Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    A rapid growth would be nice but a gradual growth would be best because it means more of the people that play hang around longer. Alot of people play VF for the time being and play other things after that because they are the flavor of the month so to speak. FS was the flavor of the month early on before TT2 came out and now the numbers are where they are at now. We (much of the western world) gave up on VF along time ago and getting back to where we want it won't be done by a successful game like FS or VF6 alone even if the games blow up in popularity suddenly. Getting good numbers for a time is nice but we want steady numbers that hang around no matter what like the numbers you see in marvel or SF. That will take many years to do. If thing go as well as we want we might see that happen by VF7 or whatever game comes out after VF6 if there is a sequel past that.

    The fundamentals of the game should remain unchanged just tweaked that is what happened with FS compared to VF5 before it. Gradual changes will guaranteed its growth big changes will most likely kill it fast and we don't want that at all. It is like old saying goes slow and steady wins the race at the end of the day no matter what even if we fall behind right away the stronger competition will wear itself out quickly allowing the VF community to surpass all of our opposition as they stop to rest unable to move forward

    Those of you wanting major changes will be disappointed because most of what you are asking here in this thread will never happen with this series at all. There are things we ask that are reasonable like the improved online interface with gamers worldwide and then what most of you are asking that would change the whole dynamic of the game to where old Vfers like me will dump the game fast because it will be a clone of Tekken, DOA, and SC. If that happens then i would rather play those games because they were doing that way longer. We should try to be reasonable here VF is the closest we get to a real arcade style fighter we shouldn't trash it because of that. We should be praising it for that instead.

    Story mode in my opinion even though I don't like it very much and it would bore me to death might be plausible as a good step forward if they do it the right way but we will have to see how Sega does it if they even incorporate it at all. A system without obvious tiers would help too but how they work it will be critical here, do they buff everyone to the same level or nerf top tier characters that is the big question? I don't want to see Pai get nerfed ever making her weaker than what she is now in FS personally. I don't think anyone wants to see their character nerfed either just take this into account before we go any further into this process. I think I said too much now lets hope you all learn from what I am saying here and make reasonable requests. We all know Sega is reading these posts as some random person we will never really notice so we should at least make the stuff they read sound realistic from their point of view.
  2. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Balance would be nice (except for making Shun bottom), trim movelists/stances further (they already got rid of DM [P]+[K] and OM attacks). Also having hit boxes for Jeffry's moves would be nice. Keep the throw system the same, but give more options for throws (this is what made VF the best in my eyes), as there are many unused potential inputs (270, 180, [2][3][6]/[2][1][4], [1][6]/[3][4], [2_][6]/[4], [2_][4][6], and the ability to change neutral throws like Evo Aoi {[[P]+[G][6]/[4]/etc]).

    A good dojo mode, like EVO/FS, but maybe more tools: for example not exactly record, but a input mode where you can enter in an attack for 1P, and then the response from 2P, and then you can change the timings literally by the frame, and you can manipulate the distances as well. Granted this is asking for too much because they probably don't and won't put the effort into this kind of programming, as we can see the results with FS Jeffry.

    Since next-gen consoles will further be connected to social media, the ability to record matches (multi/single/dojo), maybe edit, and instantly upload online would be awesome as a teaching/community tool. But again asking too much.

    Online, items, story, single player modes, bleh. Though, bringing back hyper-fighting, knock-down challenge, iron-fights, low gravity, etc. for local/online multiplayer (and maybe dojo) would be fun.
  3. Wakke

    Wakke Active Member

    My issue with juggling is not that it's unrealistic, because as said, VF does not aim to be a simulator, but that it's unrealistic AND does not look cool. It makes it appear the fighters have no weight to them. Imagine putting juggling in fighting movies, wouldn't look very appealing now would it :p

    +1 for replacing juggling with a visually more appealing mechanic that achieves the same thing (big damage).
  4. Yeah, IvorB, I agree more or less, except for the possible outrage issue. I think I have addressed that and I describe it in the rest of my post below.

    But repeating it doesn't make it true or right ;) I see what you mean, but UFC 3 is not what I'm looking for, as I described. I don't see why you must equate UFC 3 to my proposition, as it's not the same.

    I think IvorB mentioned it, if I recall correctly: UFC seems to be an extreme direction in comparison to VF. I also described I did not want VF to go that extreme.

    Simple things like improving the animation to make the game more fluent is one simple matter already that doesn't change the essential gameplay. At least we could agree on that, or not, even if that would maintain juggles?

