Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    A space oriented game without projectiles is pretty gay, and puts people to sleep.

    Some of the things people are complaining about (and always have) in Tekken are in VF, it's just in different from. Tech-rolling in VF can get you killed in VF as well. 3D games have to be juggle fest as that's where BIG DAMAGE and most guaranteed COMBO TIME comes from. It's been like that since VF1.

    Tekken still sucks.
    R_Panda, PaiChun, Zekiel and 3 others like this.
  2. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    One of the first people I ever fought in the arcade was a really good Brad Burns would simply wouldn't let me get up. I still have nightmares...still, it happens a lot less in VF, and it feels less stupid. Avoidable or not, being used as a mop is my least favorite part of Tekken. (and I like Tekken, just not enough to figure out how to make it fun outside of casual play)

    Also, I hope this last page or so isn't my fault. :(
  3. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    I've almost completely stopped playing Tekken since picking up VFFS (I'll admit I'm new to VF but I feel I've seen the light) . It's really just my preferences as I feel that movement in VF just makes sense. If you were to ask me movement in Tekken isn't much different from Smash Bros.

    I'm sorry, we should get away from the Tekken vs VF talk. It doesn't help. The things that make each gamegreat ddon't work for the others. I want to see VF grow and innovate. VF really has established a lot of firsts. I completely believe it's possible for the team to refine what they've given us along with bringing something new to the table.

    I am curious though, I've read earlier that some long time players and Japanese players didn't like some of the changes implemented in FS; could anyone indulge my curiosity.
    Genesis likes this.
  4. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    A lot of it has to do with VF4 being the most popular VF, even eclipsing VF2 in it's days, so a lot of people feel that the VF4 series is "real VF". Really this is just a back to basics VF, it's in between VF2 and VF3 in a lot of the mechanics and trimmed a lot of the fat found in VF5. There is sitll some stuff they can tighten up, but a lot of the bitching comes from people not knowing the system and VF history, and just old-man bitching.

    People didn't like that that Throw Escapes went back to 1 TE (from VF2 and VF1(?) ), Elbow counter-hitting a 2P spammer used to put the spammer in a Stagger, now it's puts them in a Two-Choice situation, Movement was more about timing the dashes where in VF5 it's about Dash priority and choosing a certain pattern (ala VF3).

    VF4 frame windows were tighter as well. -1- -2 was Fuzzy, -3- -4 CD Fuzzy, -5- -7* Two Choice, P and 2P were were 10 frames. Guaranteed punishment in VF4 started at -8*. In FS they are a little looser in that -1- -3 Fuzzy, -4- --5 CD Fuzzy, -6- -9 Two Choice and guaranteed punishment starts at -10. ARM was pretty useful as well, so people felt 5's movement was a step back from 4.

    People starting with VF5 mostly got into it off a VF4s rep. VF5 had it's share of haters as the windows were a lot larger from VF4->VF5 than VF4->5FS. VF5 was a safer game in that there wasn't Reverse Two Choice because of Throw Clash, back dashes went farther and were safer, and Defensive Tech from VF4 was still in like E(M)TEG and MTEs, but then there was also the Evade Dash Cancel Options and Fuzzy-Guard Attack OS as well.

    When FS droppped people were saying VF5 was "real VF" or just "better" in general, because you had to open people up, HOWEVER when it came out, the above was blasted for making the game to "n00b friendly". People were saying that Fuzzy Guard wasn't even in the game anymore and that you didn't need to play VF because of Throw Clash.

    I remember seeing the changes and thinking "d00d, no MTE is fucking scrub shit" etc. etc. but then an OG told me that FS is just a back to basics VF, so I did some searching and found out that, yeah this just back to basics. Also when I was complaining about stuff like MTE being removed, I still sucked at the game, and was just looking at mechanics and not the whole picture. This was the first VF I actually understood, so when I go back to playing older VFs, I'm like "How did I not understand this before"?" and I even completed the 4 and 4:EVO trials back in the day, and stuff didn't sink in back then like they do know.

    EDIT: Other things people hated about VF5 when it dropped were the Bounce/Bounds which people bitched about making the game like Tekken despite VF having it before Tekken did. Eileen and Lei-Fei were n00b characters that you could just spam with. Eileen wasn't a VF character and was just there for scrubs to mash with and was broken. Kage was still a broken piece of shit from the VF4 days as well.

