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Virtua Fighter 6 (General Discussion)

Discussion in 'General' started by def, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 6 And Model 4 Reveal Next Week!

    This Gotta be spam.
  2. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 6 And Model 4 Reveal Next Week!

    Why does he bother trolling here when so few people use this forum? You'd have better luck doing that to the desperate Shenmue fans.

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 6 And Model 4 Reveal Next Week!

  4. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 6 And Model 4 Reveal Next Week!

    Of course it's bullshit .The Writer's sig is "Zach Morris" . That's the name of the A-hole trouble making main character of "Saved By the Bell".
  5. TheMonk

    TheMonk Member

  6. Solidus

    Solidus Active Member

    Sorry i'm late for this discussion, but i like what your thinking with this def far as a possible future installment of VF6 goes! While it maybe not be to everybody else's tastes considering VF5 hasn't been treated well by Sega overseas or so to its fans beyond Japan.

    I've often wondered what a VF6 would have updated from VF5 and what changes would be made. And have made a list of my own somewhat of ideas i tend to discuss with folks in Virtua Fighter topics from time to time elsewhere's.

    I'll put several concepts i always had in mind and envisioned in my next posted reply for you on here.
  7. Solidus

    Solidus Active Member

    Virtua Fighter 6

    Game play features:

    * Character Select Screen. Should have the option of choosing multiple colours for each VF character in their various A, B,C and D outfits. Akin to 'The King Of Fighters 13' character select screen. Inwhich items and clothing are not only uniquely picked and put onto a character's clothes/items depending on which variation is chosen, but also colour oriented via a player's choices after selecting a VF character during selection process etc.

    Pick any costume out of the 4 available when picking your character on the console version. all 4 costumes being default. And not accessible only for the other 2 costumes (C and D) by entering Quest Mode to unlock them.

    * Would add to the variations of dressing up each person's fighter well beyond 'customizable' character items and whatnot by a massive fold overall.

    * More bonus material and extra modes. Vs Mode, Quest Mode, Dojo, Online tournaments, Tag Battle, Survival Mode.

    * A "Tag Battle" mode which hasn't been seen since VF3. Would be included as well as the regular single player modes.

    * Much less ridiculous costumes/outfits won during Quest Mode.

    Let the focus be on stylizing the characters but not to the ridiculous extent VF5 gotten to with its weird "cosplay" nonsense.

    * Faster gameplay and control response.

    * Less precise delay ("odd") timing.

    * More realistic (less "ridiculous") juggles.

    * 'Improved Collision' system.

    * Return of several VF character moves which have been taken out and removed over the years. From VF2, VF3, VF4, and VF5 arcade.

    * Return the 'Zero Frame' grab 'bop', from the first arcade VF5 version (Which was removed from R and FS) on some of the regular throws again. Because it was removed from R and FS on practically all basic-throws and special-throws. Having several of them being different from each other, would make the game vary in what its caperable of in terms of reaction timing from the players after a 'blocked-throw' attempt etc!

    And add some serious; advantages/disadvantages to the VF characters themselves in terms of tiers, by making stronger tier characters weaker at throwing while some mid/low-tiers stronger at throwing & reversals etc.

    * More powerful violent sound effects and better English voice acting.

    * More personality and story. Cutscenes would be a plus benefit, even if its meant to be a technical game with more skill and substance over flashiness. Its also got to compete against its arcade and home console rivals (Tekken, Soul Calibur). Keep the series from becoming too "outlandish" certainly, but the game definitely needs something major to push into the public eye big-time, besides just having an excellent fighting system and semi-realistic fighting engine to boot etc.

    * BGM (Back, Ground, Music) from all previous VF games including new tracks made for a VF6. Remix versions also available in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound.

    Background stages

    * New 3D multi-platform levels - Akin to Virtua Fighter 3! Return some of the old VF3 levels if need be.

    * Also; Let any new character(s) come from countries outside of the North/South America and Asia for a change once again. Any new characters could be from England or Holland (in reference to the many VF fans in Europe etc) for example. Or from Egypt see below(**).

