Virtua Fighter 5 Playstation 3 Version

Discussion in 'Console' started by Pai_Garu, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I actually didn't know the exact frames of both games' reversals. But that explains why it was so easy in DOA, and why my friend who plays Oh-so-reversing-AOI tends to loose quite a lot /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Thanks for the info, even if not intentionally given :p
  2. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    About that controller.... Do you think that I could stand any chance against any of You here ,with me playing on a pad since, like, forever?

    I don't think that using a pad makes one worse, or not able to perform some actions, but yeah.... I do agree that it is hell of a lot harder, and takes much more time training (still giving mediocore results :p)

    But I am willing to test myself against anyone!!! Just tell me when !!! .... As long as You can make it to Poland :), so I guess 'never' is the answer.
  3. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    I don't think the pad is always worse. I play with a pad at home and a joystick at arcades (yea, I do get out to arcades occasionally), and I don't mind using either. The pad does beat the hell out of the thumbstick for me though. But I always play with a PS2 pad, and the spliting of segments on the directional pad is immensively helpful for precision. The only part the gives me trouble are rotations. Anything harder than a quarter circle move can be pretty tricky. But getting it done with a controller is perfectly possible.

    It's kinda like Pop'n Music. Most people top out in skill at around level 30 songs without getting a real Pop'n controller. I managed to get to level 35 while staying on the Dual Shock pad, but it did take me a hell of a lot longer. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  4. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    I've been playing fighting games with a pad ever since Street Fighter II on the Sega Genesis. All these years later, that translated into also playing VF with three fingers, rather than using thumb for guard button, which to me seems very counter-intuitive.

    I now play VF on stick, but pad really isn't as much of a disadvantage as some people would say it is. It probably depends on who your characters are. I actually have an EASIER time crouch dashing on a pad than I do on a stick. But I assume that will come with practice.

    This is, of course, all relative to Sega Saturn style pads. The standard PS pads are horrid for fighting games.
  5. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    I use my three middle fingers for P,K,G not my first two and thumb. I have strong fingers as I played piano and drums for eight years so for me it feels more natural and comfortable. To each his own.
  6. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    No maybe your mother is pretty stupid Unsafe DAn. SHE THOUGHT SHE WOULD'NT GET PREGNANT WITH YOU IF SHE KEPT THE DIAPHRAM IN HER MOUTH. Youre an idiot you ass. If you werent such a fruit, you'd realize that twice the frame window IS STILL LESS THAN HALF a SECOND. AND IT IS STILL EXECUTABLE WITH UNERRING ACURACCY ONLINE in DOA4. HALF A SECOND IS an extremely SMALL (small like your brain, and what shrivelled up pecker you were born with). amount of time to be executed in an online Match in DOA. YET TECMO can pull it off in DOA ultimate and DOA4. BUT AM2 console team LACKS the SKILL , vision or common sense to be able to implement an ONLINE mode in VF5.

    THE CONSOLE TEAM on VF5 are lazy JERKS. Thats why theres NO CINEMAS , no STORY MODE and NO ONLINE MODE. THEY EVEN TOOK OUT THE RECORD YOUR OWN REPLAY FEATURE FROM VF4. THEY are Lazy pricks I loved that old feature. THis thing is rushed and they

    So accoring to you Unsafe Dan because VF5s reversals have 12 frames shorter window its a "WORLD OF A DIFFERENCE" Uh, no it isn't you prick. Just tighten your timing up. So stop exaggerating , you ankle-biter. Youre quick to try to insult me hiding behind your computer.

    It's nice nice to see you have no life and memorize the frame rates reversal OF VIDEO GAMES, AND ADMITT IT IN PUBLIC. Your girlfriend must be really proud of you. Oh thats right, what girlfriend? You just use your left hand. You Brainless dunce, you helped prove my point for me. If there's Lag in DOA Utimate or DOA4, its obvious because the whole game moves slower, and the characters respond slower. Just disconnect and find a better match. And Midway had the INTELLIGENCE TO AUTODISCONNECT EVERY ONLINE MATCH WHOSE LAG GETS TO A SMALL LEVEL. THATS WHAT WE CALL INTELLIGENT PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING. AM2's C team they placed on the console planning could have used that. IF EVERY COMPANY CHICKEN SHITTED OUT to put online multiplayer in their games because "THERE MIGHT BE A LITTLE LAG" the games industry would be a shitty place. There are GREEN ping indicators for a reason. Did you see how shitty the quest mode map looks in VF5 PS3? Do these asswipes work 3 hour days or what?

    I can critcize short sighted CONSOLE conversions that were rushed and short on features as I see fit. THAT gives ICE 9 and UNSAFE DAN (unsafe because he is gay with AIDS) NO right to launch PERSONAL ATTACKS on me. ATTACK the ideas, noT the man, because I'LL slap you both like little girls and call you "SUSAN".
  7. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    There isn't a problem of implementing an online mode for VF. They feel its not good enough...