    Regarding the fatigue, I wrote that it would not be so much noticeable and, again, that it shouldn't go as far as UFC. There could be very small slowdowns hardly noticeable to bring more immersion.

    In regard to battle length, a round may as well last five to ten minutes, for example, where two players go all out with their moves, deception, and speed. It would give a more ulimate or serious sense to a fight.

    In regard to the removal of juggles (and such), I don't see how therefore the game would slow down, except possibly (not necessarily) in battle length which shouldn't be a problem if it would occur. Two players can still play fast without juggles. It would simply be a fast game without juggles. Furthermore, how would this make it look like UFC, while VF is still essentially VF with its typical control schemes, characters, speed, locations, atmosphere and so forth? I don't see how what you wrote in regard to this matter is necessarily correct.

    Should it matter that you notice that new players want the removal of juggles and old-school players do not? I don't even see why to use the words 'new' and 'old-school' as if they are somehow opposite or so contrasting in the same sense or type mentioned or meant. One can be a new player and old-school, and one can be an "old" player and "newschool-minded" or even into both old-school and new-school, etc.
    Anyway, also, how many players have you noticed and is it a good complete statistic? And why, if the statistic is true and complete, do they think like that? And (just wondering) are you assuming that I'm a new player? A new player because I want juggles removed? It wouldn't follow, if the case.

    Anyway, I don't want combos to be taken out of VF, as you seem to suggest. I want juggles along with their ridiculousness to be removed.

    And, as IvorB mentioned more or less: what is so fun about being "juggled" around without being given the oppurtunity to break out of it? First, it looks ridiculous (even if you perform it yourself and it's in your advantage); second, it's not how a fight should be, not even in a video game.

    Now, I understand that perhaps the ones who play VF for a long time and who like and use juggles, may not like the removal of them. It has already been suggested that, to combat or even prevent in the first place the possible outrage or disappointment of such fans, Sega and AM2 simply include the option to choose between 'Old' and 'New' VF modes.
    Maybe (I don't know for certain), and honestly, I do not wish to insult anyone here should anyone think that, it's the sense of having status, being elite or considered a "professional", which one may enjoy (which is a typical possible human trait), why some don't want juggles removed. (I don't know if it's the case. I'm just wondering.) Maybe it's all the practice work some have done. Understandable.
    Well then, in any case, have both modes (which I had already proposed the first time). The 'Old' mode for those who wish that mode, and the 'New' mode for those who want it to look and play more seriously. In that way, both are happy.

    In regard to the so-called moves that supposedly break backs, well, of course that's unrealistic, but the point was not that they should be removed. It's that it should be more realistic and less ridiculous by removing juggles without losing essential VF play and character and fun. In the end then, VF is still "in the middle" and still in the same category as it was before.

    I think, as IvorB more or less mentioned and which more or less echoes what I wrote, it's fun to have the VF craziness while it's somewhat more grounded towards realism (or at least giving a reasonable enough impression of it).

    Also, I too think VF is a great game. It's just that it could be much greater and more varied and even cater to players liking different fighting genres.
    Mang, in regard to gameplay, they could even make three "realism modes" consisting of 'Old' (standard), 'New' (a little bit more towards realism, but not so far, what I proposed and what some others like), and 'New Ultra' (or whatever it's named, which is more or less with UFC-like factors much more to the extreme which you seem to think is what I proposed). They could even include levels of visual realism, such as "cartooney" and "realistic". In cartooney (or whatever name is used) they are, indeed, like indestructible dolls, and in the other, they look more gritty with sweat and occasionally a bloody nose and ripped and dirty clothing.
    How is that for catering to different kinds of fighting game players?

    By the way, if what you think is true, namely that new players want juggles removed, and suppose that even the removal of them and making a VF mode that is more towards realism would attract more new players, then from even a business standpoint it may be a right thing to do. Keep both the old and the new, while the VF essence remains the same.

    Anyway, I think I understand the positions made by those who do not want juggles removed, and other positions to which I've also hopefully answered if they addressed my words (as I have watched at this screen for too long already). If I do not have gotten it right, then please inform me of it. We must at least understand each other's positions well.
    I think I still made my point and hope that it is clear what I meant and that it's well understood (that is, among other things, not UFC).

    Pff, alright, enough looking at this screen for me for now. Sorry to those if I have not addressed your words if yours addressed mine. Not enough time and energy now. I tried to read it all and have hopefully included sufficient response.