    New Features/Characters

    * Include the VF1 test character "Siba" who was taken out and was named "Akira" on the old promotional materials for the first Virtua Fighter game before Akira was officially completed by Sega/AM2 in the final released version of Virtua Fighter. Have him even be a character working for the evil 'J6 Corperation' or something! He was meant to be an; Arab/Arabic warrior of some sort who had a sword/sabre originally. So he could quite easily be made out as an Egyptian VF fighting character of some sort and be either a soldier or fighter with a unique fighting style (perhaps Krav-Maga) or Kuta (an Egyptian fighting/boxing style). He could very well be made out to be something like a 'second boss' fighting character, beat Dural not just face her and lose in order to reach him.

    He was playable in Sega's Fighting Vipers on the Sega Saturn! So simply spruce up his old design and make him playable in VF6 is all!

    * Include damage to characters; torn clothes, physical/facial heavy bruising, messed up hair and reddening of the skin.

    As well add sweating, heavy breathing as a new "gauge/meter" to also combat the effects of tiredness and counter the pressure of using many special moves in succession. i.e. it'll be a new feature used to pressure players into really using tactics in matches and also whether risk factors in being too overzealous or aggressive in gameplay even if you had the advantage originally. Would certainly add to defensive game play as well as offensive play. If your characters felt the strain of pulling off moves, received too much damage or expanded too much energy or kept on attacking without much effort to break your opponents guard or that even as a expert player you made fatal cocky mistakes and can now get heavily punished for it etc.

    A 'Win vs Lose' feature meant to teach players the element of; 'risk' as well as add more depth to VF strategies overall.

    * Possibly add blood and lacerations to characters during long hard fought matches, but none to graphically to make the next game a Mortal Kombat derivative however.

    * Add 4 new characters (instead of only 2 per new VF game). One purely using the fighting style of "Tae-Kwon-Do" which is long overdue for some character to use in the VF series as their main fighting art (Way beyond the few moves Sarah Bryant use to have etc?) and actually dressed in Tae-Kwon-Do 'Gi'.

    Also; Let any new character(s) come from countries outside of the North/South America and Asia for a change once again. Any new characters could be from England or Holland (in reference to the many VF fans in Europe etc) for example. Or from Egypt (Siba) etc. Could be done like this for example; VF6's Tae-Kwon-Do fighter (from Korea), VF6's female wrestler (from Japan), VF6's MMA fighter (from Holland), VF6's Professional Boxer (from either; England or Puerto Rico?) with Siba a boss character being a 'Krav-Maga' stylist from Egypt etc. Japan get to be included once again (cos i really can't see Sega or AM2 avoiding adding a Japanese character into their own series?).


    * Less powerful and more playable version of Dural with balance changes. Only have the C.P.U. version be far stronger than normal.

    Also make her character arcade playable, thus adding to the roster! And with 20 characters in the game from the previous title (VF5:FS) making her playable is the only next logical step in making all the VF characters viable for gameplay overall.

    Dural's use of existing character moves could be broken into her actually having the ability to divide her collection of moves into "sub-groups" as it were between 7 copied characters movesets within 3 separate groups of each. And have certain copied moves within each. Make her (via: button/special move application) being able to switch between a collection of character moves taken from, for example 3 subgroups; Group 1: - Akira, Kage, Lau, Shun, Brad &, Jean (Normals moves/Special Moves/Throws) Group 2: Sarah, Jacky, Pai, Lei, Lion. Aoi & El Blaze, (Various Attack/Combination Variations) and finally Group 3: Wolf, Jeffry, Taka, Eileen, Vanessa & Goh (Normal moves/Throws & Counters) taking the absolute best from each group's talents and adding their best moves and specials; to her own arsenal of moves as a cyborg! Maybe also with the addition of the new characters that would be added to VF6 overall.

    Those are my theories on a possible VF6 for now! [​IMG]
  8. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    I just want to say that I am strongly against your suggestion of adding damage and blood to the characters.

    If they did that I would never play the game at all, no matter how good it played. Its a stupid idea in the new Mortal Kombat and it would be a stupid idea here. No one wants to see their characters get all beat up.

    If you're going to spend time customizing these characters and making them your own do you really want to see them in that sort of state? There are times when art style is more important than realism and fighting game are a case when realism need to be kept in check by art style.

    The characters should look the same at the end as they did at the beginning. The most they could do would be something like Soul Calibur 4 which had some clothing damage, but it wouldn't make much sense here since there are no weapons.
  9. adriana3

    adriana3 Active Member

    I'd like to see Siba's return (or debut) to the series, as an already selectable or at least an unlockable character. I also a thought he could fight Krav Maga at first.