    You cannot play others remotely online... at the arcade in japan. You can see matches etc..

    You can save your own replays in VF5, I think you're referring to Tekken 5 maybe?

    Can people honestly stop with the childish name calling etc....
    Its rather boring to read and Myke has enough to deal with already..
  8. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Hey! Chill out.
    You both have different ideas about those frames being a huge difference or not. But still, it does not oblige you to actually be the one insulting others. To tell you the truth, I myself would like to see the online play, just to see if it really would be that bad as SEGA claims.

    Still, your post is full of speculations without evidence, not to say that You didn't just insult UnsafeDan, but also his family.
    Now, I dunno how people react to that in U.S., but where I live, If you insulted me, that's okay, You're the childish one. But for insulting my family... You'd be picking up your teeth from the floor in no time.

    Just don't let it anger You, it was just an example, I don't want You insulting me in the same infant way, okay? Cheers.
  9. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Hey Jide! You've registered to this forum on my birthday, 19th of September! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Just don't be mad, I am not gay or an idiot, just noticed that and thought it was funny :p
  10. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Ok GoDokunoDan, you're just coming off as a complete fucktard by coming in here and flaming like that. You obviously don't even know the difference between online and offline to begin with, and I'm guessing you've never fought one serious match offline in your life. Are you paying attention Dan? It's people like him that ruin online play and not people like me.
  11. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    holy crap, it really is master shake
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    So are you coming to Socal or not chicken little? It's a new game so everyone will be on equal footing. Let's see you put money where your potty mouth is you troll.
  13. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Now that is something I can agree with. Some online games are brilliant but you counter the weirdest, most retarded people with a headset..

    And it can ruin the experience completely. It's why I tend to play more with people I actually know than random people at times..
  14. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    I think I'll quote this entire post just to laugh at it again. I'm a loser with no life? Hahaha you just got insulted cause I corrected you over the internet. And this is how you reply? This is why nobody in this thread takes you seriously. I think you're the one hiding behind a computer, at least xyz tells us his location and his willingness to go offline. It appears to me typing on forms and yelling through a headset is as far as you're willing to go with any game.

    You seem to not understand the differences I'm pointing out. Lemme outline them in simpler terms:

    #1 DoA holds have more than TWICE the reversal time that a VF hold has.
    #2 DoA holds come out INSTANTLY, there is no start up. VF holds all have an execution period though it may be small.
    #3 DoA holds have a recovery of almost 8 frames or less, meaning if you miss time it, you have a good chance of still getting away with it. VF reversals have more than TWICE the recovery of DoA holds
    #4 DoA holds BREAK you out of stuns and guard breaks instantly, meaning half the time lag isn't even a factor, it's the fact that you can bust out that 22 frame long reversal anytime you feel like it.

    The very fact that you belittle frames and then flame me saying I'm a loser for memorizing them tells me you probably don't understand fighting game mechanics very well and have probably never played real people in DoA or VF offline.

    If you ever look at DoA4 or even DoAU online play lag is almost always there. DoA barely gets away with it because the DoA reversals are massive, and most timing issues in DoA are very lax compared to VF. Let me give you examples:

    #1 Izuna holds and throws can be preformed by simply spinning circles on d-pad and pressing throw when you see the "combo throw" sign, the only thing that is seemingly difficult to pull of is DoA4 Hayate Raijin, and most high level players pull this throw off with ease.
    #2 95% of all juggles in DoA usually revolve around something along the lines of PP4PP or PPPK. Not even lag can stop even the most unskilled players from preforming these combos.
    #3 Throws are unbreakable in DoA and execute and distrubingly fast speeds, there is no need to worry about ducking or throw escapes in doa cause half the time it's not even practical or simply impossible.

    Now look at what VF requires:
    #1 a ton of combos require extremely frame tight timing to even consider, a couple drops in the frame rate and you better kiss the damage goodbye
    #2 some characters like Akira require CD inputs and I can already see this getting inconsistent with online play
    #3 Akira in general I think would be a mess in online play.
    #4 ETEG and VF Fuzzy guarding as for well pretty much TE in general is just not practical in online play. Fuzzy guard isn't even practical in DoA online and it's stupidly easy to fuzzy guard in DoA
    #5 VF has a bigger variety in the frame data department period compared to DoA. Online DoA is basically "This move is punishable and this move is not". And since in brain dead DoA all you punish with is a throw there isn't much throught process involved. VF attacks can be "THis move is only throw punishable, this move is PK'able, this move is safe, but punishable on whiff/evade." Then you have moves that give you advantage on block which is non-exsistant in the Online DoA's to date.
    #6 In general, if you educate yourself more on the two games (for doa go to for vf check out all our strategy guides and posts) then this really shouldn't be much a of an argument. In VF you have things like Akira's knee with a 1 frame release that players at arcades spend months perfecting to use in actual combos which are seen in actual matches. In DoA you have Punch hold Hayabusa in which any reversed punch attack can be brain dead "d-pad spun" into 80-120 dmg or even more. Nuff said.