    Happy VF-ing in any case :)
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Please provide an honest answer here....

    how much UFC 3 or Undisputed 2010/2009 have you actually played?

    For the record, I made almost your same point a year ago!, VF does all this stuff to give you some degree of believability, and then they throw it all out the window with floating/juggles. I stay away from the term realism and just use the terms plausible, or believable, or possible, not necessarily whats real or not. VF presents you with a believable system up until fighters start floating....

    But that's what arcade fantasy fighters do, they float, they juggle all to the tune of well timed combos. that's a basic game mechanic at this point. If you separate them, you end up with a different game. Which brings my question back.

    How much UFC 3 have you actually played (not watched, not discussed) but played? How much?
  6. King9999

    King9999 Well-Known Member

    Ryo Hazuki needs to be in VF6.
  7. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    I hear this a lot, but I kind of disagree, I get the feeling he'd play to similar to Akira. I do think they should have more custom costumes to make classic Sega characters though.
    Also, did someone just seriously suggest that rounds take up to 10 minutes each? I think you are playing the wrong game mate.
  8. Pltnm06Ghosty-J

    Pltnm06Ghosty-J Well-Known Member

    I hear that response a lot since Ryo borrows most of his stronger attacks from Bajiquan. A lot would tend to forget he uses attacks from many fighting styles such as Karate, Tai-Chi, and even Capoeira. If implemented in an imaginative way, Ryo would definitely be his very own character and not Akira's "Ken".
  9. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Ryo is Akira. I'll post the pick linking them.
  10. well probably see a new VF in this next gen with amazing graphics as always =´D hope they keep the great gameplay.I love what they did in vf5fs most of the character felt a bit new like what they did in doa4
  11. Pltnm06Ghosty-J

    Pltnm06Ghosty-J Well-Known Member

    I'll take care of that : P

  12. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Sega never finished the Shenmue story.

    A small part of me is hoping that at some point when Sega final irons out the story of VF that they reveal that Akira is actually Ryo that lost his memory because he got his ass beat mercilessly by Lan Di.

    And that Lan Di is actually Lau that joined the VF tourney just to troll Akira/Ryo and wants to pass his troll fighting style to a worthy successor.

    That would make me happy...
  13. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    It's true, he does have his own moves that Akira doesn't have, Mud Spider and Machine Gun Fist spring to mind as immediate examples. If they add him, they should add Kazuma Kiryu from Yakuza though...
    aoi ameindei likes this.
  14. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    Yakuza has way less to do with VF than Shenmue. Yu Suzuki and all.

    I don't think if they finished Shenmue's story, it would tie into VF in any way, and certainly not in a way that involves amnesia. Bleh.
    OAG3K likes this.
  15. Pltnm06Ghosty-J

    Pltnm06Ghosty-J Well-Known Member

    If that were ever to happen, then consider my newfound inner fanboy for Virtua Fighter sealed and set in stone for the rest of eternity XD

    I've been dreaming of a crossover battle between Ryo and Kiryu ever since I steamrolled my way through Yakuza 3 and 4. This would be a glorious sight to behold : P
  16. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I thought of a cool thing they should add for this. For all characters with known and respectable martial arts we should have them performing their kata/form. We need a whole one from start to finish (a cool looking one obviously) and make it authentic. They could even make this unlockable for something and allow us to select the costume and the stage. Maybe even more than one.

    I think this would be awesome. Soul Calibur had this for some of the characters like Kilik and the kicking sword guy whose name began with H.

    You can kinda see what I mean a little while into this video:

    But we need the whole one.
  17. Kanura

    Kanura Active Member

    Lau appearing as a chef during Shenmue might be cool, just a cameo (nothing to do with Lan Di or that stuff).
  18. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I think the best Shenmue-Virtua Fighter connection you're going to get is making Akira look like Ryo and Lei to look like Chen Gui Zhang.
    OAG3K and Feck like this.
  19. OAG3K

    OAG3K New Member

    Ryo isn't Akira if you look at their actual birth dates they are different. They were born in the same year but not the same day. Now I could accept Ryo is Akira in another dimension though lol. Speaking of which Sega better release Yakuza 5 to the west or I will be forced to import the JP version....and follow the translation guide via youtube. :(
  20. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    yeah go kazuma but he would have to be nerfed tremendesly ( in yakuza 4 he bare handely killed 1000 armed thugs)

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