Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by TaC, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Offtopic, but after reading below, I choked on my late night or early morning dinner.

    Honestly, Empnova, take a step back. Look at every single posts you have written since then. Immediately, read the quoted statement above.

    Having opinions of a game and expressing it is fine, but wouldn't it be better and more beneficial to objectively analyze a game for what it is in itself than to have COUNTLESS opinionated and subjective posts on the SAME EXACT THING. If you still don't understand what you are doing or you feel adamant that you should be posting the same drivel every time, I will be more than happy to remedy the situation.
  2. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    I think the whole slew of changes in FS are a calculated tactic . It's as if Sega is running short on ideas , so they add all these changes their main user base will hate. So when VF6 rolls around, Sega can play the hero and say, "Hey look everybody, We brought back they VF5 C gameplay you love!" Throw clash will no doubt return.

    I need to asks this: are there any characters in Final Showdown that can do special attacks only when sideturned ? THAT is the change I WANT to see. I need to know before commenting further.
  3. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    I'm sure everyone will adapt if this hits consoles. I can't in any way imagine this being Tekken 6 bad. Sure multiple throw escapes were cool but, it's not the end of the world. Even in scrubby games like DOA, you are still gonna have a top tier of players online etc, so no worries.
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    VF still has several important elements that raise it above tekken.

    + Guard button. Seriously. It makes movement, inputting, buffering, etc all gameplay much easier and cleaner. You can clear the buffer from inputs you didn't want with it. You can input things while blocking, making the gameplay look 'sharp'.
    Ability block without walking backwards which annoys me greatly in tekken. Ability to block faster while stepping. Etc etc.
    I hate the feeling of 'uncertainty' and unvoluntary movement that comes from having to use the stick for everything in tekken. Kind of like SDE buffered within guard > non-buffered SDE.

    + evade-throwescape. Well, its still going to be there even with only one throwescape.

    + attacks beat throws. Obviously Im a pro-clash person, because clash created limitation and forced the player to think what they are doing. However at the core its important that attacks beat throws.
  5. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Even in scrubby games like tic-tac-toe, you are still gonna have a top tier of players online etc, so no worries.

    And since i linked to the Perry Bible Fellowship here's a quick photoshop [​IMG]

  6. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, but if anything isn't VF5:FS just a step closer to VF4/Evo gameplay? I mean I never played these games so I don't want to come across as being ignorant not knowing the gameplay mechanics but I heard that VF4/Evo had the following:

    1. No throw clash
    2. Fast throws only allowing you to fuzzy at like -2 or -3.

    You complain about all the new launches and no throw clash and shit but listen I have saw Evo Akira played and I have saw for myself that his shoulder ram launches and is apparently even more evasive than VF5 Vanilla shoulder.
  7. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    Is is possible that the (throw) defence system has just changed? from being one that required great technique to use Evade Multiple Throw Escape Guard with yomi? to now being one that requires fast reflexes and yomi? like using reversals.

    If VF:FS has indeed removed zero frame throws; is it now safer to hold guard in more situations? Allowing safer fuzzy guard against the non-guard break attacks (without risk to 0f throw) in the first mixup. While also allowing for a reaction (TEG) to a unique throw animation, if the first mixup was a throw. But without removing the defensive options of movement, reversal or abare, if the mixup was non-reversable or a guard breaking attack.

    Or have I completely misunderstood the the defensive system changes in FS?
  8. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    By that logic, Tekken 5 was a failure.
  9. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    You must be doing some kind of drugs when you post. Seriously, what world are you living in? My aim is not to insult you but when you start to compare the VF series to the very first (and maybe last) version of an action/adventure/RPG game... umm, yeah, I'm not sure you're all there.

    VF5 DID NOT SELL WELL ON EITHER CONSOLE. PERIOD. This is reality, this is what happened. In this world that you describe where a game remains uncomprimising for it's next venture even though it SOLD LIKE SHIT during it's previous iteration... that's not good business.

    You seem to live in a dreamworld, hence why I asked about the drug use. I work in corporate but even when I was a teenager working at places like KFC and White Castle (lol) I had enough business sense to know that when something isn't working it's time do something different.

    Look, change is inevitable. I understand that you want to hang on to this past where you played the perfect fighting game and maybe you were living in a simpler time, rent-free while mom cooked and cleaned for you but... it's over.
    IT HAS TO.
    Not only because it's good business sense, but when another fighting game starts to steal your fanbase and sell copies like hotcakes it's obvious that if you want to run a succesful business you've got to look at your product and
    a)take out some of the things that consumers have been complaining about
    b)put in some of what consumers seem to be flocking to.

    VF can still remain VF but if it has to be simplified in order for it to thrive, does that make it a non-VF game?
    Is VF's complexity what makes VF, VF?
    Even a "simple" fighter like SSF4 has layers of depth.
    "Complexity" is not a high selling attribute for video games.

