Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown at Evo + $15K

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Apr 30, 2012.

By akai on Apr 30, 2012 at 7:14 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG] The big announcement promised by Frank Hom has been finally revealed via Shoryuken! VF5FS is coming to this year's EVO!

    Sega is offering up to $15,000 in prize money!
    Top 16 to get paid!
    For those interested in attending Evo, please check the
    VF5FS at Evo 2012: Event Details and Trip Planning for the most up-to-date information.

    While this is wonderful news, we still don't know the exact date of when the console version of the game is being released! For more information on what is known about the console version, please check out the VF5: Final Showdown Console FAQ.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Apr 30, 2012.

    1. Kamais_Ookin
      Nah bro, you just failed the math that's all. I can see that talk isn't changing your mind so wait until evo and I'll let my results do the talking. Cool?
    2. Tricky
      Hey hey, don't be brining the the NYC crew into this. Our crew would wreak your crew! We roll deep son.
    3. Renzo
      Hi Rod

      I won't bash you <3
    4. JackyB
      Neat stuff, I just want the game.
    5. steelbaz
      Yup I just want the game too, hope everyone has fun at the tourney though, and a large turnout would be great. The prize pool wouldn't be much of an incentive for Japanese players as the cost of airfare and room and board would offset whatever prize money they won. I'm sure they'd show up just to compete more than for the loot.
    6. Shidosha
      money matches at evo? set em up!
    7. RadicalReactor
      I'm sad that I can't afford to attend, but I'm excited and glad to see FS make it to EVO (even though I really just wanted a release date for the actual game). Oh well.

      I hope everyone that attends enjoys themselves out there. This is a great opportunity to help the community grow.

      Best of luck to everyone, and I don't care who does it, but someone's gotta step up to the japanese players and give em hell!

      <3 VFDC!
    8. Feck
      Meh, this is probably the biggest thing that's happened to VF in years. Not like I disagree with anything in this thread but it just feels like if we're going to support the game then now's the time to do it.

      Also, I can't tell if Kamais is serious or just trolling [​IMG]
    9. Plague
      I will win.
    10. FallingEdge
      Plane ticket bought.
      Hotel booked.

      Playing VF at Evo. Fiesta in Vegas.

      I love it.
    11. neoKEN
      VF5:FS for Evo!

      REASON: To help clean up the bad pungent taste that is SFxT.
    12. Chief_Flash

      got a surprise call today from my boss saying i'm getting a bonus! hahaha! SEE YOU FUCKERS THERE!!! [​IMG]

      my reaction after the phone call...

    13. Brisal73
      A Chief Flash rematch will be fun.

      #1 Reason I am going... meet up and play VF with people I haven't seen in a while

      #2 Take in the whole VF scene and welcome new people to it

      #3 The tournament. I just want to place well, play against the Japanese, and have my guaranteed match up with Plague, which tends to always happen.

      #4 Michael Jackson Cirque [​IMG]
    14. Chanchai
      Glad Brisal and Flash will be there! Awesome news (and a great post by Brisal also)!

      Hope the VF events will be epic! Would be sweet if Sega had some VF parties happening around Evo--but I've never been to Evo so I have no idea how manageable things like that are. I'm already glad with what they've already announced anyways.

    15. sekaijin
      If you don't have the cash to go or you aren't motivated by the chance to have cash, at the very least, Sega is throwing their weight behind their game on the world's biggest platform. Japan has obviously dominated up to this point in large part due to the nature of their scene (arcades everywhere), but even that is dying in Japan. I was just in Tokyo three weeks ago and arcades are closing everywhere. Most people only even bother playing VF when it's either a) right before a big tourney (KS6) or b) when it's 2 credits for 100 yen (maybe one night a week at most arcades).

      Sega must see the writing on the wall and their efforts with the home version this time are clearly just getting started. If this event and the launch of the game on 360/PS3 are a hit then guess what, maybe we will see scenes develop here and Sega will (rightly) start focusing their development on the home/online scene.

      A product can only be sold where there is a market and their domestic arcade scene is dying fast. If you love this game and this scene then I don't see how you can be complaining about this event. If you don't have the cash to travel I hardly think that's Sega's fault. Enjoy the stream and pick it up when it's finally released. No tears!!
    16. sekaijin
      And Rodney--I will see your ass at EVO 2k13. And many nights of practice up to that day!
    17. tonyfamilia
      I was going to go but after reading what Rodney wrote I gotta admit, he's right.
      There is no sense in going, wasting all that money and for what? There is no chance of winning. There is no hope.
      What am I gonna do now, huh? It's all fucked up now.
      Profound sadness.
      I'll be supporting the stream along with Rodney and all of the other people who saw the light.

      I wanna say thanks to the "Coalition Against Supporting VF5FS In Evo Because The Japanese Will Slaughter Us" (C.A.S.V.E.B.J.W.S.U. for short) for helping me see the light.

      I mean, what I wanna know is, how many other events is the Coalition not attending and why?
      Did you guys post in the international events forums too?
      Please, share more.
      Your posts are so persuasive and detailed... but I think that you could do more. Maybe some graphs next time.
      Going into even more detail about the risk/reward ratio and just how fucking stupid and noobish anybody who's planning on going is.

      Yea you guys did some decent math for us as to why it's such a stupid idea to go and how the only people showing up will be noobs and all but what I really like is how you're really NOT trying to get people NOT to go.
      Oh no. Not at all.
      As convincing and even insulting, to those who are planning on going, those posts are... that's not what it's all about.
      They're about love, peace and hair grease and just expressing yourself and your opinions. I get it.

      I think I'm going to take a page out of the old C.A.S.V.E.B.J.W.S.U. playbook and go post in the Shadowloo Showdown thread about how I'm not going to that tournament.
      I will then state the numerous reasons why and proceed to insult any noob who's going or even thinks he's going to stand a chance of winning against Itazan or Fuudo.
      Hahaha, silly noobs.

    18. Sudden_Death
      lol you liked my analysis tony? good idea on the graphs! should of done that too. heh

      anyways, i think LA put this whole argument to an end earlier and I think people agreed to stop posting about the reasons they are not going as that might be seen as negativity. no need for the ultra sarcasm. Im afraid you just opened the case again. heh
    19. supergolden
      I really have not played VF at all in a few years but I am really excited for the home release and evo 2k12. I think it is gonna be a blast for everyone who is able to attend and will certainly get more people playing the game.
    20. Renzo
      How about this:

      If you wanna go, go. If you don't, don't.


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