    You need to spend more time reading up and less time thinking up lame insults over the internet. Oh and look up tickets to the SoCal event. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Xyz: This type does make online really suck, but he's not a hardcore player or pretends to be. You are a hardcore player. Btw I was just talking to BlackxxxMamba and he said he wants a peice of you lol. According to him "there are no good DoAU players on anymore" so do me a favor and prove him wrong and I'll believe everything you say about your skill. I've played Mamba offline at EVO (granted it was my fav. version DoA3) and he is no joke in any DoA. Also, I appreciate the challenge but I'm an offline-ONLY player lol /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif I like to let my ego and skill show IRL and not through a mic.
  15. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    He's right by saying there are no good DOAU players online, but I quit playing that game online a long time ago. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif If he wants a piece of me though, tell him to name the time and place. My gamertag is Xzyx987X, same as my nick here.
  16. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Anyway GAMESPOT Just reveiwed THE NEAR FIANL build of VF5 on PS3, and they said you can ONLY RECORD MATCHES IN WATCH MODE, Com vs. COM, not player vs player. Which pretty much makes an entertaining feature in the previous iteration all but useless.

    And Xzyx987x I only flame when I am flamed. But when I do, I'll take off my enemy's head, torch it and piss on the ashes. I take no crap from anyone. Never did never will.
    "AnD I'M GUESSING YOU NEVER FOUGHT A SERIOUS MATCH IN YOUR LIFE" . Little boy, get a clue . Ive played probally thousands of offline matches in Vf since 1994 arcades, on Sega saturn , then Sega Dreamcast and PS2. So when you assume, you make an ASS of U and ME.

    AS for ice-9's challenge, I live In NYC dude. Sorry Im not that much of a geek to fly to the other side of the country to play a damn video game. That's too high on the nerd-meter for me. Im tooo cool for that. Now I've taken trips to california to see a couple girls I used to date in college, oh yeah, now that's worth the trip.

    Anyway have fun at that sausage fest tournament, Im sure you'll be in hog-heaven.
  17. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    i thought this guy was just a cartoon.

    omg he's real
  18. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Haha, damn, they're always from NYC, aren't they? I swear this is WARCHILD: THE SEQUEL.

    Reading comprehension: F. See me after class.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyway have fun at that sausage fest tournament, Im sure you'll be in hog-heaven.</div></div>

    God damn it, Plague, you didn't tell me about that "needing a penis" requirement for the tourney :mad:
  19. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I thought his 'living in NYC and unwilling to travel' sums up DOA quite well.
  20. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    ZERO chan, you're right, I WAS wrong. It wasn't gamespot who said you can NOT record your own player vs player replays.........................

    I WAS IGN!!!!
    I read both sites and forgot where I read it. AND THIS WAS based on the NEAR final Version of PS3 , so prepare to eat your words: Originally printed on IGN this WEEK:

    The remaining modes are all pretty self-explanatory. Users can hop into "Arcade Mode" and fight their way to the final battle with Dural or select "Versus" and battle a buddy or two. VF.TV is just the renamed "Replay" feature from VF: Evo, only you can't record your own matches -- you can only set up CPU vs. CPU matches and record what happens (or watch pre-recorded promo videos). The "Dojo Mode" is just another way to say "Training," and it allows you to either follow the inputs displayed to learn how to do specific moves or just beat up on a dummy to try out everything you've learned. Unfortunately you can't watch examples of how to perform moves before doing them yourself... but at least you can fight Dural here as many times as you want.


    They f-ed up the replay feature . The home conversion team are a bunch of brainless n00bs. All they got was the Graphics and gameplay right, but I think The arcade team really did all that heavywork. Its been built for PS3 from the ground up since the Arcade version was still in R&D. I just hope they get a better, more COMPETANT team to do the XBOX 360 conversion, and Microsoft forces them to include XBOX LIVE play.

    Again I didn't come here to fight. Somefanbboy attacks me because I criticized his favorite programmer, he will feel my wrath. Unsafe Dan took it upon himself to call me "really stupid" twice in one thread, all the while missing the point entirely.(Online play is NOT detrimental to gameplay timing). You're really brave to insult a stranger hiding behind your computer, try that with me in NYC in person and I'll punch you in your 5'5" ping pong playing face.

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