Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    After playing TTT2 recently, and going back to VF5, I'm reminded of how sad the lack of character usage statistics (of any kind) makes me. Even a crappy GG style matchup chart would be better than, you know, nothing at all. (as far as offline goes anyway) If there's one thing Smash Bros. did right, that was it, and I'm a little dumbfounded about the fact that nobody has thought to copy that.
  2. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Not that shit. That was probably the stupidest goal in Evo quest. Then there was win n matches without ringouts. The former actually prevents you from using moves with 11 or 44 inputs and I certainly don't think having to play stupidly is a good goal. /rant

    Otherwise I think evo quest setting up missions to do within matches was a pretty cool idea. I'd probably upgrade it a bit and actually allow you to perform multiple tasks at the same time. Things like "break n walls" were pretty stupid since like 4stages had breakable walls and it just ended up with retrying and retrying until you got breakable walls.

    It would work a lot better than licence mode in FS. Say what you will, the mode is very half-assed. It's repetitive and the goals never really change (example: Do 2 OM's > do 3 OM's > do 4 OM's during match... zzzz. In a quest mode you could have an arcade with "do 40 OM's" another arcade later on with "do 20 OM's in a combo" and later an arcade with "Do 10 OM's after a succesful evade"). Stuff like that, changing it up a bit.

    I'm down with unlockables. For customizations I think playing through an extensive arcade quest should unlock everyones stuff. There's absolutely no way I'd be willing to unlock stuff for multiple characters in, say, vanilla 5. Finishing the quest with one character took days and it's not exactly breathtakingly exciting. Having something out of quest, something for using the character enough times (in arcade or versus, offline or online), item battles... Evo style unlockable backgrounds would also be cool.

    I'd also like it if they brought back ranks for your characters, not just the player. Or maybe you could have both. Player ranking for online battles and characters having those cool titles from playing whatever. I'd just change some of the ranks around so they'd require more than just pure vs wins. Which brings me to.

    Trials. You know, evo had stuff like fuzzy trials, TE trials, exact recovery trials. Why not bring that back?
    A lot of modern games also have combotrials (which are what I was thinking as part of the character ranking). While VF's combos aren't really too hard mostly it would be a lot better than having 3-4 pretty bad example combos at the end of command training like it is now. Throw in a couple of weight and stance specific ones to give new players ideas. Have some wallcombos in there. Throw in a couple of 1fk ones for each character for some harder ones.

    As for a new character, I'd really like to see a (female) boxer. What ever it is I hope it's not another kung-fu style.
    RunningWildVidya likes this.
  3. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    I think the best way to handle unlockables would be for quest mode (if there is one) to give you more gold than the other modes, but you still get some amount from playing any mode.
  4. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    I would think they would make it like the arcade where you can play player matches and ranked matches to unlock gear as well. Have the 'Item Matches' where the winner will receive and item and or gold to buy stuff. As you said, keep it in the other modes as well, but I would like to see the focus on Quest and Online to unlock stuff.
  5. Eff Dot Doug

    Eff Dot Doug Member

    What's wrong with "down P"? I've heard quite a few complain about 2P a LOT as if there is no answer for it. I love when a player uses 2P as a crutch!

    Anyway, on topic - PRESENTATION! They should mos def work on presentation to appeal to the US crowd because the US has this epidemic called ADHD! Add a "story mode" with CG cutscenes throughout, even if it means absolutely nothing worthwhile.

    Ending cutscenes for Arcade Mode.

    Bring the in-game announcers back.
    00000000 likes this.
  6. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    We get two!!
    Ylyon and R_Panda like this.
  8. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    Ug, not soon enough! I want VF6 to be at least in loc testing before I leave Japan! (late April; not happening, I know)

    The only people I see complaining about 2P are people who don't know how to play the game. That said, a LOT of people use it as a crutch, including me when I'm facing a way better opponent and I panic. I can see how an inexperienced player might mistake it for an 'unstoppable' move, but it really isn't at all. I'm not sure what specifically they could do about it without making it too good or too bad, because I feel like it's fine where it is right now.

    A little anecdote this made me think of; I was at MAGfest the other week (the supposed yearly 'gaming festival' that's really more of a con), and there was no VF tournament scheduled, but apparently there was an 'unofficial' one that I missed the night I got there. I walked by the only PS3 running VF (I think while the tournament was supposed to be going on, but I didn't know about it yet), and there were two guys playing. One was using Jacky, and seemed to be messing with the other guy or practicing defense, or something. The other guy was using El Blaze, and kept trying to 2P the other guy from like a meter and a half away. It was funny to me, but I guess it doesn't translate well into text...
  9. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    That's why you buffer those moves while guarding and then hit the attack buttons so you don't dash. I liked those type of things as they give you a different way to look at what your character has, or even a different type of playstyle that you could use.

    To each their own.
    R_Panda likes this.
  10. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    I think limiting options could be good for players. I know some personally that could learn to back dash less, and there are other habits you can address with this kind of match.
  11. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    I'm really curious about what kind of new martial art they might include. I'd bet wingchun, because of its growing popularity
  12. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I think there's something wrong with the game when a player is being punished for trying to utilize something so basic as movement. CH from failed evade and backdash really needs to go, as well as the retarded auto tracking if you attack from evade.
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    You don't get a CH for hitting someone in a failed evade. You earn a CH by correctly guessing they'll evade and hitting them with a half/full circular. It's not quite the same thing. Also, the reward for a successful evade is now arguably higher.

    I'd really like OM to be stronger. Either make it evasive from advantage, or bring back OM P.
    Genesis, Tricky and steelbaz like this.
  14. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Circulars CHing evades is a good thing. So is moves CHing backdash due to it's strength in FS. One thing I'd change though is the ability to cancel crouch backdash with G earlier and / or not allow for CH's.

    It doesn't have the evasion of backdash but it leaves you open and allows for CH anyway.

    As for quest having limiting stuff on say, backdashes, it doesn't really teach you anything. Especially if you're a heavy backdasher you'd just grind those matches vs AI, probably with some frustration from the limitation and be done with it.

    p.s. Buffering moves with G doesn't help in moves with 44 / 11. The backdash registers. The mission fails.
  15. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    He's talking about the Missions in relation to my post.
  16. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    YES! Bring back the OM attacks! IDK why they got rid or them. They add more ways to attack in the game. I guess because of sideguard, they let you do your own moves after OM
  17. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    You don't understand the increased risk/reward of these basic movements. You obviously don't understand how tracking works after evades either. How is it "retarded?" Do you need someone to explain it to you in small words?
    Genesis and Eff Dot Doug like this.
  18. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Reno had an interview his blog that saying that a lot of players felt DM/OM Attacks were useless and barely used.
    Tricky likes this.
  19. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Evading strings against certain characters is useless. It seems counter-intuitive to evade a string, yet if you hold ANY button (including Guard!?) the string suddenly re-directs and hits you. That seems to punish the player that successfully evaded and allows certain characters to go string happy and mash away.

    This is far from ideal.
  20. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    That's always been the case with how evasion works. Not pressing anything has the opponent sail by you, however they can slow it down and you'll need to evade twice.
    00000000 and R_Panda like this.

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