Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by TaC, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. Mastamune

    Mastamune Member

    The biggest thing with getting VF known, is they need to push how easy it is to play, but how deep the system is. Honestly, not too many people know about VF because sega doesn't push it as hard as Tekken or SF.

    VF4 should have been the turning point for the series. On PS2 if they would have marketed it right, it would have taken the wind out of Tekkens sail. Instead, they let Evo drop without even a whisper and it was vastly superior to Tekken. Tekken even began jacking the character customization from VF.

    They need to highlight certain things.
    1. How easy but deep the system is. I honestly didn't understand how deep and impressive this game was until I started playing as Goh.
    2. How vast the character customizing options are.
    3. How balanced the fighters are. Tekken has serious balance issues and SF has slight issues as well. Whenever you pick up a character in VF you never feel disadvantaged.
    4. Making the story matter more. You want more players to buy it? improve on the character interactions. Hire better voice actors. Put fricking subtitles for the characters that only speak Japanese, Chinese or whatever. I never get the feeling that Akira has rivals because he doesn't do anything special when you fight Wolf or Kage.

    this is just my two sense. I know gameplay is important, but a cheeseburger without ketchup isn't a cheeseburger.

    Its a meh burger.
  2. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    you guys do realize that sega AM2, the developer of VF5FS, do not read the posts in this thread, and the things you write are a waste of space?

    im just curious. theres hundreds of posts like the one before, all about story, voice acting, kangaroos, beach volleyball, etc..

    sega makes awesome games, yakuza 1, 2 and 3 are all great, so its valkyria, great story and voice acting, sold about 10 copies. maybe its time to stop talking shit
  3. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Member

    This is something I think vets in general should say when pitching VF to potential new players. They always manage to get the "system is sooooooo deep" part out, but never the "manageable and easy to play" part.

    When (if) FS does come out, I am going to try to pitch it to as many people as I can. Hopefully I can snare somebody.
  4. mahmood1982

    mahmood1982 Well-Known Member

    Waiting for e3. My hopes of seeing vf5fs is all there. Well at least an arcade release news even I will not have any chance playing it.
  5. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    If you have to beg someone to play a complex game, they wont be good at it and arent worth playing.
    I'd rather play against a few excellent players than thousands of shitty ones. It's not my job to pitch VF , it's Sega's. Alot of the people that just jumped on the bandwagon at VF5 jumped on the other bandwagon when Tekken 6 BR came out. If someone has to convince you to play VF , you wont be interested for long. It's really not worth recruiting players in that respect.
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Member

    Maybe I should have been clearer. I am not talking about begging anyone to play anything. I am talking about what I am going to do if I come across a couple of those players who have always been on the fence about VF. The people who always wanted to try it but for one reason or another never did. The keyword is "I". What I said above about people "pitching VF" was really just a general suggestion if they happened to find themselves in the same situation.
  7. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    You won't be able to play those complex players in future if the game series dies on console.

    Also, some of those shitty players will become decent players, and a few will become good players. You were shitty once.
  8. Wargod

    Wargod Member

    Sega isnt going to have to promote anything, im a high level tekken player and im switching to VF because im tired of scrubbs getting compensation and non skilled 2nd chances.

    Alot of players including myself are all jumping to VF with the next release, and im being serious there are at least 45 in my state alone that have said and sworn to the same thing....

    All this SF4 ultra shortcut motions and childish inputs and auto correction, and tekkens rage system and shitty sidestep/sidewalk engine are in my opinion driving more people to the more sturdy VF engine
  9. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    That is great to hear dude I lost interest in Tekken long ago for the reasons you mentioned and VF quickly became my favorite game overall. When VF5FS comes out it will be a great time for all of us, I can't wait. [​IMG]
  10. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Please never vocalise this. Sega are shit at and never advertise. Next thing you know Final Showdown gets the famous SEGA stealth release and then they bitch when it sells 150K units worldwide. We need them to advertise this game hard. And not with stupid stuff like sponsoring Arsenal Football Club. (Cheers for the £12mill though SEGA [​IMG])

    waits for feck to bite[/size]
  11. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I didn't know Vf5 was coming out until I seen the demo on XBL.

    Even then I only knew about it because people on my friend list were playing it.
  12. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    My 1st experience with VF was VF3 and the movement there didn't feel slow and awkward at the beginning due to there being a dodge button. That button could also be used for dashing so a beginner while obviously not being able to Korean Step (sort of a forerunner to the Minami Step) could still get about smoothly and easily. That changed in VF4 when they took out that dodge button and basic fast movement required more dexterity and knowledge of what canceled what.

    Although I was impressed with VF3 and wanted to get good at it I was never really able to figure it out. I wasn't at first keen on some of the changes in VF4 (removing dodge button, change of art style, Taka gone, flat stages). The game did look good in the arcade (I think Casino arcade was 1 of the first places to get it outside Japan) but the PS2 version looked pretty bad and due to the switch in art style very bland. This is also where the game first stared feeling slow and stiff to me and I might have felt like giving up on it (especially with no competition for this game and the AI being rubbish) but what was crucial in convincing me was the match replays on the disc. It wasn't easy to see high level play in those days so those matches were a real eye opener. What stood out about them was they looked so fast and flashy and it made me realize that the game could be really fun and rewarding if the effort was put into it.

    VF4Evo was the turning point for me though. The game looked much closer to the arcade version now and the tutorials and challenge mode and AI were fantastic. Best of all there was now a load of competition for the game in London.
  13. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Member

    Why wait? VF5 is about $12 at Gamestop. [​IMG]
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Only grip about vf3 to vf4 was the flat stages. everything else was on point. Jacky flow charts in 4 worked better than 3.
  15. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    I agree. Sega doesnt have to do anything special for this game, they just have to keep doing what they do and we are all sorted. VF4 and Evo are the best fighters on the PS2. VF5 is the best fighter on the 360. Sega might be making shitty Sonic games but never a bad VF. I have full confidence that Sega could release VF on the Wii and make it good.

    Just dying to play R and FS tbh.
  16. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    The petition for FS gets mentioned by the VF producer here

    Judging by Google Translate he doesn't seem to say anything definitive either way, but it seems like FS (arcade) is close to being finished.
  17. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    I have it translated by Srider

    He quotes some people on his staff

    "Everyone's fired up thoughts have moved me, it is very warm, I'm very moved by it"

    "I will try my best in making a game that can fulfil the expectations of VF players both domestic and international"

    Personally I think the above is saying "Yeah we're making it but haven't announced it yet." Because it's not like we're going to get an Arcade version?

    They also mention that final showdown is being wrapped up now.

    So we should probably be seeing some location tests soon.

    I forgot to mention I would like to thank everyone for chiming in on the petition or who helped spread the word and of course Kamaage for his valiant effort on the Japanese side of things.

  18. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Some good news!
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] I must say... this feels good. Thank you to everyone that cares. Very cool, indeed.
  20. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I hope this is the first time an internet petition actually succeeds.

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