Virtua Fighter 5 Playstation 3 Version

Discussion in 'Console' started by Pai_Garu, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    IGN got it wrong.... You don't record anything in mode...
    It's a mode to watch replays that you've saved in vs mode..
    The game has replays on the disc already [from top players for each character just like evo] which gamespot mentioned on their on the spot program.

    You can watch how to do moves.. in command training [1UP's preview video showed you how to this]

    Lesson here : Game sites get things wrong. You haven't owned anyone you've just made yourself look silly and childish.
    MS can't force anyone to include XBOX live play. AM2 have said the PS3 version was ported from the Lindbergh version...
    If you didn't come out here to fight then let it go and enjoy vf5 the game hasn't even come out yet...
  2. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    I'm just waiting to know if the joysticks for the playstation 3 will make it here in the U.S,i'm hearing 2 will come out before VF5 hits stores,the "PS3 Arcade Fighting Stick" and also sega joystick
  3. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Well I sent IGN an email, we'll see which gaming site is accurate. Since all those tinkerbells at GAMESPOT play are mario games, my money's on IGN. Im surprised they showed VF5 on On the SPOT. I stopped watching that feature because all they reveiw are the gayest, effeminate games they can find, like paper Mario, A "CHEERLEADER SIMULATOR" on the DS, and crap like guitar Hero. Piss like that gets 15 minutes on their show, and real man's games LIke Virtua Fighter or RAINBOW SIX VEGAS OR BATTLE FIELD MODERN COMBAT get a quick 30 second blurb.
  4. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    No lie, gamespot actually spent 15 minutes reviewing a male cheerleader simulator, and it was an import. They are seriously impotent fruits. They spent 3 pages preveiwing VF5 but barely wrote a paragraph aboutits actual combat mechanics, as I bet they dont play the game and have no clue whats different from the last game.
  5. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    IGN is wrong, and you are wrong.
  6. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Shoot I hope IGN is wrong.
    Oh and Jeremy Dunham wrote the article for IGN, not me, so flame HIM. He obviously TRIED to record replays in a player Vs Player match and couldn't, why else would he specifically say you can only record COM VS. COM matches. That indicates he made some effort to do otherwise. Possibly the menus to record player matches were not intuitive, and he couldn't find the option, or his preview version of PS3 VF5 didn't have the option implemented yet.

    Anyway I'll know for sure when I buy my copy from my chinatown import store, they are getting the Jap version early, like the end of this month. To bad its offline though, or I'd commence kicking your cocky asses all over the net.
  7. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Get the hint, the people who told you that you are wrong have access to the game already. You CAN record replays of versus matches.

    Next time I'm in New York, I'll give you a call.
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    So you call my original statement to you a flame? " you even know the differences between reversals in DOA and VF? Stop sounding clueless, please." Guess what dude, your posts showed...

    1. You don't know the differences between reversals in DOA and VF
    2. You are clueless
    3. You are chicken little

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">AS for ice-9's challenge, I live In NYC dude. Sorry Im not that much of a geek to fly to the other side of the country to play a damn video game.</div></div>

    That's fine -- there are plenty of NYC VF players ready to rip you a new one. Look up Adam and let me know how sore your ass gets when he pummels it. And BTW, I will most likely be in NYC for a couple days sometime inthe next couple months for holiday with my girlfriend. Train up or get pwned.
  9. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    Several months ago one of those gaming websites had a preview article of VF5 and said that "players are digging the new evade button." When as we all know, VF5 never has had an evade button.

    It's funny how these sites are all saying how great VF is and how they've always been longtime fans, yet they can't even get their facts right, and watching their exclusive video footage of them playing each other clearly demonstrates that they have never played the game before.

    They're only jumping on the VF bandwagon now due to the lack of enthusiasm for DoA4 and Tekken 5. They know nothing.
  10. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    UM no actuallly I said the time difference between reversals was
    QUOTE "no more than a tenth of a second." Hennce you should probally be able to pull it off if VF5 were put online.

    Then POISON GAY DAN chimed in and clarified than DOA reversals have a 22 frame window, and VF have a (most of the time ) 10 frame window. So actually he helped prove my point its more like 2 tenths of a second different and in the context of the game , its minor difference. (Vf you have a 16.6 percent of a second window, DOA4 you have a 36.6 percent of a second window.) IM talking in REGARDS oF TIME of EXCUTION, not whether its a gauranteed hit if you miss a reversal and whether ALL moves in VF5 are reverseable or whether or not VF non reversable attacks make you auto evade(only Doau and DOA4 do, but we are neither here nor there). And all kinds of GAMEPLAY features that have NOTHING to do what Im talking about, whether VF5 would have been playable ONLINE or not with a cable connection or a VERIZON FIOS connection. MY bet is VF5 wouldve smoked on my VERIZON FIOS connection.

    So maybe I dont have to repeat that FIVE times before you get it, but given most people I've encountered here have the learning curve of a flatline, I doubt it. (MOST OF) You people keep missing the point, keep nitpicking every freaking Aspect of DAO ONLINE , and are missing the forest for the trees. They are just not getting it and causing us to argue in circles.
    It seems some have a lot of pent up frustration (from not getting laid, EVER) and see fit to attack new posters for voicing any opinion contrary to their own. Ah well.

