauls). I wouldn't want to see any characters removed, or rather, see any move-sets removed. I think that a way Sega could get around it is to (Sorry to say this again) kill off Lau, and replace him with a new character that has his exact move-set (and custom costumes to look like him).

    This way long time fans of the character can still use his moveset, but Sega can still tout 'NEW CHARACTERS'. I chose Lau because the dude's been supposedly dying for about seven years now... They could do the same with Shun Di and replace him a total Jacky Chan rip-off replacement.
  16. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    It means more stuff that on block is not fuzzy guardable. You have to guess whether you will be thrown or mid hit.

    And yeah, Shun could go and that would be fine with me. Aoi has also been turned into a super wacky char too imo.
  17. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Whatever Sega does I just want them to go full throttle and get behind it outside of Japan.

    The pre-launch event they did for FS was good, but it didn't reach anybody that wasn't already into VF (heck I'm into VF and I didn't even know about the event until years later). Keeping it in Japanese arcades for years then finally throwing the west a few bones isn't how you get your name out there.

    To be fair, they've done an excellent job this year in promoting FS (Sega Cups). But, it's time to let VF5 go.

    As for characters, the only one I'd get rid of is Shun, as I hate very very much. But even with that, the characters in this game are unique. The closest thing to redundancy is that a few characters share a few moves (the Bryants, the Chans). Other than that, every character can stay (with some tweaking) and add 1 more character to make it an even 20.
  18. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Why are folk so adamant about keeping Eileen?

    Even if it's in jest, i've heard Eileen players mention that El Blaze is pretty much the same character as her but with better tools.

    They could just give you the choice to dress Blaze as a pre-teen monkey girl thing and we'd all be fine.

    P.S Do not kill Lau.
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Don't need to kill her (Eileen) off. Just finish of her bloody command list. She doens't even have an off the wall move. And for christs sake, balance her. She doesn't need to be top tier or bottom tier. Just make her not stupid either way and have her tools work the way they're meant to rather than random whiffs and teleportations.

    VF doesn't have so many characters that they'll be getting rid of any. And all of the characters are pretty unique. No one is special in that regard.Everyone has something about them, which is one of the best things in VF. I think the cast is very good. They should just do more with each character. The new animations from R and FS were a great idea. The need to continue this.

    I'd like to see Dural made into a viable legal character with customisation options. It can be a mass production model and the final boss can be prototype/secret project or something.
    mfwebdude, Tricky and ToyDingo like this.
  20. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    It'd be a neat idea for Dural to actually be useful, they'd have to severely tweak her command list and what not. If they wanted to keep it "story" viable, they could use the Tsuki-Kage Dural from VF1,2, and 3 as a playable character (or hell just make Tsuki Kage a character). And Keep the Vanessa Dural as the mass produced final boss.

    Sega has options...

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