    If I remeber any more lines, like the above, I'll post them, but the ones in the Edit, were just some that I remembered now people were bitching about.
    BLACKSTAR, R_Panda, Zekiel and 4 others like this.
  5. def

    def Well-Known Member

    Well this may be a bit off topic but looks like the Playstation 4 might be revealed on 2/20/13, I wonder if VF6 will be a game for it. I kind of hope it would be on the PS3/360/Wii U systems mainly because I don't want to spend XXX.XX amount of dollars to get just one game. Your thoughts?
  6. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I like that VF is a game that ushers in the tech generation. DOA5 used the same character models as the VF5 ones for the VF characters, so AM2 always knows what they are doing.

    On the other hand I was hoping they would wait a couple years into the tech cycle to unveil the new VF and have it come to the new consoles when they are cheaper and have a large user base.
    R_Panda and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
  7. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Look like a idiot? sure.. coming a dude who could'nt wait to talk about the goodness of Tekken on a VF forum.
    Speaking of Kazuya's CH df+2, EWGF so that he EWGF launches normally, A hour? A hour.. come on i spent more time practicing Jacky's Iageri kick than that and still did'nt get it correct until about 3 months later. Fuck am i even going back and forth with you about Tekken.. GTFOH!!! Go play VF or something. You talk too fucking much.
  8. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member


    Dude, thanks so much for that. I appreciate FS even more knowing the how it came to be. Crap, I really hope I don't end up hating 6 due to how much I enjoy FS.
  9. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    I think we can trust AM2 to know what they're doing in the gameplay department.
    Koenraku, YOMI and 00000000 like this.
  10. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    What makes you think the PlayStation 4 will be announced then. Just another rumour?
  11. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Slightly back on topic, I think for Virtua Fighter 6 I would really like proper audio. I love Final Showndown but the audio is just terrible. The sound effects for strikes, blocks etc just sound so bad. If you listen the Mortal Kombat the sound effects are absolutely awesome and it really adds so much to the intensity. Obviously MK has a lot more going on that VF but I still think they need to work on the quality of the effects. And BRING PAI'S PROPER VOICE BACK!!!
  12. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    How about 'naked mode' that you can only unlock by completing all the one-player aspects of the game and getting all the best scores? There're those license things and 'score challenges' and all that - once you beat those and get all the best scores etc, you unlock nude mode.

    Buuuuuuuut you can only make Jeffry and Lion naked!
  13. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    How about a mode you can unlock with scrubs all trace of Lion from the game? :)
  14. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    Zekiel and EvenPit like this.
  15. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    The thing is i dont think AM2 will get rid of the core FS gameplay. Now they took a step in making bound combos they cant go back. They have to keep it otherwise they'll be going back to VF5R gameplay. Same with sideguard. That new defense option that came in FS will stay. Now what i would like for them to bring back is OM attacks. They were legit.

    But the question is how will AM2 change the gameplay for VF6? How can they refresh VF by making VF6 have its own techniques? Like VF5 introduced OM. What will VF6 have that will make it different? Thats what i want to know.
    00000000 likes this.
  16. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I think bound combos are better for the aesthetics of the game. It looks a bit more realistic to see someone stood up and dazed than it does to see them in a laid down, fully horizontal position getting juggled six feet off the ground. That's why staggers, crumples and flops all look better than silly head-height floaters.
    00000000 likes this.
  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    your getting "Bound" and "Faceplant" twisted.

    bound was introduced in R. Faceplant in FS (At the removal of pop up.)
  18. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Bounds were in VF 5/R as well. They just re-animated them in FS and now all the characters can take advantage of it.

    I like how they look in this one more since its a lot more fun to look at.
    00000000 and Genesis like this.
  19. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I saw that. I caught up eventually. :)
  20. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I don't really rate bound combos so highly. I put them in the same bracket as air juggles but worse. Though maybe that's because I'm just used to air juggles. In fact I think this kind of thing should be toned down if not removed completely. I would be much happier combo'ing off crumples and stuns etc and leave the air juggles and bounds out of it completely. I think they are a legacy of a bygone era and should be done away with.
    Valakrie likes this.

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