    We live in a fast food world and VF is adapting.
    It's not for certain that simplifying VF will bring in more fans and make Sega more money but

    It's either simplify the game or make it even more difficult to play. Which change do you think will sell more and draw in a wider audience?
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I've Played Each and Every version of VF and All Evo and FT is not the be all end all. If you think Evo is better than 5 then You fucking Retarded. Evo was good no doubt but its not better than 5. you seem to love/Think so because evo does'nt have clash so you can attack you way out of getting thrown.The only thing i like in Evo/FT is the speed of the game. I like VF3TB's style better than 4 but i appreciate what 4 did to make even battles. Now Did i say it was better overall hell no. It always seem like your trying to shit on 5. All of the people who stopped before Vanilla 5 probably just got a life.
  11. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

  12. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    I like VF5 the best. I want VF5:FS. SEGA can cure all there woes and problems by releasing the game on console and see how the game fairs. If it dies, it dies.
  13. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I agree. I think this is the heart at the truth of the matter. VF (for a myriad of reasons) is slowly falling into a narrower and narrower niche for gaming, and fighting games at that.

    Sega would gladly (and rightly so) completely scrap everything we love about VF, cast + stages + fighting engine + etc., and replace it with a bag of garbage if it meant they'd sell 10 times more copies, if it meant they'd blow the doors off of sf, tekken, doa, and whatever.

    Its business. The goal of the business is to move product and make profit. They'll try to do that by any means necessary, and they should. Wether that means bastardizing the franchise to draw in a larger market share, or completely abandoning it in favor of other more profitable ventures.

    all that being said, all we can do is hope that there is considerable overlap b/w maximizing the profit of the game, and maintaining the integrity of the product we love. And its only natural to feel slighted and bitter when they discard what is best for "us" in favor of what is best for "them." [note: i'm not arguing that they are the least bit competent in going about this process]

    p.s. this has bugged me for a while. Empnova, i don't know if you do it on purpose or if you are this way in real life, or if its just how you come across b/c of internet interactions. You agitate people on here b/c you come across as someone who is incredibly full of him/herself. You treat other peoples facts as if they were opinions, and paint your own opinions as facts.

    Again, you could be the coolest person ever IRL, who knows. But even the occasional: "IMO," or "i see what you are saying, what about this? do you agree?" Would go a long ways to making you sound less arrogant, like you think you are above everyone else on this message board and are doing us a charitable favor by coming in to condescendingly straighten us out.
  14. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    lol, that sounds good. But if sega dumps a bunch of money into making a console release, then it flops and dies, they haven't begun to cure all there woes. in fact, they just created a whole host of new woes to deal with.

    (and whoever made that decision probably loses his job as part of the bargain.)
  15. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    oh, and just to show that i dont' think i'm above it all...

    COOOME ON SEGA!!!!!!!! GIIIIIIIIIIIIVE USSS VF:FS PLEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSEEEE. YOU WON'T BE SORRY. (and even if you are, who cares, at least i'll have vf:fs to play)
  16. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    But speaking of guaranteed throw only situations, I assume there now simply a case of 1 out of 3 guess for the defender, which the attacker would probably take most of the time. In VF4 those situations were very interesting. Depending on the character used (how many throw directions they have) and the ability and knowledge of the defender the attacker might still be able to enforce a guessing game (eg with Wolf) or might try to delay throw to nullify their TE skills (if their character has only 3 throw directions). If the defender anticipates this delay they might try to throw/attack instead of inputting TEs.

    However from the looks of things I don't think there's anywhere near as many throw only guaranteed situations in FS as there were in VF4.
  17. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Guys i think we are missing something. SEGA produces games for ARCADES, that's why they worked so hard in vf series. In the other side we have the Producers who gave up about the arcade dimension, like Tekken and SF which, now, are just a game to sell in the console area. Sure Capcom is producing ssf4 for arcades now, but honestly: without a local test, and some correction with the player's opinions, how good can be a game? Sure it can be good but not good as a vf. I'm not talking about the game itself but about caring in the whole game. VF is a great game because players in the arcade aren't just people who put the coin in the machine, but tester to let the game be better.
    Now SEGA is aiming to something different, nobody knows how it will be without a magic sphere.
    But i'm sure about a thing, complaining without the game in ours hands (it's not sure it will come to consoles), and comparing it to SF, TEKKEN X, Soul Calibur x, etc, is something not fair.
    VF is a bran born for arcades, and there is developed.
    All of this is imo.
  18. KillerApple29

    KillerApple29 Member

    It's gotten to the that point I'm tired of waiting. Either give me the game or, tell us you are planning to only have it as an arcade game.
  19. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    TGS or bust is my stance. I'm hopeful, SEGA said two hardcore titles TBA. So, hope is one is VF5:FS. Until TGS or an early announcement, I'll be playing BBCS and T6. But when I get word on a port, its all VF5 till VF5:FS hits!
  20. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I disagree with pretty much all of this. AM2 make games for arcades. SEGA makes and publishes everywhere. I'd also imagine that both Tekken and SF have more people playing them in Arcades worldwide than VF does.

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