    By the way ICE 9, I have VF2 still installed on my computer. Go buy a copy, give me your IP address , and ILL kick your monkey ass into next week.

    I DARE YOU!!!!
  11. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> By the way ICE 9, I have VF2 still installed on my computer. Go buy a copy, give me your IP address , and ILL kick your monkey ass into next week.</div></div>

    Do I know you? Does anyone *here* know you? I doubt you'd be able to kick my grandmother's ass, and she's bed ridden.

    Trust me, if no ones ever heard of you - you aren't that good.
  12. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Wow you fail, 22 frames isn't the only difference dumbass and I already pointed it out in the system. Not to mention if you haven't looked DOA4 ONLINE HAS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FRAME DATA SET THAN DOA4 OFFLINE. Buy yourself a master guide a take a look. The game functions completely different online, almost to point where really no one can take it seriously. Perfect Legend has to spend bank just to get good practice in the game by traveling cause *gasp* online is worthless.

    You're real funny talking about how we are insulting you behind a computer when we already told you how you can meet us IRL and "punch our 5'5 ping pong" faces. But it seems to me you're the real chicken shit sitting behind a computer making lame jokes about me and ice 9 being gay and never getting laid. Please grow up. It's pretty obvious nobody knows about you and since you live in NYC it makes it all that more obvious. Something tells me the reason why you want online isn't because you can't find human comp (once again NYC) but so you can continue your charade of chicken shit behind-the-mic threats that you probably do on DoAU/DoA4. You're type is really funny, talking about how you can kick a persons ass IRL and belittle technical knowledge and skill by saying "You've probably never got laid before". Real mature buddy.

    Please I'm calling you an idiot cause you are. You make uninformed claims, call the Sega AM2 console team incompetent when they probably do the best job out of any company in business. They don't add online play for you to jump on LIVE and yell at people that whoop your ass and further your pathetic ego. Do us all a favor, if you are so cool and get laid all the time than you probably have better things to do than play Virtua Fighter. But it's obvious you care quite a bit about wasting time on LIVE to play this game so maybe you can waste some time and go check out the NYC thread and meet real people. Until then keep thinking of insults cause no one really cares.
  13. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Even if I knew English better (and I think I know it quite well) I wouldn't put it in better words. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    And to tell you the truth, I noticed that it is possible to get laid regularly AND be able to practice VF AND have a normal social life without one thing interruptin or coliding with the other! Eureka !
    Fantastic news, isn't it? And a little advice.... teach your girlfriends to play. I did that, and I don't regret it, and never will /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  14. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    The Mastershake guy has issues. Everything that offends him gets accused of being homosexual - people, animals, inanimate objects... I wonder why he does this.
  15. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Duno, I always wonder why people act that way online myself.

    Anyway. Less than 30 days guys /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Less than 30 and we'll all be playing VF5. I'm so happy to hear about character profiles being transferable too.
  16. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Fighting games don't handle well online. The beef I had with Street Fighter 3 on XBOX Live and the lag on DOA is not even worth it. let VF be VF.
  17. gregor_thewolf

    gregor_thewolf Well-Known Member

    So the match recording is in, the move demos in... I wonder if the character intro clips are in the PS3 version somehow?
  18. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: Smarter AI vs. Online Play

    I say we pit Shang versus Masterpo.
    The psycho-crap talker versus the psychological-crap talker.
    We can call it "The Sicko-Psycho-Babble Rumble".

    Who can talk the most incoherent crap the longest?!!

    Who can make somebody's head explode first from reading their posts?!!

    Who has more talk and less game?!!

    gives a fuck??? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  19. ViperExcess

    ViperExcess Well-Known Member

    Re: Smarter AI vs. Online Play

    Ok, I'm starting to get tired of people bad-mouthing NYC. Enough of the stereotypes that people in NYC don't travel. We have a few, and I am the main figurehead for NYC offline play for DOA. When I feel ready and when I have some time, I will see if I get in touch with the VF crew here. We may end up seeing each other at web2zone, who knows?

    But one thing's for sure. I want the stereotypes to stop. I don't care if Master Shake is a bad example of NYC. I play offline, I travel for DOA, I hate online play, and at least I am an example that even in NYC, there's someone who plays offline and travels for DOA. I'm really hoping this community does not thrive on stereotypes of other fighting games or of certain places, because frankly, as many have said that DOA is trash already, I still like it a lot and I learn a lot from that game. It's just a different game for different people. If you like it, play it, adn if you don't then don't play it. I suggest people actually try it out offline first though before making judgments.

    Can no one actually play and support both DOA and VF to the fullest besides me? I am trying to get some of the DOA people into VF, and vice versa. And yes, knowing the technical stuff helps A LOT in both games. Then again, battle experience is just as important in both games. Just ignore the people who build up an ego from staying at home and realize that there are exceptions to every stereotype (in this case, the NYC stereotype and the DOA stereotype).

    I am not the only one who travels for offline play in NYC AND supports both games. There are a few of us, but we're still around strong when we can be, and I'm always recruiting for more people offline.
  20. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: Smarter AI vs. Online Play


    No one is bad mouthing NYC offline play or NYC at all. We are simply pointing out mastershake here lives in NYC yet complains that no Online kills the game for him. It's all him not NYC dude. Chill out, this concerns VF play and players not DoA.

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