Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    True. More people perfered evo over Vanilla. Heck i like 4 vanilla over 5 because i was so used to the fast paced gameplay and close frames. vanilla felt slow

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    I only have one thing to suggest... BRING BACK THE EVADE BUTTON! Deal with it! Peace, I'm out ;)
  3. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    I already have an evade button
    Tricky, SEAL BOSS and nou like this.
  4. TheMonk

    TheMonk Member

    Tricky, you state in the following thread -

    What model chip are you referring to?

    What is it that you are privy to that the rest of us aren't.
  5. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    this is the type of characterization vf should have to blossom
  6. synce

    synce Active Member

    Below are the 3 reasons I've been ignoring VF for many years, and I think if Sega can properly address these problems in VF6 they can bring in a lot more people. Please don't shoot me lol

    1. No story mode. SF2 had more characterization than VF5, that's amazing to me. They could easily fix this too. Just give the characters a couple 10-30 second dialogue exchanges and short nonsensical ending, it doesn't have to be a fancy FMV and it could be console-exclusive so they can quickly pump out the arcade version and give extra incentive to buy for consoles.

    2. No sex appeal. This was partly addressed in FS with some of the costumes but frankly the girls need bigger boobs if Sega wants bigger sales. And I know some VF fans (and maybe fetishists) will hate me for saying this but Sarah and Vanessa are too buff. In VF6 maybe give players an option to de-buff them in customization (think Rumble Roses XX) and introduce a new busty character.

    3. No flash. Tekken has crazy characters, DOA has huge levels, SC has weapons, and so on. Like the sex appeal issue, this was partly addressed in FS with the crazy character customization but as that's becoming standard now I think VF will need a little bit more to make it stand out.This is probably the toughest problem to solve for Sega.
  7. renegadedemon89

    renegadedemon89 Member

    I can agree with the 1st point and think that adding a visual story element can help to flesh out the series and draw interest, but I'll have to disagree on the latter 2 points. The 2nd one moreso than the 3rd. There are games that already cater to that (DOA) and are stigmatised for it. To the point where people are largely unable to see the game for it's merits. One of the things that drew me to VF was it's focus on the martial arts and ironically, given the genre, I find it's one of the few (arguably only) series that does.
    I feel that there's sufficient flash in the gameplay as is and hope that sega doesn't look to add any superfluously. (Lest we should end up with Lars Alexandersson and Alisa-like characters)
    EastBayKage likes this.
  8. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    Sarah and Vanessa have already been debuffed. Did you skip 5 entirely? What more can they do to them?

    And VF doesn't need flash. Tekken's crazy characters are consistently low tier. DoA's levels don't stop it from being a total bore. VF's customization is hardly 'standard', compared to TTT2's 'every male character gets a few jackets, every female character gets a few miniskirt outfits'. The only aspect Tekken beat them in is the ability to freely customize the colors of things.
  9. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    Hopefully the new VF will be ignored by you as well. No offense. It's just that the last 2 things you put are some of the things I like about VF.

    Titty physics are fine. Boobs bigger than a characters head are not realistic.That is what pornography is for.. and I need 2 hands to play..

    Too much flash would take away the purity that is VF, and fireballs are a joke..

    What I'd want from the new VF would be better english voice acting, but I'd want Lion to still be annoying. Also, if Pai is a Chinese character, she should speak Chinese. (That might annoy japanese players familiar with pai though). Also, isn't Jeffery supposed to be Australian? Don't they have accents? Shark must have bit his throat..

    As far as tutorials and stuff, just make it like vf4 evo. There was so much in that game, I never fully utilized it all..
    Genesis likes this.
  10. celsowm

    celsowm Well-Known Member

    1. Download Only Version (less cost more profit)
    2. Character Profile (Including her/she Story) like
    3. Portrait Gallery Like Fighters MegaMix () or Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Collection
    4. Customized Stages? (size like vfRemix, rain, snow, day, night..)
    5. Retro Mode i.e Retro Move Mode (only vf or vf2 or... moves enabled)
    6. Team Battle (like fighters megamix)
    7. Survival Mode
    8. Ryo Hazuki (dlc or not)
    renegadedemon89 likes this.
  11. TheMonk

    TheMonk Member

  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Concrete details from Zach Morris!

    Model 4 guys, you couldn't even make up that name :yawn:
  13. blueeyedtasha

    blueeyedtasha Member

    i'd like to adress point number 2 as a woman. how on earth is having big boobs sex appeal? i think sarah is one of the sexist women in a fighting game. To call them buff is unfair. and given their physical size their boobs are actually proportionate
  14. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I honestly can't describe how much your second point depresses me. What sex appeal is that then? Appealing to small-minded, straight male gamers like you? Probably the types of fans VF can do without to be honest. Sarah and Vanessa look buff because they are practicing martial artists.

    Your first and second points are more reasonable but I personally like VF without the flash and bullshit. I like that it is pure 3D fighting. There's always those other fighters that you mentioned for that.
    Andramelech, Genesis and EastBayKage like this.
  15. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    I agree with this. They couldn't even include Sarah in DOA5 without giving her a boob job, it's ridiculous and I hope VF won't go in this direction.
  16. blueeyedtasha

    blueeyedtasha Member

    exactly and its just appaling at how they could take a perfectly good character and change her apperance
  17. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Am I the only one that liked Sarah and Pai's appearance in DOA5? Team Ninja (probably with AM2 looking over their shoulder) did a good job of not turning them into sluts. Sure they touched up the boobs a bit. But on the whole, they upgraded their appearance by a good bit.

    Sega definitely does not need to go down the route of making all their female characters proportionally incorrect, and they definitely don't need to return to the steriods they were clearly using in VF4, but a happy medium could be made, no?

    I like the characters in VF5, but they do look like clay's hoping the new engine in VF6 makes them look less like dolls and more like actual people.
    Andramelech and Genesis like this.
  18. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Sarah and Pai looked better facially in game in DOA than she does in VF atm, but that's probably due to them not actually looking like their Sega made render counterparts that much.

    I ain't gonna lie, i like me some tits, but there is nothing wrong with the sizes in VF.
    ExzetyXat1 and ToyDingo like this.
  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Pai looked decent, they messed up Sarah's face though ...twerps.
  20. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I don't think the Capcom/Tekken method of intentionally misbalancing chars would work in VF- VF fans wouldn't appreciate it.

    Besides, FS kinda went that way with Akira and Jacky.

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