    I was doing just for fun some sketches for two possible new fighters (a man and a woman) as well as thinking of their background stories (the main lack of VF imo). Then I decided the man would be a heavyweight boxer and the woman would fight Krav Maga.

    Sega should include fighters from "less common" countries for sure. Personally, I'd also like to see a Slavic character from the Balkans (since I don't remember any fighting game having one). My female sketch fighter is from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  10. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Blood and damage would be a huge draw to get the casual market interested in VF IMO but I can't see Sega doing it and I dno if I'd want to see it in. In truth, I'm not bothered.
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Interesting ideas for all of these. A fresh wound appears during the win pose is not bad actually.
  12. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    Really, I'd like the Fighting Vipers characters back, and I know this is unlikely, but Pepsiman would be awesome.
  13. zakira

    zakira Well-Known Member

    Here is what I would like to see.

    -VF4's art style

    -guitar remixes for all the series music.

    -Previous VF stages with a bit of mix to them.

    -the game shouldn't take more than six months to be released on console.

    -intense marketing and hyping for the game plus getting official support from SEGA to important events like EVO.

    -VF4evo like tutorial, kumite and challenge mode.

    -VF4's system and VF5's fluidity of movement.

    -The ability to escape wall damage attacks.

    -better online mode.

    -some ending cut scenes wont hurt.

    -collectors edition with great figures included of sort.
  14. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    That could be cool, if the damage was subtle like split lips and bruises. Not massive spurts of blood every time a blow is landed ala Mortal Kombat.
  15. jrcma

    jrcma Well-Known Member

    Would prefer if they were to speak their actual language(not just the Westerner's speaking English & the Asian's speaking Japanese) with subtitles.
  16. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Like the mask is sort of broken depends on how bad you got beat. And more vivid win pose to make VF looks fun, such as Shun wants to drink but only one drop or empty piss him off.
  17. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    i think the use of weapons and armour would be great (only in a different mode) it would add loads to the game. also a propper story mode and char endings. maybe a tag option as well. not like the tekken series but maybe more towards doa type tag team. i dont really like doa but one thing i did like was the online aspect where you could cue and spectate while waiting for a game , it gave you time to evaluate your opponent , not that it helped me i sucked at doa lol
  18. Solidus

    Solidus Active Member

    You make it sound like i came out and said i deliberately want it to be the next Mortal Kombat, when i clearly stated and pointed out to everyone that wasn't the case at all with my example. And while your strongly against the idea, no one fan gets to dictate what the series will have at the end of the day. And All these ideas of mine were just merely suggestions so you shouldn't have felt threatened at all by them. And how do you know that; No one wants to see their characters get all beat up?! They get beaten up in the game anyways since it is a; Vs fighting game.

    YOU might be strongly against it but the world is a big place, and i've certainly heard folks opinions on the VF series for years and these questions always crop up. So its definitely not something everybody else is against, just something you yourself is.
  19. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Lol yeah that would be good. I really want to see that now. Maybe it'll be in VF6.
  20. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Blood is so 1990's nobody cares about that crap now. If I would want anything for VF6 it would be the return of MTE's,the return of standing throws that end in Down, DF and DB. Final SHowdown Jacky having a FF+P+G throw that does 70% damage is bullshit. Bring Back the clash system and give Jeffrey his splash mountain back. Whoever thought up of taking away Jeffrey's df,df P+G splash mountain ought to be fired. Make low throws P+K+G again and don't fix what isn't broken.

    Other than that, if they make VF6, they need to add at least 6 new characters. A lot of the reason VF3 wasnt as successful as VF2 is people simply didn't like Aoi and Taka. VF2 Shun and Lion were way more popular and partly why VF2 was such a success. In VF5,the console version sold poorly,I attribute that partly to Eileen and EL Blaze being partly underwhelming additions to the series. Seriously, are you going to bank the success of a new series on a 14 year old girl and a Luche Libre midget? In hindsight it looks like a bad Idea.

    If they are going to make new characters for VF6 to be the poster boy and poster girl for the series, Sega needs to hedge their bets and make 6 new characters in case some hit or miss.

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